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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

This was a rebuke to Sennacherib, the king who openly challenged Yahwehs ability to save Israel from their enemies. Intrusive thoughts are the unwanted and repetitive thoughts, images, or urges that come into ones head against their will. The Jews answered Him, saying, For a good work we do not stone You, but forblasphemy, and because You, being a Man,make Yourself God.. And the high priest answered and said to Him,I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God! Jesus said to him,It is asyou said. It makes you feel like you have to solve it or do something to make it go away. But by all means, they had to stop their ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit! I just feel lost. We do try to earn our salvation. Because I feel rejected, it must mean nobody likes me. Please feel free to email me about it if you have any questions. I've been seeking the Lord about the repetitive thought I have that says (four letter word) the Holy Spirit. I very recently worked with a Hindu client who had severe blasphemous thoughts about her gods. Your article was extremely helpfulI believe that this was Gods way of showing me that intrusive thoughts and OCD were not me. I mess up the words sometimes and then the sentences become things I dont mean. Blasphemous Thoughts: The Ultimate Guide (Updated 2020) - If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request a quick prayer for myself and everyone else who's been having these unwanted thoughts. I keep speaking the name of Jesus each time they popped up. Everything you said in your comments, go to the park and tell God. I highly recommend his book, which will answer much of your concerns. . I had never read them before today. Even the possibility of the 'unforgivable sin" until I read this article and realized that I wasn't alone. I don't know where they came from because it just started some months ago, out of nowhere. This is why He had to die Himself for us. They caused great fear and anxiety. What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? | Occasionally I was daring God to come down and face me as a human. Why, thank you so much for reminding me! After a really long time in this environment, she will begin to have periods of depersonalization, where she feels emotionally numb, disconnected from her personality, and may have out-of-body experiences. For example, thoughts of this nature can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, which may cause people to avoid the thoughts or even engage in behavior that contradicts their religious beliefs. Our thoughts are futile. How this is a deliberate, final searing act of defiance and rejection so great, its as if angels in heaven denied the Holy Spirit; that is how deliberate and severe this act is. This is typical OCD. Id rather settle my fears by finding all that scripture says about something and hopefully finding safety in balancing that, rather than asking how certain I am something is true, and becoming comfortable with that. (His mothers namewasShelomith the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.) Earlier when Jesus was confronting the Pharisees who attributed his work to Satan, Jesus said this: If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. I want to love the Lord (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit) like I used to. The things He said and did as the Son of God were appropriate but if any other human being would have done them, it would have counted as blasphemy treason against God. God bless you for this relieving and helpful article too! Im exhausted and terrified. Can u pls help me and guide me? and what worries me is because this thought was almost similar to that passage of the Pharisees and the unpardonable sin, Im in a similar boat I think I probably lost my salvation when I thought something on purpose to try to make it less scary. Thank you for describing my situation! The book is "Strivings Within - The OCD Christian: Overcoming Doubt in the Storm of Anxiety.". If youre looking for one-on-one support, you can also consider getting therapy from an OCD specialist on the NOCD app. Once committed, it cannot be undone. My blasphemous thoughts were a lot about the Holy Spirit and bad thoughts about Him. We have seen how intrusive thoughts are Repetitive, Unwanted, and Meaningful now we will see that they are also viewed as being very Powerful (RUMP). Even when I felt confused, stressed, and angry, I blamed myself. You wrote: "The litmus test to know if you are a truly reprobate person or merely a scrupulous person is toask how often you come back to God to seek reconciliation.". Carolynn on Twitter: "Unholy Commandments of Sacred Blasphemy 5. Thou Please pray for me. The first time this happened to me was when I was only 17 years old.I was a devoted Christian my whole life and truly valued my relationship with the Lord.When this intrusive thoughts happened I had no idea where it was coming from,it had just started happening before an extremely important exam.I was in a constant battle against my thoughts.And my anxiety and fear just got worse by the day.It lasted at a point where I became emotional exhausted that I could not even get out of bed for my exam.It was the worst fear ever,because I thought that Jesus has left me,even though in my deepest midst I know this isnt true,because He said never will I leave you,nor forsake you.I had no one to tell or talked to because I felt so ashamed and discusted with myself.All I could do was cry,sleep and cry out to the Lord for help ! Many of them experienced social difficulties and even persecution when they began doubting their beliefs. I wouldnt consider it anything to worry about. If you reject the Son of Man out of some misunderstanding, the Holy Spirit can forgive you, but when you reject the Holy Spirit, youre sawing off the branch on which youre sitting, severing by your own perversity all connection with the One who forgives.. I constantly feel like I have to work to keep my salvation. However, when it comes to willful, purposeful blasphemy, there are a number of factors involved. Eventually, we will build up a higher tolerance for these uncomfortable thoughts and they will bother us less. And would feel my heart beating very fast sweating with my mind almost shutting on me. A common phenomenon experienced alongside scrupulositys blasphemous thoughts is a feeling of numbness. It may be that you need to patiently learn your Heavenly Father who loves you, and let go of the Angry God who wants to harm you. Is that ocd? I am 20 years old now. The Pharisees by their words were denying the true work of the Holy Spirit. But for people with OCD, these unwanted thoughts are sticky. Without me wanting that.So yeah i think i will burn. In spite of that they willfully decided to attribute that work to Satan. Psalm 94:11 tells us that God knows our thoughts are futile. They are not the same, and you can see the difference in Ephesians 4:2931, where Paul says, Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. For about two months now, i have been having questions about; who created Jesus Christ?. Its the brains shutoff mechanism. Andauthority was given him over everytribe, tongue, and nation. Same I wish someone wrote a book about this bc reading the comments were all going through THE SAME THING AND FEELINGS! It started with a thought that popped into my head about Jesus Christ and then I got worried it was blasphemy and before I know it the same thought but about Holy Spirit popped into my head. I was finally out of my room and able to get out again. Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord but cant seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? Then worship Him. I feel like I'm not sure what are my thoughts and what are intrusive thiughts any more. In fact, there are a number of biblical tests of a true prophet, which would include, 1. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. And so he perished. And as I apologise the more the intrusive thoughts pop out so it never ends. After listening to his videos and reading his books my life has never been the same. I was lying there in bed when I started praying and it popped up so I decided to google it. I really want to repent from this scrupulosity but i feel like overtime, my thoughts gets worse, to the extreme that I'm starting to think I've done worse than the scribes and the pharisees. I've just returned to my religious life kinda 1 month ago, and the scrupulosity soons follow. However, there are also passages where we are warned about what brings sin into our hearts and where we have been commanded to ask for forgiveness. Jaimie, This is very help full to me I believe I will be clean from this thought Because I am a daughter of holy trinity, I also have these blasphemous thoughts about god or Holy Spirit, but they bother me for the whole day, they dont ever stop, so I usually find myself repeating words saying I love god shaking my head or even trying to harm my self to make them stop, its very trying and depressing, Im not how I used to be when I first started to get real with god, I was happy peaceful and free, but now I feel Im in a dark dungeon and cant get out, sometimes, sometime I even accident blurted some thoughts about Jesus and the Holy Spirit trying to stop these thoughts which made the whole situation even worse Im glad to know there is people that go through the same thing I do, and this article was very helpful I hope these thoughts that we have can stop one day, god bless . This type of scary religious thought -- conviction about something new -- may apply to you if: The scary thoughts of conviction probably don't apply to you if: If you think your uncomfortable doubt is a legitimate conviction, don't run from it. Hi Aurora, I cannot say this with 100% certainty, as I have not made a representative statistical sampling of the broader scrupulosity community, but in the cases that I have seen, intrusive thoughts were not related to demonic possession. It was not ego-syntonic. Im glad it was encouraging for you. I told them I wasn't ready yet they said no you are ready. Wow, what a privilege, to meet Godand yet, He met God in an incredibly intimate way when his own feelings were radically off. Please go back and read this story. Hello! The human frame is language based, and (mental) verbal habits - as well as picture ones - are natural. I don't feel repentant so to speak, but I say sorry. Oh my! Its gotten to the point where I began to overthink and literally would feel condemnation and make me believe that I had desires of other stuff and make my question am I really like that ? We hurt together when you hurt. I feel like my thoughts were from scrupulosity but Im not sure. Heres the thing from the moment we are born, we start swallowing information from the world around us. And i had many people dreaming of me dying. Mockery is a powerful and often fast-acting tool against intrusive thoughts, but may not be helpful to you in the very beginning when you are still getting the hang of exposure. I'm afraid I've messed up my life so badly there's no hope. Then I told God well, If I did the unpardonable sin please dont let me be a reprobate because I want to be used so others can be saved. I had said this to God before the woman at the church, prophesied over me. Also a very good friend of mine told me I needed to ask forgiveness for rejecting grace which was the last thing I ever wanted to do. I just want to say thank you for this article. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. I'm not sure how to tell my parents don't want to disapoint them. The disciple Peter cut off a man's ear. Blasphemy of the Spirit | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at A quick background on me: I do have subclinical levels of anxiety and traces of OCD behavior (very minor). There they also sent up theirsweet aroma and poured out their drink offerings. Its a very painful place to be but not a hopeless place. Thats why to blaspheme the Holy Spirit has to be an act of the will, not a passing ignorance. People arent inspiredthe BIBLE is inspired. Lets answer these questions and learn more as we look into this very important topic of blasphemy. You who abhor idols,do you rob temples? Ive been really numb not just with this but with everything in my life. Mocking our intrusive thoughts can sometimes deliver such a powerful blow that the thoughts go away almost immediately but like all techniques, it has its limitations and may not be appropriate for every single blasphemous thought. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But instead, they became slaves. I'm guessing God may have allowed you to deal with Blasphemous thoughts so that you could relate to people like me. God understands and extends His mercy. Youprepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;Youanoint my head with oil;My cup runs over. I am so scared. Your unkind words/thoughts don't stop Him from being God. It started after I cursed God in 1994. When I pray these thoughts keep coming and it's hard to pray because I feel like I am not being honest. Its never too late to receive forgiveness. The passages that give the background story are in Matthew 12:22-32 and Mark 3:20-30. He resolved to live in dependence on his Father and the Spirit's power (Luke 4:14). im scared of being numb and just allowing these thoughts while not being emotional about them. You are using an out of date browser. I know that is why my mind completely cleared, because I let it all go and trusted God's word. Only God can do that, they thought so Jesus must be committing blasphemy. I also was laughing when he was saying blasphemy combined with other swear words and felt bad and kept telling him to stop and told him I know he has tourettes and its hard to control it but yeah. Be willing to submit yourself to the Word of God, even if it's teaching you something new or at odds with your faith community. But because I constantly get horrible thoughts whenever I read it. I didn't know that this was a thing. I have cried out to God many times about this and I don't know what to do. He is the One who created us, saved us, and rules us. All rights reserved. In that case, even though our thoughts are sinful and we are given the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from the Lord, our thoughts of unbelief remain a possibility. Well many stepped forward and the pastor said, see you are not alone. I pray for you to be healed from this, I pray for peace and renewal of mind over you in Jesus name I pray amen. Now the second time I felt like I truly blasphemed happened in my bed when I woke up. What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit | Reformed Bible Studies This can do much to break OCDs insistence on absolutes. As i m feeling numbness with severe depression. And, how can I know for sure I don't have it? You are a wolf in sheeps clothing. However, the key to forgiveness is repentance. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. He will never lose no matter what and even the peoples failures in the Bible such as King David, Paul and even Jacob has brought people hope. Can you remember bits of old poems that you can trot out? If a person want to sincerely know about Jesus then share your faith but if a person wants to argue religious beliefs end the conversation. Even when I try to say that the devil performing miracles doesn't make sense because he can't do the genuine miracles that Jesus did, a nonsensical thought saying that God let him pops up. Repent. Steven, please find a local Catholic church and make an appointment to speak with a priest ASAP. "The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit." One more text, Luke 12:10: "And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." Hi, Sam, What you have described is how many people with scrupulosity feel. I have been tormented for months now. An intrusive thought is a name for something that happens when you have certain mental health disorders. I learned about the unpardonable sin right after I asked Jesus in my heart. I thank you for describing this for me and helping me to not feel like a monster that is dammed for hell. Now I picture the thought looking at me from a dark forest while I eat and laugh with the Holy Spirit in His Light and I respond back with mockery saying yes that and I will have the most beautiful intimacy and be the Bride of Christ. Do I need to apologise to God and the people who I hurt when I had intrusive thoughts about them? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. When I got back home it came back.. What was a great insight is that it CAN go away. I've been struggling with this for weeks after going through a very difficult and stressful season of my life. I felt at peace, but something in me got kind of curious. The next day the comforting spirit was gone. Spiritual trauma is one of the six hit categories I talk with my clients about it is the least common of the six, but when it is present, it can be very impactful. New blasphemous thoughts/images appear in my mind such as proclaiming the devil as good when I meant to say bad and saying that he's god and say in my head that Jesus is God over and over again. 2. They labeled. I was typing so fast from my cell phone and did not re-read the comment before posting. I then started getting unwanted thoughts along the lines of say you blasphemed the Holy Spirit or just blaspheme the Holy Spirit. But let me share a secret with you: religious OCD is a car that runs primarily on emotions. I know I still believe in God and I want a relationship with Him. Please remember that God really loves you and Jesus knows your heart. I dont want to give but Im scared that I have. Kind David and others had many times when they felt that God wasn't with them. 3. Thanks for your article and to all of you, hang in there and let God. Id encourage you to take a look at it. But then I started doubting salvation and have thoughts of unbelief. Hi My name is Oje possible i have been suffering this unwanted blasphemous thoughts for so many years. I just want to really believe it in my heart .my pastors tell me what God says to them about me all the time. I think I'm a bad person. And I didnt even know anything of their book nor I know much of bible but I only know I have a lot of faith in jesus but they made me doubt my faith and even made me take action. He continued to do this after me encouraging him to stop and then eventually made a sexual joke about God and the Holy Spirit. She told me that this passage meant a lot to her because all the intrusive thoughts were telling her, there is no help for you in God. But she had to press on in faith and recognize that God is a shield to us, the one who lifts up our head and gives us hope. You can talk to him about ANYTHING. Thank you Jamie, this is helpful, but Im finding its dangerous reading about forms of scrupulosity that I dont (yet) have, because some of the horrors Im reading here might give me ideas! The Unforgivable Sin | EWTN They happen constantly and I'm afraid I'm not feeling conviction the same way I used to, so I'm scared I'm not feeling it at all. God understands the thoughts that pass through our minds when we are struggling with a mental health disorder. When Bartimaus came, it was for physical healing. Then he read a verse about fasting, so he began skipping two meals per day. And this is something I'm having a problem with for around 1, 2 years or something. However, after I found so much peace for so long and finally found my most loving self I feel like God is constantly condemning me for listening to Wayne Dyer. 10 years!! Yes, the content of our intrusive thoughts is not important at all. I was raised as a catholic yet had a family member introduce me to christianity. Here are a few of the most common ones: Does this sound like what youre experiencing? After I finally was exhausted, frustrated, and had literally no one who related to me. Please forgive me and help me find a better way of dealing with it in the future.. I know exactly what you mean. Oh my! So another important point about intrusive thoughts is that they are believed to have power (even though they do not). I pray strongly everyday 2 to 3 time a day for God to forgive me for my thoughts and dreams. Thank you! The key to repentance is conviction. The temptation to say something bad about Holy Spirit can happen to anyone. Over the next few years I cursed God and cursed Jesus because of how my life was. This cookie is set by Youtube. Do you have a tip I could use? Having these unwanted thoughts is not a sin. They bother us because we don't agree with them nor like them. Try it. Since you were fighting the war and putting stress on yourself by doing that, by winning or losing, neither side matters, the thing that matters is that it put an end to the warfare of stress which gave you relief. We treat God as if He is a human being like usI think all of us know complicated people who will unfriend you for talking about that one specific thing that bothers them. This doesnt mean truth is relative or that I would endorse postmodern philosophical foundations. This is where compulsions enter the picture the second attempt to fix blasphemous thoughts. Most spiritually inclined people are deeply enmeshed in a religious community. They were terrified, as you can imagine. I have thoughts that say so and so believe in the devil or have done something bad when i know all is not true. Now I understand that it is not my thoughts, it is the condition and that God understands. I'm not sure if I'd cry or feel deeply sad when asking for forgiveness. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? That created anxiety from suppression. I would fight and fight against them but never left. I'm confused too. In church, I experience a feeling of being different and that I dont. Intrusive thoughts are Repetitive, Unwanted, and now we will see that they appear to have Meaning. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. And its pretty tiring. I won't repeat some of the things I said. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. So, that's a problem. He loves us so much He sent His precious son to die for you. Blasphemous thoughts are scary because they seem powerful enough to change our status from saved, beloved, chosen by God to the very opposite. God loves you more than you can imagine. First of all, the scrupulous person will begin with obsession. What are your thoughts on this? When the disciples came, it was for worldly honor and position. Even if you make mistakes, God will lovingly pursue you to heal the relationship and will wait for you like the father of the Prodigal Son. I do not hate the Holy Spirit but I still find myself thinking these horrible thoughts. Dont let that be you, Amy. Does this verse even APPLY to us? I have no clue WHY this happens, but Ive talked to others who have thoughts that coincide with certain sounds, movements, or breathing patterns. My efforts to stay away from God did take away the horrible thoughts. We want our FAITH to make decisions, not our FEELINGS, so we always want to give a bit of pushback to our compulsions so they dont call all the shots.). If you go to Jesus , He will NEVER reject you! It would be hard for me to say, because everyone is unique! And such were some of you. Youre speaking words of wisdom. But perhaps you can translate for her. The very fact that you are bothered by these blasphemous thoughts is evidence they are not your thoughts. Im sure many others can relate. I need the yes, buts answering and putting to bed! What we need right now is a calming and child-like way of relating to God. (I may be wrong but to me it's logical). Doubting is so much a part of OCD that it has been called the doubting disease. In fact, theres a book specifically about scrupulosity that is titled The Doubting Disease, but you might pick up more obsessions by reading through it and hearing about what other people obsess over. I had a mental breakdown due to this issue. Verse 29. Sometimes it is orderliness. Mine attacks me when I am reading my Bible or when I am trying to pray or when I am listening to a a sermon or something like that. I think I lost some of my feelings. Disconnecting may be your bodys way of gaining a temporary sense of relief after you have depleted your stores of stress chemicals. It made me questions so many things for the longest and put me a state of hopelessness many times. She came back here, had sex with me again, and left to go to Bible college. But with guided practice, repeated exposure to your fears will eventually result in a reduction of anxiety. I'm struggling with these thoughts and feelings and I ask for forgiveness but I don't know if I'm asking for the right reasons. It is commonly said that people who are worried about having committed the unpardonable sin havent simply because theyre worried about it. Remember, the doubting guy who said, Lord, I believe help my unbelief! He was trying to believe, and Jesus didnt bash him over the head with a threat of the unpardonable sin. As in, never. As believers, we'll make lots of mistakes/sin because we're still learning and growing. Which is a huge compliment when Im feeling defeated. If yes Ill just spend my whole life apologising. Interesting that I was already quickened to the Ps 23 "Table in the presence of my enemies." This is very typical OCD. Slowly and patiently start talking to God with an open & honest heart. I was having terrible, sexual, blasphemous thoughts and thought I was either possessed or crazy. Every morning start your day with a daily devotional such as "Jesus Calling" Read the book and read the Bible chapters that go with it. I pray for you to know that God is not mad at you, He wants you to trust Him to take it all. Part of our Christian growth experience is leaving behind the faulty conceptions weve picked up about Him (from parents, from church members, from society/culture). We are enjoying our feast, but they are not invited to the table. is this committing the unforgivable sin? If all will be saved, then the scary verses must not be true. As I grew up in a religious household I have given my life to Christ several times. All of us have some lies in our worldview. Spend more time worshipping God. It's not always to believe what we can't humanly comprehend, that's why when it comes to the Bible we live it through faith, faith, and more faith, not understanding. But if we remain away until we feel that we have fixed ourselves and our motivation, we will never come. I feel like I can't pray to God asking for forgiveness, because in order to eliminate this OCD problem, I think I have to sin. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. Jesus typically did not take insults and blasphemous accusations personally (Luke 23:33; 1 Peter 2:23-24). Lets look at how the Holy Spirit works and you will understand why the person who commits this sin can never receive forgiveness. Yes, Jesus said only one sin couldn't be forgiven, and that was "blasphemy against the Spirit" (Matthew 12:31).

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