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how long did the french revolution last

The French Revolution literally redefined the word "revolution." After 1789, it meant the overthrow of a social and political order, and its replacement by something new. [204] This sparked a counter-revolutionary movement led by women; while supporting other political and social changes, they opposed the dissolution of the Catholic Church and revolutionary cults like the Cult of the Supreme Being. After the abdication of Napoleon III in 1871, the monarchists probably had a voting majority, but they were so factionalised they could not agree on who should be king, and instead the French Third Republic was launched with a deep commitment to upholding the ideals of the Revolution. The Spanish supported insurgent slaves, led by Jean-Franois Papillon and Georges Biassou, in the north of Saint-Domingue. Cockades with various colour schemes were used during the storming of the Bastille on 14 July. [208] Under the Ancien Rgime, medical assistance for the rural poor was often provided by nuns, acting as nurses but also physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries; the Revolution abolished most of these orders without replacing organised nursing support. While loyalties constantly shifted, around 160 of the 749 deputies were Girondists, 200 Montagnards and 389 members of La Plaine. On this basis, a new committee convened to finalise its terms; the most controversial element was the distinction between 'active citizens' who held political rights, defined as French males over the age of 25, who paid direct taxes equal to three days' labour, and 'passive citizens', who were restricted to 'civil rights'. Nevertheless, as a potent symbol of the Ancien Rgime, its destruction was viewed as a triumph and Bastille Day is still celebrated every year. For the next seven years, the hostilities known as the French Revolutionary wars continue between France and various European powers. Washington proclaimed neutrality instead. [267][268] Georges Lefebvre elaborated a Marxist socio-economic analysis of the revolution with detailed studies of peasants, the rural panic of 1789, and the behaviour of revolutionary crowds. On 17 July, Louis visited Paris accompanied by 100 deputies, where he was greeted by Bailly and accepted a tricolore cockade to loud cheers. His fall in first 1814 and then 1815 saw the return of the French monarchy, clearly a national return to pre-revolutionary times, even if France could not return to that era. The American Revolution was very similar to the many revolutions that have gone on in many countries that are fights for independence and democracy. "[217], Hanson suggests the French underwent a fundamental transformation in self-identity, evidenced by the elimination of privileges and their replacement by intrinsic human rights, as well as a decline in social deference that highlighted the principle of equality throughout the revolution. Her publications emphasised that women and men are different, but this shouldn't prevent equality under the law. [92] The former Brissotins now split into moderate Girondins led by Brissot, and radical Montagnards, headed by Maximilien Robespierre, Georges Danton and Jean-Paul Marat. [269][270] These writers were associated with "history from below" as opposed to traditional "history from above" which emphasised conflicts between the monarchy, the nobles, revolutionary political leaders and foreign powers. [225], The Concordat of 1801 established the rules for a relationship between the Catholic Church and French State that lasted until it was abrogated by the French Third Republic on 11 December 1905. When the parlements refused to collect them, Calonne persuaded Louis to summon the Assembly of Notables, an advisory council dominated by the upper nobility. Attack and take of the Crte--Pierrot (March 24, 1802) by Auguste Raffet. [76], The massacre badly damaged Lafayette's reputation; the authorities responded by closing radical clubs and newspapers, while their leaders went into exile or hiding, including Marat. How long did the French Revolution last? Du Pont tried becoming a printer, but it was hard to make money, so he left for America with his family. [83], Although a minority, the Brissotins control of key committees allowed them to focus on two issues, both intended to portray Louis as hostile to the Revolution by provoking him into using his veto. Over 72,00 slaves were still in revolt, mostly in the north. The resulting impasse in the face of widespread economic distress led to the calling of the Estates-General, which became radicalised by the struggle for control of public finances. Historian Reynald Secher claims that as many as 117,000 died between 1793 and 1796. The second stream is those writers who celebrated the democratic republican values of the revolution. [259] Under President John Adams, a Federalist, an undeclared naval war took place with France from 1798 until 1799, often called the "Quasi War". These included Edmund Burke's conservative critique Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) and Thomas Paine's response Rights of Man (1791). [246], German reaction to the Revolution swung from favourable to antagonistic. When he refused to give names, the session broke up in confusion. These colonies produced commodities such as sugar, coffee and cotton for exclusive export to France. The French legal system, however, was adopted, with its equal legal rights, and abolition of class distinctions. The French Revolution of 1848 ( French: Rvolution franaise de 1848 ), also known as the February Revolution ( Rvolution de fvrier ), was a brief period of civil unrest in France, in February 1848, that led to the collapse of the July Monarchy and the foundation of the French Second Republic. The French Revolution of 1789 AD was a landmark in world history. Leading soldiers like Hoche, Pichegru and Carnot wielded significant political influence and often set policy; Campo Formio was approved by Bonaparte, not the Directory, which strongly objected to terms it considered too lenient. [110], At Cholet on 17 October, the Republican army won a decisive victory over the Vende rebels, and the survivors escaped into Brittany. [103], Meanwhile, a committee led by Robespierre's close ally Saint-Just was tasked with preparing a new Constitution. He was executed on 28 July with 19 colleagues, including Saint-Just and Georges Couthon, followed by 83 members of the Commune. (1922) p. 115. [166][167], People of colour also faced social and legal discrimination in mainland France and its colonies, including a bar on their access to professions such as law, medicine and pharmacy. [173], In June, the commissioners in Saint-Domingue freed 10,000 slaves fighting for the republic. "[112] [b], At the height of the Terror, the slightest hint of counter-revolutionary thought could place one under suspicion, and even its supporters were not immune. [74] The royal family left the palace in disguise on the night of 20 June 1791; late the next day, Louis was recognised as he passed through Varennes, arrested and taken back to Paris. [8] By 1789, a series of poor harvests and severe weather conditions had created a rural peasantry with nothing to sell, and an urban proletariat whose purchasing power had collapsed. By 1799, much of its property and institutions had been confiscated and its senior leaders dead or in exile. [94] A response to the capture of Longwy and Verdun by Prussia, the perpetrators were largely National Guard members and fdrs on their way to the front. At first it brought liberal and democratic ideas, the end of guilds, serfdom and the Jewish ghetto. [62] The church was the largest individual landowner in France, controlling nearly 10% of all estates and levied tithes, effectively a 10% tax on income, collected from peasant farmers in the form of crops. [212][2] The revolution represented the most significant challenge to political absolutism up to that point in history and spread democratic ideals throughout Europe and ultimately the world. New rulers were sent in by Paris. [37], Even these limited reforms went too far for Marie Antoinette and Louis' younger brother the Comte d'Artois; on their advice, Louis dismissed Necker again as chief minister on 11 July. However, there were no efforts by the Bourbons, Vichy or anyone else to restore the privileges that had been stripped away from the nobility in 1789. The Kingdom of France was an empire, and the existence of this empire was never questioned by the revolutionaries, who even maintained slavery for a long time. What crimes are committed in thy name! ", or "Long live the king if he keeps his word". With the breakup of large estates controlled by the Church and the nobility and worked by hired hands, rural France became more a land of small independent farms. [97], On 17 January 1793, the Assembly condemned Louis to death for "conspiracy against public liberty and general safety", by 361 to 288; another 72 members voted to execute him subject to a variety of delaying conditions. [233][234] The conservative Catholic enemies of the Revolution came to power in Vichy France (194044), and tried with little success to undo its heritage, but they kept it a republic. [119], Robespierre responded by not attending sessions, allowing his opponents to build a coalition against him. At one end of the political spectrum, reactionaries like Cazals and Maury denounced the Revolution in all its forms, with extremists like Maximilien Robespierre at the other. [99], The Girondins hoped war would unite the people behind the government and provide an excuse for rising prices and food shortages, but found themselves the target of popular anger. What happened to France's monarchy? - Royal Central The French Revolution was a watershed event in world history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. The British take Charleston, S.C., capture a large patriot army, and deal the rebels one of their worst defeats of the war. The economy was bad and the socialist elements that controlled the government made life difficult for ex-nobles. [84] The second was non-juring priests, whose opposition to the Civil Constitution led to a state of near civil war in southern France, which Bernave tried to defuse by relaxing the more punitive provisions. [245], In Ireland, the effect was to transform what had been an attempt by Protestant settlers to gain some autonomy into a mass movement led by the Society of United Irishmen involving Catholics and Protestants. Nearly everyone was Catholic, but the Church was repressed. [52] These protests quickly turned political, and after seizing weapons stored at the Htel de Ville, some 7,000 marched on Versailles, where they entered the Assembly to present their demands. Prior to 1789, there have been a small number of heavily censored newspapers that needed a royal licence to operate, but the Estates-General created an enormous demand for news, and over 130 newspapers appeared by the end of the year. [38] On 12 July, the Assembly went into a non-stop session after rumours circulated he was planning to use the Swiss Guards to force it to close. During this time around 50,000 French citizens were executed. [21], By 1788, total state debt had increased to an unprecedented 4.5 billion livres. [139], Removal of price controls and a collapse in the value of the assignat led to inflation and soaring food prices. When Jacques Hbert called for a popular revolt against the "henchmen of Louis Capet" on 24 May, he was arrested by the Commission of Twelve, a Girondin-dominated tribunal set up to expose 'plots'. Since they were also subject to stringent property qualification, it guaranteed the return of conservative or moderate deputies. By then, slavery had already been abolished in the most important of the colonies, Saint-Domingue, following the great slave revolt that began in August 1791.[149]. [163], Despite these concerns, the Directory never developed a realistic peace programme, fearing the destabilising effects of peace and the consequent demobilisation of hundreds of thousands of young men. The latter derived rank from judicial or administrative posts and tended to be hard-working professionals, who dominated the regional parlements and were often intensely socially conservative. [208] All church lands were nationalised, along with those owned by Royalist exiles, which were used to back paper currency known as assignats, and the feudal guild system eliminated. [197] On 20 May 1793 women were in the forefront of a crowd demanding "bread and the Constitution of 1793"; when they went unnoticed, they began "sacking shops, seizing grain and kidnapping officials."[198]. Harvest taxes were ended, such as the tithe and seigneurial dues, much to the relief of the peasants. The news brought crowds of protestors into the streets, and soldiers of the elite Gardes Franaises regiment refused to disperse them. Organised women were permanently shut out of the French Revolution after 30 October 1793. The French Revolution differed from other revolutions in being not merely national, for it aimed at benefiting all humanity. Napoleon as emperor set up a constitutional system (although he remained in full control), and the restored Bourbons were forced to go along with one. It acquired its nickname after being sung in Paris by volunteers from Marseille marching on the capital. Equality, Freedom, Democracy, sovereignty, secularism, welfare state are the ideas of the French Revolution that are still giving momentum to the world. The Constitution of 1791 - French Revolution They also demanded vigorous price controls to keep bread the major food of the poor people from becoming too expensive. [215] As such, the revolution is often seen as the dividing point between the early modern and late modern periods of western history. [170], In March 1792, the Legislative Assembly responded to the revolt by granting citizenship to all free coloureds and sending two commissioners, Sonthonax and Polvrel, and 6,000 troops to Saint-Domingue to enforce the decree. To win their support for fiscal reforms, the Minister of Finance, Brienne, sets May 5, 1789, for a meeting of . and that there were heirs to the throne. More than Words: The Printing Press and the French Revolution., This page was last edited on 26 April 2023, at 21:37. This resulted in aggressive and opportunistic policies, leading to the War of the Second Coalition in November 1798. Blue and red are the traditional colours of Paris, and they are used on the city's coat of arms. Executive power was in the hands of five Directors, selected by the Council of Ancients from a list provided by the lower house, with a five-year mandate. A major slave revolt followed in August. The Fte de la Fdration in Paris was attended by Louis XVI and his family, with Talleyrand performing a mass. He and Jean-Paul Marat gained increasing support for opposing the criteria for 'active citizens', which had disenfranchised much of the Parisian proletariat. This significantly reduced the yield from those that were approved and as a result, France struggled to service its debt despite being larger and wealthier than Britain. Above all the antagonism helped stimulate and shape German nationalism. This site is created and maintained by Alpha History. France profile - Timeline - BBC News The Reign of Terror was the most violent phase of the French Revolution, a year-long period between the summers of 1793 and 1794. [155], In late 1791, factions within the Assembly came to see war as a way to unite the country and secure the Revolution by eliminating hostile forces on its borders and establishing its "natural frontiers". [226] However, debate continues into the present over the role of religion in the public sphere and related issues such as church-controlled schools. French Revolution Flashcards | Quizlet [194], At the beginning of the Revolution, women took advantage of events to force their way into the political sphere, swore oaths of loyalty, "solemn declarations of patriotic allegiance, [and] affirmations of the political responsibilities of citizenship." De Brienne, who succeeded Calonne in May 1787, tried to address the budgetary impasse without raising taxes by devaluing the coinage instead; the result was runaway inflation, worsening the plight of the farmers and urban poor. France permanently became a society of equals under the law. Prelude to Revolt By the late 1780s, the French monarchy was on the brink of collapse. [68], The period from October 1789 to spring 1791 is usually seen as one of relative tranquility, when some of the most important legislative reforms were enacted. [16] National taxes could only be approved by the Estates-General, which had not sat since 1614; its revenue functions had been assumed by regional parlements, the most powerful being the Parlement de Paris (see Map). Like the clergy, this was not a uniform body, and was divided into the noblesse d'pe, or traditional aristocracy, and the noblesse de robe. "[236] They also note that the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars caused England, Spain, Prussia and the Dutch Republic to centralize their fiscal systems to an unprecedented extent in order to finance the military campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars. [232], The Revolution meant an end to arbitrary royal rule and held out the promise of rule by law under a constitutional order, but it did not rule out a monarch. [263], Dupuy sees Hippolyte Taine's Origins of Contemporary France (1875-94) as modern in its use of departmental archives, but places him in the reactionary strand of interpretations of the revolution due to his contempt for the revolutionary crowd and the values of the revolution. In December 1791, Louis made a speech in the Assembly giving foreign powers a month to disband the migrs or face war, which was greeted with enthusiasm by supporters and suspicion from opponents. Her personal letters to leaders of the Revolution influenced policy; in addition, she often hosted political gatherings of the Brissotins, a political group which allowed women to join. [235], Economic historians Dan Bogart, Mauricio Drelichman, Oscar Gelderblom, and Jean-Laurent Rosenthal described codified law as the French Revolution's "most significant export." Fist fights broke out in the streets between the two factions of women. Reform was gradual and the regime itself carried out agrarian reforms that had the effect of weakening absolutism by creating a class of independent peasant freeholders. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. "[196] Women also assumed a special role in the funeral of Marat, following his murder on 13 July 1793 by Corday; as part of the funeral procession, they carried the bathtub in which he died, as well as a shirt stained with his blood. Another defeat at Le Mans on 23 December ended the rebellion as a major threat, although the insurgency continued until 1796. Many people came day after day and vied for the best locations from which to observe the proceedings; knitting women (tricoteuses) formed a cadre of hardcore regulars, inciting the crowd. In August 1790, the loyalist General Bouill suppressed a serious mutiny at Nancy; although congratulated by the Assembly, he was criticised by Jacobin radicals for the severity of his actions. [262], Rud and Doyle identify Jules Michelet with the democratic republican interpretation of the revolution, and Thiers, Mignet and Tocqueville with the liberal strand. [193] A decade later the Napoleonic Code confirmed and perpetuated women's second-class status. On 18th, Dumouriez was defeated at Neerwinden and defected to the Austrians. [190], The Liberty cap, also known as the Phrygian cap, or pileus, is a brimless, felt cap that is conical in shape with the tip pulled forward. Led by the revolutionary Franois-Nol Babeuf, their demands included the implementation of the 1793 Constitution and a more equitable distribution of wealth. The invasion of Egypt in July 1798 confirmed European fears of French expansionism, and the War of the Second Coalition began in November. [168] In 1789-90, a delegation of free coloureds, led by Vincent Og and Julien Raimond, unsuccessfully lobbied the Assembly to end discrimination against free coloureds. Both failed to attract international support. It reflects Roman republicanism and liberty, alluding to the Roman ritual of manumission, in which a freed slave receives the bonnet as a symbol of his newfound liberty. The Charleston move is part of a broader British strategy to hang on to the southern colonies, at least, now that the war is stalemated in Pennsylvania and New York. [40] In French culture, some see its fall as the start of the Revolution. These victories led to the collapse of the anti-French coalition; Prussia made peace in April 1795, followed soon after by Spain, leaving Britain and Austria as the only major powers still in the war. The End of the Revolutionary War When British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and his army surrendered to General George Washington 's American force and its French allies at the Battle of. [122], There are various interpretations of the Terror and the violence with which it was conducted; Marxist historian Albert Soboul saw it as essential to defend the Revolution from external and internal threats. [82] After Louis officially accepted the new Constitution, one response was recorded as being "Vive le roi, s'il est de bon foi! [100], Growing discontent allowed the clubs to mobilise against the Girondins. Since this meant the legitimacy of deputies derived from the Estates-General, they would have to continue sitting as one body. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen she insisted that women deserved rights, especially in areas concerning them directly, such as divorce and recognition of illegitimate children. Nominated to the Directory, his first action was removing Barras, using a coalition that included Talleyrand and former Jacobin Lucien Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother and president of the Council of 500. [66] The result was state-led persecution of "Refractory clergy", many of whom were forced into exile, deported, or executed. The Brunswick Manifesto made it easy to portray Louis as a threat to the Revolution, apparently confirmed when extracts from his personal correspondence were published showed him conspiring with Royalist exiles serving in the Prussian and Austrian armies. The French Revolution ( French: Rvolution franaise [evlysj fsz]) was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. With the revolution, the king had ceased to be the "sovereign" of the empire. The attempted escape had a profound impact on public opinion; since it was clear Louis had been seeking refuge in Austria, the Assembly now demanded oaths of loyalty to the regime, and began preparing for war, while fear of 'spies and traitors' became pervasive. Despite this show of unity, the Assembly was increasingly divided, while external players like the Paris Commune and National Guard competed for power. Other nobles just made do as best they could, working educated jobs. By April 1796, over 500,000 Parisians were reportedly in need of relief, resulting in the May insurrection known as the Conspiracy of the Equals. This French Revolution site contains articles, sources and perspectives on events in France, 1781-1795. As internal and external threats to the Republic increased, the position worsened; dealing with this by printing assignats led to inflation and higher prices. [78], Based on a motion proposed by Robespierre, existing deputies were barred from elections held in early September for the French Legislative Assembly. [236], According to Daron Acemoglu, Davide Cantoni, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson the French Revolution had long-term effects in Europe. Scholars such as Michel-Rolph Traillot and Anthony Hurley have emphasised the cultural traditions of colonial slaves, arguing that the Haitian revolution was not a derivative of the French revolution.[279]. It hadn't met since 1614. However, the monarchy did not last long, rendering this a difficult endpoint for the revolution, as others followed soon. It actually lasted for another six years, with far more violent and momentous events . After defeating a second Austrian army at Jemappes on 6 November, they occupied the Netherlands, areas of the Rhineland, Nice and Savoy. The Republic seemed on the verge of collapse. Timeline of the French Revolution - Wikipedia They sternly reminded women to stay home and tend to their families by leaving public affairs to the men. Cobban argued that the revolution was primarily a political conflict. [85] As expected and indeed intended by their authors, both were vetoed by Louis who was now portrayed as opposed to reform in general. Topics related to this ideology, such as slavery and imperialism, are ignored in these two works. The region of modern-day Belgium was divided between two polities: the Austrian Netherlands and Prince-Bishopric of Lige. [274] Furet later argued that a clearer distinction needed to be made between analyses of political events, and of social and economic changes which usually take place over a much longer period than the Jacobin-Marxist school allowed. [101] The Girondins made a fatal political error by indicting Marat before the Revolutionary Tribunal for allegedly directing the September massacres; he was quickly acquitted, further isolating the Girondins from the sans-culottes. [107], The Reign of Terror began as a way to harness revolutionary fervour, but quickly degenerated into the settlement of personal grievances. [199], Olympe de Gouges wrote a number of plays, short stories, and novels. French Revolution, also called Revolution of 1789, revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799 and reached its first climax there in 1789hence the conventional term "Revolution of 1789," denoting the end of the ancien rgime in France and serving also to distinguish that event from the later French revolutions of 1830 and 1848. These women continued to adhere to traditional practices such as Christian burials and naming their children after saints in spite of revolutionary decrees to the contrary. A new page in the history of France was being written. As long as the generals and their armies stayed away from Paris, they were happy to allow them to continue fighting, a key factor behind sanctioning Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt. The Revolution initiated a series of conflicts that began in 1792 and ended only with Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815. On 20 April 1792 the French Revolutionary Wars began when French armies attacked Austrian and Prussian forces along their borders, before suffering a series of disastrous defeats. [260][261] From 1815, narrative histories dominated, often based on first-hand experience of the revolutionary years. When Robespierre attempted to speak, his voice failed, one deputy crying "The blood of Danton chokes him! By 1785, the government was struggling to cover these payments; since defaulting on the debt would negatively impact much of French society, the only other option was to increase taxes. July 21: Assembly of Vizille, assembly of the Estates-General of Dauphin. In 1781, Louis allegedly refused to appoint him Archbishop of Paris on the grounds 'an Archbishop should at least believe in God'.

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