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joel osteen morning prayer

We cant reach our highest potential in our own ability; we need Gods help. Melanie. I know that not everyone will agree. The sermon was, Just because we want it, doesnt mean its what God has planned for us. Its hard to surrender our greatest desires to Him and trust them with Him! TODAY'S WORD: Notice that in today's Scripture David didn't just pray and say, "Okay, God, I . been on the glance out for such information. Affirmations are a great way for you to reprogram your mind and visualize the life of your dreams. Prayer for Today: "Father, thank You that in times of sadness, when I don't see the way out or a loss seems too great, I can know that it's only for a night. Blessings, Thank you, Gleniece. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday~ Sign in to let us know how to pray for you. And when I see blessing upon blessing coming to anyone with lots of disposable income that thought is always quickly followed by the fact that God put them in the position to make that kind of $. She didn't blow us to kiss. Im sorry to be slow in getting back to you; I read and respond personally to all of the comments, and sometimes it just takes me a day or so. I hear your concern over my calling out Joel. 17:9-10). Final thoughts, John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. "My faith propels me to meet my goals.". He is God, and He is good~ And, he let me see the goodness and kindness of the the finance manager. 3. God wants to release them. They fall short daily just as we all do. It may seem severe and critical to you. Name it and claim it is such a gimmick. Wow! I wish you great joy and favor as you start out your blogging! HOPE IN GOD | All Things Are Possible - Morning Inspiration to Motivate Your Day. Restorations will be our Portion IJN Amen. I love the verse you referenced not because He promises to give us all that we want, but rather because as we delight ourselves in Him, He changes our desires and then gives us those. He said, Jamie, I'll make a deal with you. I don't want to live in anxiety ,pray for me for healing. This is because his messages are light in scriptural teaching and lacking in preaching the Gospel in order for people to come to accept Jesus as their Savior. God is real. What I have learned from Joel more than anything is that no matter what life throws at me (and there have been many challenges), or no matter what prayers dont get answered (Ive had major health challenges since I was a child) is to stay in faith. Joel makes it clear that God wont answer all of our prayers. She was a scientist. Joel was sharing a story in which God blessed his family. This wishy-washy love but dont speak truth does not help anyone grow in their faith. Life Outreach International (800) 947-5433. But just like any good parent, He does what He knows is best for His children and its not always giving them everything they want. It tells me God is a great creator. The word of God also says delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart Psalm 37:4 so was he wrong for saying what he said ? They need your love, your encouragement & your gifts. Daily Devotions by Joel Osteen 2023 So sorry to hear this. I dont put much thought into those who seem to get everything they want. But a God sized prayer is God. I am wealthy and living on my own terms., 34. Hope to connect again with you soon. Melanie. As a pastor he will be held accountable for leading his flock astray. Appreciate your comments~ Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. Most pastors dont live in million dollar house and pray in a way that says, This isnt enough. Be a Prisoner of Hope - Joel Osteen Daily Devotion (May-02-2023), Grow Through It - Joel Osteen - Sunday Sermon, Its Your Time - Joel Osteen Daily Devotional (May-01-2023), Peace, Be Still - Joel Osteen Daily Devotion (May-01-2023). Melanie, sounds like God has grown you up in one of His characteristics: Wisdom. She had that look in her eyes like do not mess with me. I use to attend Lakewood.. The enemy gets stirred up when you start asking God for big things. And, sometimes God does say, No. In fact, I can think of many instances in the Bible when He told people, No. Sounds like your pastor is a very wise man! Which proves that this Gospel is not true. To those who dont see Terras point: The problem is that many people put their trust in a pastor instead of in God. Faith is what allows him to do the impossible. A quick pep talk. That is so interesting, D.N. You need to associate with people who inspire you, There is a mistake in the text of this quote. Thanks so much for stopping by to leave your comments today. What steps did you take to get a new house? Joel & Victoria Osteen At Lakewood, we believe your best days are still out in front of you. They have a right to their opinion and you have every right to ignore it. I agree. You have blessed me by stopping by~ We had the same dream. I believe God will make a way.Thank you. You bless me, Michelle! Thank you for helping to share this because so many believers are falling hook line and sinker for him. It seems, historically, The Church goes through cycles of teaching topics / themes. As there is only ONE WAY, The Way, The Truth and The Life! I dont listen to him either. Joel Osteen (April-28-2023) Today's Word: Daily Direction Today's Scripture: Psalm 32:8, NLT - The LORD says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. Every day I pulled one up on the internet that was for sale and would drool over it. Youve encouraged me with your words today. I think Joel Osteens ministry is dangerous for this very reason. I love how you didnt say he was lying, but only telling part of the story. I was in an abusive relationship with an alcoholic . Positive affirmations lead to positive feelings, which lead to positive actions, which will lead to a positive life. He can preach an entire sermon and never really focus on Gods word just what feels good. Joel Osteen- Watch Sermon: Pray God-Sized Prayers. Those that know Gods Word understand that we are accountable for our words and actions to other believers~ God reminds us frequently that as believers and professors of Christ, we are to hold each other to a Godly standard. You have to change your thinking. 1. And, you are so right. I say that because not everyone is receptive to hearing the word. I have the power to be a financially successful person., 14. Like working on our characters which is much more important. I admit it is not as much fun as believing Publishers Clearing House is on the way butI dont have to buy a ticket to heaven anyway so life is good. She was idolizing a house, which was wrong and she will hopefully, prayerfully learn from it, and grow in her relationship with Jesus because of it. And, I agree that wisdom comes from spending time with God and in His Word. This mother would be in the kitchen waiting for him with her arms held open. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You must be baptized with the Spirit of The Lord. I think the true test comes when He takes away. She kept praying month after month, didn't look like anything was happening. Sadly, that wont be an excuse the flock can use when they stand before God and He will say I never knew you. So dear lady, please ignore those comments that have criticized you for daring to speak against Joel Osteen. You are the biggest encouragement and lead with such wisdom. But by asking the Lord to grant his will and if it is his, let it be done in his name. I humbly, then, believe, since we openly express our opinions it seems people that make you better. Thanks for sharing your story. Affirming helps strengthen the beliefs that you hold within you whether they be positive or negative, so start to use positive affirmations so that you can reprogram your mind to believe in yourself to a greater degree. In the past, its also been called, The Name it and Claim it Gospel. Pastors who []. If Satan can get Christians to fight about petty stupid things amongst themselves instead of focusing on the main goal of Christianity (telling the world about a Saviour who loves them and wants to save them from their sins), then the house that we represent will fall. The size of your prayers can determine the size of your breakthrough. I'll ride home with Paul. I am sorry to read this article. A millionaires son who is taught money skills, will live a different life from mine, ..I was not taught financial skills by my familyas they had none to teach. No doubt, Joel emphasizes the positive and fundamental teachings, but that doesnt make what he says false. Well, little Jamie didn't know any better. There has been many times I have bawked at the truth of God (unwittingly), because it went contrary to my emotions, at the time. There was nothing pious about my experience and it bothered me to watch our worship leader talk about football from the stage in the middle of worship songs. I did enjoy and agree with your post. She only spoke Spanish, but she was very feisty. He said David was a man after his own heart because he was merciful, and sang his praises. Its so hard to let the people go that we dearly love. Melanie. I said, Dear God, thank you for not letting me have my way. Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, John Hagee - HOPE IN GOD | All Things Are Let me not only see Your goodness but use me to show other people how great You are. If you ask small, little prayers, you'll get little results. I feel like Ive just had a first-class lesson for a newbie blogger on how to graciously answer many different kinds of comments with humility and charity. So my point is .. pls dont write about other men or women of God. God says prayers. I was discouraged about how well he lives. Thank you again for this article. Love! Everybody he knew, all of his friends were in gangs. We are tempted through the eye gate. No matter what you go through, stay in faith, be your best each day and trust that God will use it to position you for greatness. God set him free from the drugs, from the gangs, from the violence. And/but He can take it away at any moment. Im so glad that I found this article because the comments along with this message on tv opened my eyes to what I need to discuss with my husband and start doing. And you are right God is not all about luxury. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Prayer Against Marital Delay (Top 10 Prayer Points). I am very saddened that you feel the need to unfollow Joel Osteen or any evangelist for that matter. Melanie. No obstacle is too high. Love that one! Not every person is going to understand you and that's okay. If you'll get in agreement. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. There is however, the issue of Gods will. Ministers who have multiple houses and wear big diamond rings should be ashamed. And, thank you for your positive, encouraging, and thoughtful comments. He wants to show you his favor in a new way. Ok, So I am just going to put this out there I dont really listen to Joel Olsten, but would like to point out that, what did you do to get the house of your dreams. His messages are not about praying and getting what you want like god is some kind of Santa Claus. Hope youll visit again. So thank you for being so brave to write this post. I really do appreciate what you have to say. Hes a wonderful person (with great intentions) on the platform and off and you should come by Lakewood Church and see for yourself. It was freezing acid. Joel Osteen - Sermon: Praying Bold Prayers. Did his accident mean I had done wrong or am still doing wrong since he hasnt been healed? Put your hope in God today! What, Joel Osteen says: Joel Olsteen remains one of the best pastors of our time? style is to encourage people and to preach gods word in a positive way. Being a Christian is not about us, its about God, its about living a life that reflects Christ, its not about serving ourselves, its about serving others. However, one day I tuned in and was very surprised by the positive message Joel gave based on scripture. He isnt a typical prosperity preacher telling you youll get rich. I realized Joel serves a purpose. Whether you are joining us in person or online, we invite you to experience our services and be a part of the Lakewood family. She pointed out that her expectations of prayer and blessings from God were affected by Joels teachings. So, God, I'm asking you to make a way, even though I don't see a way. Thankyou for writing this. My husband asked a very simple question Who do you go to church to have an encounter with? This very question is where many Christians are stumbling. You are so right. We, my children, my family love you. You have blessed me today~ Subscribe and Get Sermons and Daily Devotions by Joel Osteen DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX! God does want us to have our hearts desires and our wants. Thank you for sharing your experience. Didn't recognize it. I didn't say that, but I sure thought about it. They love Joel. Even if this is what you think, does it make it right before God to speak against a fellow believer, especially when its obvious how much God is doing through that ministry. You bless me and this ministry~ Ive never heard Joel really preach on sin or call it by name. As for me and my house, we will serve, the Lord says in Psalms, the seed of the righteous. We're praying for you. He was saying, I'm I'll make sure everybody knows this cow belongs to little Jamie. I wanted you to pray. Also I find that Im judged no matter what church I attend so most of the time its me God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Melanie. I read his daily devotional on the bus ride to work each morning, but I also belong to a bible study group where we go much deeper into the word and the realities of living a Christ-filled life where its not all smooth sailings. But when you have a boldness to ask God for big things, you will see the greatness of God's power and reach your highest potential! . But, as Ive had time to reflect on your comments, I can say that I appreciate your honesty. Blessings, Thanks for stopping by to leave a good word today, Aggie. I think God said that a rich man will not enter the gates of heaven. I appreciate you stopping by to leave a kind word! Joel Olsteens Melanie. Melanie, I! Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment today. I need to get in the car and trust God. Well, Joel, what if it doesn't happen? Ask me for cowl's with your initial on it. Hope you will drop by again! What a vast difference that is! Im sure he is a wonderful person, and Im not against him personally. Think about that. Jesus makes it plain in the 3 Gospels and Malachi. Thank you for your message Tell him personally & pray for him Speak victory not defeat. Part of releasing His help is through praying bold prayers. All by scripture! Please pray for me to become stronger my faith in facing my difficultiesamen. And that's true, he is positive, his sermons are positive, his ministry is positive. . She doesn't need a microphone. For many, myself included for years, I didnt realize it but I was going to different churches based on the sermons and the pastor(s). She was idolizing a house, and she has shifted her prayer and faith back to the one and only, Jesus Christ. Like you the author, the house that came to me was a handyman special (without my knowledge of course, you would be shocked at what a coat of paint can hide) but without the handyman or the money to fund the needed repairs. God bless you for speaking truth in love. Jesus modeled prayer in the garden is where our hearts should be coming from: Your will be done, AS we express our hearts/wants/desires. Hope you have a blessed day~ Too often, were shortsighted. The moment you speak something out, you give birth to it. I listen to Joel a lot and have read all his books and you have his messages all wrong. I agree with most of what youve said except for your statement that some prayers go unanswered. Blessings to you, Im glad I stumbled upon your article. Look up the secret or New Age Movement. I not saying he and his family should live in a dump or be dirt poor but I really struggle with the fake-ness of it all. I got distracted and whenever I heard his sermons it became the Joel Osteen moment rather than Gods moment. Melanie. And even if there was something wrong with that messageare you perfect to judge? So whats so wrong with that. Even though it looked far out, he didn't dismiss it. I stay in faith and trust that if its Gods will, it will happen someday. Do you know what I've learned? Jesus did say this would happen. Keep on keeping on! Your words are so affirming and kind! pray for my family. We ran for cover. I want nothing more than what God desires for me. God Bless All. A very wise Chaplain once taught my husband, when selecting churches or other Christian voices, pay attention to how much Jesus there is. Be with me now as I gather together with this online community, in Your name, that I and all who pray with me may feel your presence among us. One way you know they're from God is they're so big you cannot accomplish them on your own. I listen to the divine guidance I am given., 3. Thank you for stopping to leave a good word, Marie! I didnt feel like this article was bashing him at all, which is honestly what i expected when i read the title alone haha Thanks, Daniel. Saturday, 13 August 2022 14:25 Joel Osteen - Watch Sermon: Pray God-Sized Prayers. They are charismatic and manipulative, and they leave you fascinated with their theatrics and in awe of THEM when we should be in awe of Our Creator, the one and only Jesus Christ. Blessings. Start Your Day With These Inspiring Devotionals From Guideposts. Im sure he is a great guy. I think we have all been sucked in.. Hey, Vangelina, Otherwise, pulling that latch may indeed have been one of the last things that I ever did! I appreciate you and your visit today. Too often we limit God. I really appreciate you and your encouragement today! In Jesus' Name, Amen. Blessings, Awesome about your sister. Its so good to connect with you. I did get the house I prayed for, just not the one I believed for. Thank You He said astronomically. Sharing Hope for Today | Joel Osteen | | Joel Osteen Ministries We will be given exactly what we need to grow in our faith and our relationship with the Father. Em Mckinney, Amen! I believe all will be well with this high blood pressure. Thanks so stopping by today and sharing some of the things you are praying over. God, I'm asking that my child be mighty in the land. I pray the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. These curses or blessing (not really sure what to call them) that befell me have not made me disbelieve in God, I still have heaven to look forward too no matter how difficult life gets. Melanie. Blessings! You don't have the talent. My mother fell in this trap years ago. So true, Debi! But, I do believe He knows best. Joel Osteen Prayer For Healing 2021 O' Holy One I come before you today in need of your healing hand. You have chosen to settle to live in a little apartment for 8 years. Melanie, Great words Mel!! The following week, still no word. You cant only teach that God is love. Most people pray over their food, pray for protection, pray for wisdom. Good night. He prayed for a way to convince his grandson to focus less on video games and more on his studies. And, sometimes there is a unique tension of balance between two passages. Im not a Joel Osteen addictive fan, or of anyones. Nevertheless, to expect to achieve ones goals without action is foolish. I'm only kidding. My heart is receptive. I have been praying for a comfortable desk chair with a high back with lumbar support, thick cushioned short seat and cushioned arms for a year now as my chairs back is broken. Her name was Jamie. I agree totally about maybe our new area will be heaven. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart. We just needed to learn to listen better. Blessings, Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Thanks . I hope you will stop by again. She didn't just pray for God to keep him out of trouble. Marva | sunSPARKLEshine, Thanks, Marva! I admittily was very disappointed, but have come to realize the reason He didnt want us to move away from where we live. Are you thankful? and then stalking. A wise, encouraging word, Melanie. Not very many Pastors discuss topics that Jesus himself did. Joel may not be right for you, but God put Joel in this position of authority so who are we to judge? Deal with it. But, you were so wise to walk out of the dealership that day. Thanks for stopping by to visit and leave a comment today. I was turned against him the day I happened to see him and he refered to women as honey or baby. Im grateful too! I couldnt agree more. It does sound like you own quite of a few things! I Think Ive Figured Out Why People Leave Church. I cannot put a timeframe on God. Are there dreams that you've talked yourself out of problems you're convinced you'll never overcome? Please remember that faith is a journey, not a destination. Melanie. Melanie. Give Hope to give again today. Focus, pray, reflect and be more aware of Gods love for you every day. Thank you so much for this insightful blog!! My wife never yelled and screamed that I was crazy. Thanks for sharing your story with me, Ana. Being good does not save you. Melanie. I do get the message that you shared here , but I am saddened that as a believer in Christ you would publicly put down another believer in the very same God we serve. He desires our worship, our obedience, our relationship with him. True, I heard inspirational words, but these inspirations were more about life style and none about conviction. Also, for more on my disclosure policy, click HERE. Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope, 2019. Thank you for this. And, thank you for your kind words! Post your prayer request below and believe that God is going to move mightily in your life as others from around the world pray in agreement with your request! The enemy's standing right in front of him. Hey Melissa, Your words did sort of feel like a punch in the gut. In this eye-opening message, Joel Osteen will teach you the power of praying bold, God-sized prayers. Such unkindness is being cast at this author, who I believe is just trying to share her story, and protect others by warning, very gently, I might add of some of the issues of Joels teachings. I do pray that those who are discouraged will be given fresh hope today! Personally we have never listen to him. You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. The next week, nothing. Thank you, Amanda! In Jesus Name, Thanks, Ashley! His net worth is at least 50 million. It is a hard truth but I had to repent of it.I cannot pick which scriptures make me warm and cozy and ignore the rest. And I know that you arent necessarily bashing Joel Osteen like most would, but the title is very misleading. Melanie. I am glad you have stepped away from the teachings of this man. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment today. I know myself there are certain styles of preachers I cant listen too.

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