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midlife crisis when the fog lifts

And I probably made it worse because every time he did something bad, and we fought I would really blast him and make him more insecure. I know that your last response was this past December so you may not even see this, but I am going through a similar situation and could absolutely use some advice. I wish he had any idea how this feels. He cannot believe he even said that to me. Now I dont even know him. He accuses me of hiding my phone from him, as if IM DOING SOMETHING WRONG, when he hides his phone morning to night. Im not playing. I say my one sentence and leave the room. Eventually I made him realize he had to leave the house. I know that today is the worst day I have had in a long time. It makes my journey/nightmare a little less awful! He was in constant contact with me, video calls etc. He was kicking me to the curb but when I asked him to leave he realized I was out of patience. What makes my situation different is that my H came home and admitted the affair. 4. Not real. He is very selfish. DDay 2 was my turning point. We have all been through some aspect of the above I some way shape or form. It financially protects me. Right now you are fearful of losing him. I feel like I have tried all of the above to get my CS out of the affair fog, its been 7 months and he is going strong with the OW. And I went along with it. I did, after 4.5 months put my foot down and deny him access to having contact with her, but it led to further problems with me always feeling like he never chose to be with me, as I was the one who chose to stop being humiliated, instead of him refusing to choose me, then there were years and years of his denial, stonewalling, fights and further verbal abuse causing so MUCH more collateral damage. I need to get a grip. He realized how disrespectful it was. Suggestion on a new approach: speak with a professional. I have come to realize that as long as she is in the fog I cannot love her enough or do enough for her to want to save our marriage. After he proposed, he saw the nude pics from before. And 99% of that mentoring time is spent with betrayed spouses (usually female). I appreciate it more than you know, as much as it terrifies me to read that you think I need a lawyer, etc. As I look back on their iMesaage conversation that I saved before it was deleted, I realize that my behavior to try to save the marriage is the exact opposite of the flirty, mysterious, confident behavior that she is enjoying with her AP. I know we are not working towards reconciliation right now, but I am not living in the same home with him if he is speaking with other women. They got no validation or acknowledgement Their behavior was ignored. Even though I know right now I have every right to if I want to, to see if im being lied to and kick his ass out, but I just am again, TRYING to stick to this 180, and if I can stick to it and somehow show him with my actions that I am doing my own thing, maybe he will become curious. Park your car at the mall or similar place where you can disappear from him easily if hes the type that would follow you, because if he knows what youre doing and you spent the evening alone, hed be even more sure of your devotion and actually become worse than he already is. I guess it depends on how thick of a fog youre in. It is a nightmare that keeps reoccurring. He never saw me with an I dont give a crap attitude towards him before. I do not get it. Half of room and board and fees and semesters abroad and books etc. And now im of course TERRIFIED he is going to run off to OW. I read the text he claims to love her and he told her he wanted to spend with her the rest of his life.. I remained calm and steady. No more hateful texts. This Fog article and your comments have cleared out a Lot of stuff in my mind, specially the part that he is blaming me to have destroyed our marriage and justifying him dating her, that is how he tell it. When this all started happening, I was SERIOUSLY concerned he was doing drugs. When I wanted to get in a relationship, I sat him down and told him that the contact had to minimize because I am moving on. What will he do, where will he go, who will he see, will he text me (he never does anymore unless I do first), will he go out tonight, will he drive to see OW a few hours away and then come back home as if nothing mind races with questions and it sucks. They are living in cloud cuckoo land. But the cheater continues to push us away. Your main focus is providing a warm living environment for your baby. I did it find this site until after DDay 2. But it only worked b/c my H decided a few hours before that he was ending the A. Still in the same bed. First wife you give such excellent advice! That new love attraction or high. For two months I acted controlled and transparent. Theres no other way I know of, but to make them feel instant consequences for such actions. He understood that, he did not get mad, he just was very clear that they are not speaking. I knew he could easily write off other people, but never me. And I know that, its just near impossible not to. My CH has an exceptionally hard head. She needs to make her decisions on her own and I doubt that she really moved out to find herself. Perhaps thats a small part of the reason, but I bet she did more so that she could spend more time with the affair partner. He answer negatives, so I guess Ill cling to that! I would say, six months later, yes, but was it my behaviors? So, when he arrived home at 2am last night I lost it. I wasnt clear on thatsorry. Again I think there is more to this story. I told him thats fine, do what he needs to do and ill sign. I am willing to continue going through this hell if eventually I can continue spending my life with the man I love. You tell the spouse the truth. Get control over your life and let him see a stronger you. You told him the lifestyle he wants isnt fair. But i do feel like he tests me, does that seem plausible? Its always women. I am living proof it works. I was shaking I was so angry. As my friend from south America says if you dont want me I dont want you. Not any more. I said to him you are a grown man. 2. There are people like that. And Im also terrified he will rush into a divorce, when we have both said all along we didnt want to do that yet. I still have flashbacks and remain on alert. He was still cheating. Its hurtful what you are living with. But lied about it and snuck around. I hope he wishes up soon. And because of all those lies, they cant even reason with him about everything he is giving up. I would have done almost anything EXCEPT allow my H to openly date the OW, wait around while he made a decision in two months or allow him to blame me for the A. Because you do deserve better. After dealing with my Hs frustrating behaviors, affair fog, continuing to see OW and blaming me for everything wrong in his life, I used to go to my wonderfully fabulous thetapist who would put me on the right path. No self respecting person jumps into another Relationship the next day. How do people turn this situation around? I fought for our marriage with dignity and respect and with my head held high. After going through months and months of the fog, a lot of times, its just too much pain. Am I staying in bed too long in the morning with him? Whether that means through college or after, he cannot just walk away without living up to his responsibility as a father. I picked up the phone and made arrangements for him to stay with a friend until he found another place. No argument. But I get so upset bc I know if he is still speaking with her, he should in NO WAY be living in our home. Because if he continues to cheat you have financially protected yourself. He does not deserve you do not allow this man to treat you this way ever get rid of him and find someone that will love you care for you and respect you. I dont know how long he will continue sleeping at home or when he will say hes leaving, or hes found his own place, or what happens next. Hi I will love to talk to you since you have already make it to the other side im 6 months from d-day at 1st I was the one waiting to fix things but he was in the fog now he is the one trying to come back but im so hurt.. he is trying to control me and manipulate me with $and our son. If not see ya. That began a stage of life where she underwent 40 hours of therapy a week with strangers practically living in our home to work with her. I needed 90 days to get my finances in order. It pains me to think 1 year ago we were on a family vacation, I was pregnant, we were happy as ever. I feel like they are evidence we did something right. They always make me feel so much better. The year this was going on my H came home from a business trip and I am saying we can get past this and he is saying I dont want to be married to you anymore. You cannot get anyone to see your point of view if they dont want to. Wait for him sure. And part of me believes him, and part of me thinks you may be right about a possible different woman. I hope you can see this. It was the principle of it. And lets say you NEVER again mention talking to her. K. Im glad things have calmed down a bit for you. I was stressed and could barely function. He said no matter how hurt or upset he is, he shouldnt say rude mean things to me that arent true. You have done everything possible you have tried discussing it. Part despair, part guilt, a dose Why would he say it now when things were so good between us? Deal with your stress and anxiety in a productive way. Im sure thats all I will hear from him today. If Part of me really does believe him when he says they arent speaking. Which isnt true. Yup Yup and Yup. And I read these things and just cant seem to accomplish it. He may be saying Im not talking to the OW but hes not saying who he is talking to until 2 am. And If I keep kicking him out and letting him back im like the boy who cried wolf. All things he may not even think about, but that I OBSESS over now bc I just want him to SEE ME again. I wish I had lashed out and told him to F off and get out of my life. But yet he refused to leave. Is The Cheating Spouse Living With Regret? I lived mine that for 6 months. One of our problems is he thinks i dont like him going out with friends etc, so I have tried very hard to work on that. Get yourself a good therapist or counselor. Talk about feeling like a major sap! but are separated now and she moved out to find her self. I did not over react. I was stronger when this first started. but it was the more i try to get her to see she was pulling a family apart and 2 kids lives. Things outside the marriage is much more appealing to him right now than things inside the marriage, and that sucks. Any $ in my name or certain accounts is not considered marital assets. Again, I wish SO BADLY that a few weeks ago when I asked him to leave and we left on decent terms and he reached out multiple times a day and was terrified to lose me, I wish I had stuck to that and continued to let him feel the loss of me. I just want to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. (Mine did too), He expects you to dig serrp the whole thing. If you would have said, This has got to end or Im leaving, or Im taking the kids with me, You have got to get out, or whatever, I think that would have expedited the fog disappearing a lot faster. I see it. Its funny you said those 2 options bc during our argument the other day he said something like we will never get past this unless you see it my way, or something like that. He took advantage one time too many. So yes at DDay2 I told my H I was D him. Calm. In 25 years of M the D words was never used. And if there is any contact whatsoever you should not waste your time and energy on her or the marriage right now. It is an addiction. So you have some idea of what you are facing like if you split up and its a no fault divorce state what is the % you get for alimony and what % for child support etc. I hope all is well!!! He fantasized about escape. Started as EA but became more than that. I made that poor choice and I let him justify his A as my fault. I phoned a friend who had worked there and knew this woman. Linda: Honestly, this is why its so difficult to pinpoint because most of the time, when you start doing the things like checking the phone records or talking to the [affair partners]husband, what happens is they end up getting more secretive. Which is part of the reason you are in limbo. F*ck 40: Lifting the Midlife Fog After Milestone Birthday February 7, 2018by Tobin Walsh The 40thbirthday party my wife threw for me was legendary the next days massive hangover being evidence enough. I looked after their needs while they were younger but he is their dad and he was involved in their lives. Its so much pain. That much I know. You are wasting your time. Youre absolutely right, they are twins! This was the day after he told me that he wants to come back to bursa, that he never intended to leave here and go to her. We discussed him getting his own place might work out better. Nothing worked or changed him. That is your reward. I told him his actions show he doesnt care about me at all and that he wanted a different life, and I told him to go have it. They begin to rationalize with themselves in order to cover up their feelings of guilt. He was nice during that time, as a matter of fact hes always been nice. i know its allowing him to cake eat and have things very easy, but I just have to focus on only myself and the baby for now. All the comments he had been making to me was the start of his leaving. Now in her 40s she had left it too late to have a baby and it had totally fucked her up. Stated out by spilling her guts to my husband about her partner, who was a man she had just stolen from another woman. I would hope he would change his mind, but I just cant beg. Best of luck keep posting -I honestly believe in my heart you are doing the right thing. Tell him that this is not what you expected when you married and had children. In your case your H wants a M on his terms. As Yusim explains, You are stronger than you think. To protect ourself. I use this when my kids lie or my H lies.

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