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what is psychological coercion?

Polcin, D. L., & Greenfield, T. K. (2003). In the interrogation, especially in American style interrogation, people can become so stressed and so broken down and they start to feel so hopeless about their current situation that they come to believe in a rational way a They were in the midst of dealing with custody agreements and could not seem to agree on anything. Gavey, N. (1993). What is coercion? Coercion, which can also be referred to as coercive control, is the act of manipulating an individual or group to act against their best interests, using violence, threats, intimidation or psychological techniques. It is usually a gradual process over a period of time in which peoples behaviors change, many beyond recognition. Third from left is Baptist Joint Committee General Counsel Oliver Buzz Thomas who filed a brief in the case. The impact of peer relationships on aggression in childhood: Inhibition through coercion or promotion through peer support. Although Randy did not say it in person and did not actually harm Gwen's mother, this is still coercion. Correlates of patient aggression within psychiatric treatment: Measures of staff and patient coercion. Predicting coercive sexual behavior across the lifespan in a random sample of Canadian men: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Vol 17(1) Feb 2000, 95-113. Vickerman, R. C., Reed, M. D., & Roberts, M. W. (1997). Hoyer, G., Kjellin, L., Engberg, M., Kaltiala-Heino, R., Nilstun, T., Sigurjonsdottir, M., et al. They issue tickets, almost impossible for a homeless resident to pay, and make the occasional arrest on drug possession, vagrancy or other relatively minor charges. (2007). s of now, the test remains one of a number of such tests that the Court can apply in this controversial area. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Men's and women's reactions to hypothetical sexual advances: The role of initiator socioeconomic status and level of coercion: Sex Roles Vol 49(3-4) Aug 2003, 173-178. La Fond, J. Q., & Srebnik, D. (2002). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. WebPsychological coercion includes theories of mind control, thought control, or a brainwashing claim that a person's mind can be controlled by an outside source. Parents' conflict strategies with children and children's conflict strategies with peers: Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Vol 42(4) Oct 1996, 495-518. Doroszewicz, K., & Forbes, G. B. Mobbing / Bullying Hogben, M., Byrne, D., & Hamburger, M. E. (1995). Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Lucenko, B. Invocation of coercion context in compliance communication -- power dynamics in psychiatric care: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 29(1) Jan-Feb 2006, 36-47. It is most often used in public school cases. Intimidation, coercion and resistance in the final stages of the South Asian Smallpox Eradication Campaign, 1973-1975: Social Science & Medicine Vol 41(5) Sep 1995, 633-645. : Journal of Business Research Vol 39(3) Jul 1997, 209-218. Distal coercion: Case studies: Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior Vol 34(1) 1997, 10-14. B. Boeringer, S. B., Shehan, C. L., & Akers, R. L. (1991). (2007). After multiple weeks of dealing with it, they still had not come to a conclusion. (2004). Comparisons of Sexual Assault Among Older and Younger Women: Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect Vol 17(3) 2005, 1-18. A part from religious principles, the true conscience involved may be class-consciousness, patriotism, altruism, social values, political correctness or any other strongly held ethical world-view. Hegemony and discourse: Reconstruing the male sex offender and sexual coercion by men: Sexualities, Evolution & Gender Vol 7(3) Dec 2005, 215-231. Freedom Forum Institute, Sept. 16, 2011. Cinderella Effect /Coercive persuasion McKenna, B. G., Simpson, A. I. F., & Coverdale, J. H. (2006). Noell, J., Rohde, P., Seeley, J., & Ochs, L. (2001). Hawley, P. H. (2003). Coercive family processes: A replication and extension of Patterson's Coercion Model: Aggressive Behavior Vol 27(1) 2001, 14-25. Im crying out to him. According to this view, any form of specific coercion is then unethical in itself as an injury to freedom, quite apart from its damaging effects on social progress. Power dynamics in the sexual harassment of women by men. (1994). Violence, aggression, and coercive actions. A., Frances, R. J., et al. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. The common element is the firm belief that coercion ranging from legal State-coercion to terrorism can and should be used to realize true freedom for all. Petrila, J., & Manahan, J. However, his work evinces some of the prevailing contradictory and confusing uses of the terms coercion, persuasion, compellance, and deterrence. Sorgaard, K. W. (2004). November 19, 2022. In both cases, however, the question arises of whether a "reasonable person" would have perceived a threat, and reacted in the same way. Fisher, J. Hougen, R. K. (1996). While Thucydides recounted how the Athenians infamously carried out this threat, the attempt at coercion failed because it did not get the Melians to modify their behaviour, short of their total defeat and destruction. Person seems overly fearful, submissive, tense, or paranoid. Azar, B., & Seppa, N. (1997). Traffickers are adept at identifying people with noticeable vulnerabilities or needs. Schneider, D. J. Wynn, R. (2006). Aggression in bottlenose dolphins: Evidence for sexual coercion, male-male competition, and female tolerance through analysis of tooth-rake marks and behaviour: Behaviour Vol 142(1) Jan 2005, 21-44. (2002). Entrapping the innocent: Toward a theory of child sexual predators' luring communication: Communication Theory Vol 17(3) Aug 2007, 231-251. Tannsjo, T. (2004). Gowaty, P. A. Estimates by the National Alliance on Mental Illness show that a quarter of the states 170,000 homeless residents, more than a quarter of the nations total, has a serious mental illness. Felson, R. B., & Tedeschi, J. T. (1993). David, H. P. (1978). Martinn, A. F., Vergeles, M. R., Acevedo, V. d. l. O., Sanchez, A. d. C., & Visa, S. L. (2005). Perceived coercion among committed, detained, and voluntary patients: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 22(2) Mar-Apr 1999, 167-175. Self-harm by people with learning difficulties: Something to be expected or investigated? Branik, E. (2004). Szasz, T. (2005). Prosen, E. D., Jaeger, R. G., & Lee, D. R. (2004). Cartar, L., Hicks, M., & Slane, S. (1996). Exploitation and abuse in the garment industry: The case of the Thai slave-labor compound in El Monte. The Dean's Disease: How the Darker Side of Power Manifests Itself in the Office of Dean: Academy of Management Learning & Education Vol 1(2) Dec 2002, 164-173. Clemens, B., & Douglas, T. J. Primate social systems: Conspecific threat and coercion-defense hypotheses: Folia Primatologica Vol 69(2) 1997, 81-88. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Zweig, J. M., Barber, B. L., & Eccles, J. S. (1997). Hogben, M., Byrne, D., Hamburger, M. E., & Osland, J. An examination of the use of coercion by assertive outreach and community mental health teams in Northern Ireland: British Journal of Social Work Vol 37(3) Apr 2007, 537-555. John R. Vile. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Almost paradoxically, personal spiritual freedom came thus to be often based on specific thought coercion by the inspired few. Kerpelman, L. C., Connell, D. B., & Gunn, W. J. Gomory, T. (2002). According to Rousseau and his followers, social progress required that those who are somehow inspired by the general will should be entitled to enforce it through revolutionary coercion on the will of all. Perspectives on cults: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 36 (3), Mar, 1991. Violence, injury, and presentation patterns in spousal sexual assaults: Violence Against Women Vol 7(11) Nov 2001, 1218-1233. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Outline, Abstract concepts Sexual coercion among young street-involved adults: Perpetrators' and victims' perspectives: Violence and Victims Vol 16(5) Oct 2001, 537-551. An examination of sexual strategies used by urban Southern and rural Midwestern university women: Journal of Sex Research Vol 42(4) Nov 2005, 335-341. Lind, M., Kaltiala-Heino, R., Suominen, T., Leino-Kilpi, H., & Valimaki, M. (2004). Bohleber, W. (2000). Perceived injustice and the expression of grievances. The treatment plan itself would rely on a meeting with professional counselors and medication, a course that is to be reviewed regularly. A. A statistical analysis of the difference between juvenile child molesters and juvenile rapists. Korman, H., Engster, D., & Milstein, B. M. (1996). Ahrens, S. (2006). Sexism and sexual coercion. (2004). WebThe means element of sex trafficking occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Scaramella, L. V., & Leve, L. D. (2004). Sexual risk taking behaviors among Latinas: The influence of gender and culture. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Delprato, D. J. (2007). Basile, K. (1999). A. Janofsky, J. S. (2007). Another instance is coercive persuasion. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Individuals may be charged if the offender causes physical injury to another person, violates their duty as a public servant, or compels their victim to commit a felony. George insisted that coercive diplomacy is a defensive and deterrent strategy distinct from Schellings notion of compellance. Szasz, T. (2007). Coercion and extortion are only similar in that they both involve a threat to the health and welfare of a person if said person does not consent to do what the threatener wishes. If the interrogation leads to the collection of additional evidence, the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine precludes the use of this evidence against the person in a trial. Coercion in the Therapeutic Community: Therapeutic Communities: International Journal for Therapeutic and Supportive Organizations Vol 27(2) Sum 2006, 249-263. But Simpson said she has not been formally diagnosed with a mental disorder that would qualify her for a Care Court treatment plan. Stranger and Acquaintance Sexual Assault of Adult Males: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 19(8) Aug 2004, 901-915. When Maria asked what Chris was doing, Chris responded by saying that if Maria does not agree to his custody terms, he will kill both her and the two kids right then and there. Differential Coercion Theory Reflections on Coercion in the Treatment of Severe Anorexia Nervosa: Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences Vol 43(3) 2006, 159-165. Coercive Sexual Behaviour in British Prisons as Reported by Adult Ex-Prisoners: Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Vol 43(2) 2004, 113-130. It is closely linked with some of the other aspects already surveyed above, and may be of paramount importance in determining coercions effects and implications. Outpatient commitment and coercion in New Zealand: A matched comparison study: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 29(2) Mar-Apr 2006, 145-158. Emancipatory Social Work? Loring, M. T., & Bolden-Hines, T. A. Hiday, V. A., Swartz, M. S., Swanson, J. W., Borum, R., & Wagner, H. R. (2002). Emmers-Sommer, T. M., & Allen, M. (1999). Acquaintance rape attitudes, beliefs and reported sexually coercive behaviors in male college students. Kalichman, S. C., & Rompa, D. (1995). Varma, D., Chandra, P. S., Thomas, T., & Carey, M. P. (2007). Similar but different: Men's and women's experiences of sexual coercion. New York, NY: Plenum Press. (1995). From Brainwashing to Organizational Therapy: A Conceptual and Empirical Journey in Search of 'Systemic' Health and a General Model of Change Dynamics. Experiences of 'control' in anorexia nervosa treatment: Delayed coercion, shadow of law, or disseminated power and control? California shifts to an experiment in coercion to treat the homeless. Sexual deviance, antisociality, mating effort, and the use of sexually coercive behaviors: Personality and Individual Differences Vol 21(1) Jul 1996, 33-48. No peace for estrous topi cows on leks: Behavioral Ecology Vol 14(4) Jul 2003, 521-525. The money was designated specifically for mental health services but not for housing. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. Waldner-Haugrud, L. K. (1999). (2005). coercion Strategies and dispositional correlates of sexual coercion perpetrated by women: An exploratory investigation: Sex Roles Vol 45(1-2) Jul 2001, 103-115. (2003). Evidence for serial coercion: A time course analysis using the visual-world paradigm: Cognitive Psychology Vol 56(1) Feb 2008, 1-29. Hiday, V. A. Lopez-Garza, Marta (Ed); Diaz, David R (Ed). Coercion and patient satisfaction on psychiatric acute wards: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 30(6) Nov-Dec 2007, 504-511. A., Corbata, M. T. G., Menendez, S. P., & Alvarez, R. H. (2001). Eriksson, K. I., & Westrin, C. G. (1995). Control in psychoanalytic institutions: Luzifer-Amor: Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse Vol 13(26) 2000, 7-15. Review of Coercive control: The entrapment of women in personal life: Violence Against Women Vol 13(8) Aug 2007, 885-890. Hall, G. C. N., DeGarmo, D. S., Eap, S., Teten, A. L., & Sue, S. (2006). Pollard, J. W. (1995). Koh said the challenge of distinguishing between mental illness and long-term substance abuse is a gray area from a clinical-medical perspective., Many of us wanted to expand the pool of folks who would be eligible for this, Koh said. The city has very blunt instruments to deal with our homeless population the police and the sanitation department, said San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria (D), an advocate of the Care Court initiative. Spiller, L. C. (2000). In recent times, some have attempted to extend a similar ethical judgement to non-predatory forms of coercion by individuals. We make every effort to keep our articles updated. Alexander George built upon Schellings work in developing his concept of coercive diplomacy.

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