Cosmotarius from the constantly moving stars projected on the dome, Part of the terrace is taken up with a large raised dome many compare it to entering a dream world. This addition is primarily designed to be compatible with5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, but also functions as a huge collection of inspiring rooms, characters, and more to plug and play into your campaigns! Perhaps we canforward, they will see staff fleeing away from the engine discuss some business while we travel? Lord Gammon,and one of them will scream, Brandrs lost control! with a look of distaste, responds, This is purely a pleasure trip, Lord Almanor. If players investigate the Steam Engine, they willfind the hatch door to the engine flung open and a fire At the last minute before the train is due to leave, oneelemental and 1d4 steam mephits laying waste to the additional passenger shows up: a beautiful half-elf womanroom. These effects last for 10 minutes. Once the area to win a gamble three times in a row, rewarding them 25is open, he will head toward the Cosmovect (D5) and gold pieces if they succeed.spend the rest of his time inside that chamber. TheyWiyula that follows her everywhere dont speak, but they are able to roughly understand alland assists her as it can. son, Torrel. Prim is on the smaller side, and coupled witharmor dyed black underneath her cloak. As an elf, he doesnt require lovely singing voice.sleep and often chooses to spend his time in trance in aquiet corner of the bar car, though he has a room of his own Kogan Hamfistin the staff sleeper car. Urma is a middle-aged female rock gnome historian, using Poma Llulla the commoner statistics with a base Wisdom of 15 and Charisma of 12. The specifics of the fortuneare up to the GM, but what it describes will eventually 11come to pass.The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering Hole die, the Dealer will roll a d20. cars and also manages the Copper Penny bar car and theBartender Insights: Tarmo knows that Raivo hates bats due to an un- Golden Coin gaming carriage.fortunate incident where one flew into his hair and burned to a crisp. You can hear the dripping of water. If one is able to attract the attention of theyears of isolation, Samis arrival brought him new life, gargantuan beast, they will feel as if they have looked intobut with the success of the tavern keeping Sami busy, he the eyes of a god, suddenly benefiting from the effects ofsometimes feels alone again. It lacks the ornate carvings that kitchen (A4) and the storage room (A6).seem to naturally form in other rooms. When settling the Quest Board section.disputes, it will communicate telepathically with a calm If a guest orders a meal that includesand soothing voice, urging guests to deal with their issues ingredients not readily available atoutside. As a chef, she wears her hair pulled back under a kerchief. The intricatestone planters are scattered around. If they fail, they greatly enjoy Bishel Voss and Lord Almanor the song. With this variant rule, The Wildaback canenchanted rope connects the two systems, and is nearly choose to expand the face of the globe as it walks, creatingimpossible to break accidentally. Her comparison. For further directionprovide players a place to rest and recoup from their grand on role-playing as the world travelers, read theiradventures, or explore the taverns as their own adventures! The Rifting outcomes, and warnings. Upon a closer inspection, observers willries high, now only a few of these indistinguishable figures see the ruins of an ancient city covering its hide. pair of toilets, a sink, and a large bath. If they answer to store information and treasures.incorrectly three times overall, The Tender will give them ashot glass with the words Clever I am not etched into it. He is an avid businessman She spends the bulk of her time in the Kitchen (A4),by experience, and loves nothing more than running such but also ventures into both the Store Room (A6) anda successful and fascinating operation. Thisappointed with comfortable furnishings and many small way, guests can enjoy the view eventouches that showcase the Rail-Aways attention to detail: in inclement weather. Hed heard much about the fortune that his former client had amassed and was very interested As Lord Gammon was actually attacked by different peo- in doing business with him again. He knows herdrink her morning coffee). It is harmless; it has 10 AC, 5 hit who was captured by wizards during their adventuring days. If theincludes a bedroll and baggage. He takes thefreely in front of her, Trackle knows vague details about the womens Rail-Away whenever he can, as he enjoys both the gamingplan to escape Lord Gammons intentions. out what happens. The environment is considered to be in complete darkness. Flustered, Lord Gammon will ask the party if he can trust them (DC 14 Persuasion check). Areas of the Tavern 1. This effect lasts for 1 hour. The Administrative ChamberFinally, around the door on the far side, the wizards are This chamber resembles a luxurious office space, with adepicted fighting a giant creature whose name is written large, C-shaped desk against the back wall. Five stools sit in front of The Bar, though drink (Roll 1d6, and on a 3 select a flying creature from theservice is available throughout the Main Hall (A2). Player2d8 supply of +1 ammunition to his reward. She is teaching him how to speak Sylvan, but only the trait for his job. After congratulating the adventurers, and any threats have been dealt with. Amaru isbrown hair, hazel eyes, and well tanned skin from working always looking for a new drink to put his own spin on. with predefined explanations using magic similar to magic mouth. The party can findand a deep voice from beyond the door saying, Welcome, their own names among the papers, including remarkablydear guests. Determined to survive and escape with some wealth, she contacted her half-sister Esthene (who Lord Dretin Dalmura Gammon had never met) and devised a plan to get rid of him.Dretin Dalmura is a female drow, an avid black market Uneasy about her husband, Lady Gammon always carries a goodfence. Olins desk is covered in loose papers and notes.Searching through them, players will find several denied B6. Admindium has advantage on saving Impale. If the characters attempt to make their way This chamber is filled with 2d20+1 gelatinous cubesback through the membrane to the Rumen (E1), they that are happily devouring what the pipes are droppingwill find that they are unable to move in that direction. Players can remove 4. If the player characters turn him in to Knuckles and take the reward, Ryman will be apprehended and If youve a weapon handy & dont mind getting your hands kicked off the train at the next stop. Lord Tavarious GammonLord Tavarious Gammon is an obese human noble, whoseform hides experienced muscles. An otherwise simple-mindedHe carries a cluster of loose papers with unreadable notes man, he earned his title in a meat pie eating contest.scribbled on them, and constantly mumbles to himself. Characters underneath the opening will be affected as follows: Roll 1d446 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsWildaback TavernRoll Effect Save Result on Fail opening leading to the Abomasum (E4) is located at the 1 A blast of air blows through DC 12 Knocked Prone end of the pathway. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns is a wondrous collection of taverns and inns, all with varying scales of fantasy. The door is protected to the text under the Taverns Operators section. If Admindium fails a saving Climb. Any interactions withshe uncovered a small treasure box containing a set of magical brass them should be short and uneventful.knuckles and a small bag of gems, all of which she carries to this day.They enabled her to escape and have served her well. The Griffin's Nest C3. will likely vanish and attempt to scatter. They even wear similarthat all share a common theme: they are all half-breeds (or clothingsilken vests over billowy white blousesand smallhalflings). He is on it). Share it: Copy. A couple of cloud giants are picnicking nearby and have 2 Cloud 9an entire feast laid out upon a very large blanket. And as guessed from the pronouns they are NB like the Seeker. plants, which adds to the greenhouse atmosphere and lends a sense of privacy for late-night assignations. Lord Gammon is found dead in the Mercury Observation car. Anyone Bartender Insights: Kogan knows that Raivo hates it when someonewho underestimates Knuckles does so to their detriment. It looks almost like a sarcophagus. locked with unique locks that Admindium has the keys toThe entirety of this floor seems much more advanced and on its keyring. He can usually be found lounging in the that wraps around her head like a crown. Quest-O-Nomicon: Quintessential Collection $ 164.94 $ 99.99 If engaged inRimak can cast the following bard spells, using Charisma as his conversation, he speaks in a friendly and boisterous mannerspellcasting ability (spell save DC 14, spell attack bonus +6). He requests that Verity sing her Brandr Fintan, and Tarmo Warberry to fight against them. Unable to face her child, random. 3. When manifest- consumed on the property, but are confiscated by the ing the fog, use the Ethereal Guardian stat block. The door is engraved with images of Ethereal Guardian dissipates.six wizards, all connected by threads that lead to a large If the player characters manage to free all of the wizards, referorb in the center of the engraving. They have light brown body andalleviate her daily battle with it. Please see Dretin Dalmura, the Sapphire car. If consumed by a creature, the creatures speech and up to 100 gallons per barrel, and 5 cubic feet per cubic actions are enhanced by minor illusions. If the players exit the room and enter again, reroll to potentially change the outcome. More. 4d6 x 100 sp 1d6 x 100 gp3 You spy something wrapped in a thick blanket and secured with leather straps. True Paradox. Some handwriting is very fine and cultured, while Courier needed for a simple delivery job. Restroom (A6). The desk has seven drawers, all of themamong the otherwise metallic features in this chamber. The Important Note. Plush carpets layer the boarding purposes, and to accommodate the loading andfloor. Lady Gammonthe situation. He wears a rapier that he Lounge/Bedroom (D2)also uses to perform bar tricks and remove corks with flair. A raised open-air oval platform takes upand The Mithril. He wears his hair slicked back and tucked28 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsEsthene Moonshadow Bishel VossEsthene is quite the beautiful half-elf, always dressed in Bishel Voss is an unremarkably bland woman (humanshimmering, form-fitting clothes. Consider the following notes when using The total of 17 taverns range from levels 1-20, in no the contents of this book:particular order, and have suggestions as to where they These taverns are designed to be added to any worldmight be located. T he Ethereal Guardian will arrive to help AdmindiumD1. intertwined. She uses a stool on a track operated by a leveryouth with an anger problem, Raivo was cursed by an ancient to move back and forth along the counter, and somehowand powerful efreeti during an argument (one that he has for- manages to keep everything fully operational. It is unclear how long Roll 1d4 to determine type:it has been there, but the edge of metal that can be seen below the hilt is still gleaming and rust-free. If a creature consumes this, their move- locked metal door. If the die is rolled and lands on a 20, a fortune other visitors.appears behind the glass. She must develop and lay out a credible theory of how Lord doesnt want her past revealed, nor does she want to get Gammon died, who did it, and a reason why. Subscribe 14K views 1 year ago "The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns" is a soundtrack for your D&D adventures! If the partyempty room with another steel door on the other side. that he just wants to travel and means no one any harm.If the quasits are killed and Dretin finds out, she will If Lord Gammon and Lord Almanor are on the train, heattack unless convinced otherwise (e.g., by the players will indicate that he knows something very juicy is goingpaying her the 250 gold owed or through a DC 16 on and he doesnt want to leave because he wants to findIntimidation check). If the train does not have any See Kogan Hamfist for details. Sami spends all of his time running the tavern, Kem Kasik checking up on guests, helping the other staff members,Kem Kasik is a young-looking human man with shoulder- and doing loads of paperwork. Each table holds a small brass mopping up of spilled drinks. Trackle leaves to retrieve it, interacting briefly with Prim, who hands her something. Underneaththe tables are baskets and crates full of exotic fruits andvegetables. An exit lies on the opposite side of the room from where As the players walk (or are pushed with the current) the players enter, which, if taken, will dump the playerthrough the room, they will stub their toes on a random characters out into a randomcollection of metal objects lying in the goop. A magic mouth has been placed Before introducing The Wildaback, it is suggested thatinside this lift, which recites the following phrase in the GM hint at its existence beforehand. the Accusations Fly event. These responses include game rules, comments on C4. worth 1,500 gold, including a diamond worth 300 gold.Her build is slim and wiry, accented by leather armor dyedblack underneath her cloak. It contains Four shared bathrooms with toilet, sink, and shower: two2,000 gold, five diamonds (worth75 gold each), a supply of fine on one end and two in the middle of the carriageclothing, and a coded ledger that Two large rooms with a double bed, a chest, smalldetails Lord Gammons illegal Raivo Sevaraarmchair, and a small wooden desk with a straight- backed chair Five small rooms with a twin bed, a chest, and a chair Two large rooms with a double bed, chest, small armchair, and a small wooden desk with a straight- backed chair, plus a private washroom with toilet, sink, and shower While not spacious, the rooms are all comfortableand more than generous for a train. Before consuming this content, please remember do not drink if youre not of legal age in your country of residence. A storage closetdesk, but they are covered in a fine layer of dust. Attitude: Annoyed (3) Any character who Barrel-aged malt grain spirits provide the base for successfully drinks (and this stout cocktail, mixed with a splash of orange keeps down, with a DC 12 juice and bitters. Perhaps nearbydifferent languages whenever a humanoid comes within villages have a legend about it, or maybe the party was60 feet of it: Welcome to The Wildaback Tavern, inn given a compass that leads to the beast. Refer toBeyond the second door is a wide hallway, with the Taverns Operators section.symmetrical doors on both sides (D3). high with various crates and barrels. They generallysurprise some guests due to her remarkably silent stride. tavern they wish to include before involving it in their game, as certain rooms feature secrets and mechanics in When a creatures name or type appears in bold, it implies their descriptions.that you may find their abilities in the related stat block Due to the size of the book, numerous items and characterssection, Stibbles Codex or the System Reference Document. A7. Finish off with an injection of cherry syrup and take with closed eyes. A habitual Accusations Fly.liar and cheat, only his silver tongue has allowed him tosurvive this long. Player characters with a Passive perception of 16 or higher will notice this (DC 15 Alen Trismys if they are seated at the table). When his mood is good, thug stat block, but instead attacks with daggers (dealingthe flames are low lying, barely flickering, but as his anger 1d4 + 2 damage each).grows the flames grow stronger and gain real heat. Watering Hole. Ethereal Guardian by guests leaving the tavern. A single loveseat with plump cushions is A small, magically locked secret door (DC 18 Perceptionin front of the window and Kem and Sami were often check to locate, DC 20 Thieves Tools to unlock) is builtfound cuddling there in the early, easy days of their into one of the bookshelves. Previous Page. According to him, The Wildabacks overarchingspends most of his time on the Crown (area D), hunting goal is to simply travel and witness all that the world(s)for food during pauses, or venturing into The Ruins. A man of few words, heconductor. In the most dangerous situations, hewritten down in a leather-bound journal.) Anyone with knowledge of Thieves Cant hasRail-Aways cars but serves three purposes: an area for advantage on the check. This book is a collection of In addition to the taverns, this book also contains a fantastical locations that can be used in any 5th group of enigmatic NPCs called World Travelers.Edition setting. If theycare of quietly and with no disruption to the guests. The adventures found on the Rail-Away are intended for characters level 5 to 10. Admindium targets one creature it has grappled, andSpecial Equipment. Curdled Night Hag - 1 sp To say this cocktails texture is an acquired taste might be an understatement to some. Alen uses the noble stat block, but lacks a Enchanting Song. While the rooms arent large, they arecomfortable and clean, and all feature unmatched views. They act as a person for Halaster to talk to on the PA system and bounce dialog off of. She has brown hair, a num- Raivo Sevara ber of freckles, and is decently plump (Never trust a skinny cook, she likes to say). They are obviously searching for something. You may use any or all of the contents to the more challenging taverns. The Wizards WateringHole should be presented to the characters as a place of unrealistic enjoyment, suspiciously low prices, and visual spectacle. The Cosmovect After being set free, each wizard will take their first The door directly across from the player characters when they enter bears a label written in Celestial, which readsThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns Extra Storage. Inside the room is a massive contraption that defies logic. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 19RAIL-AWAYRAIL-AWAYI s it the destination or the journey thats more important? The party Quest Giver: Somen Gilrona, the Chefhas 1d4+1 rounds to dispose of the pests before they Important Note: This quest should only appear on thedestroy the track, leading to repairs and a delay. Guest Check-InQinlar Ravengleam is always posted in this small entry The main stage (A3) is on the side of the room, withroom to the main tavern, and is the first face most the grand staircase leading up to it. This room is heavily stocked with potion ingredients, all placed in various containers on the A thin layer of fog looms overhead, seeming to ebb and shelves that line the walls. Shes searched the train repeatedly Forest Lake/River Undergroundbut is at her wits end. Raivo a backup bartender. Lord Gammon hungrily eyes theAnyone with a Passive Perception of 14 or higher will new passenger as Lady Gammon is looking the other way.notice that a golden ring set with a ruby (a ring of fireelemental command) lies on the floor. If the room is occupied, the handle glows of the following effects to occur: red and acts as an immovable rod keeping the door shut. Recursos Humanos. Take your players on a trip through one of the 16 different taverns the. Samis OfficeThis room shares the same architecture as the Main Hall, Samis office, where he conducts much of the business of theand perhaps came from the same ancient civilization. Accusations Fly, with Lord Almanor being replaced by any generic nobleman with a demanding appetite. Sadly, Treeforge is cursed with chronic wings against their back, so they look like they are alwayspain, and is searching for methods to wearing a feathery cloak. Its command word is damn. The room is a enchanted to constantlywreck, with the floor covered in bottles and unfinished emit illusory bubbles.meals. 3 +2 Rapier 4 +2 Shortsword6 An ornately carved artifact looks like it has erupted out of the hide of The Wildaback, almost as 1 Very Rare Artifact (1,000gp) though it were desperate to be found.7 An abandoned rucksack, which still looks to have something in it. Otherwise, the door can be opened to reveal a 1d10 Result 30-square-foot room obscured by magical darkness. Eldermancy LLC in no way condones or supports alcoholic beverages to be consumed in excess and urges all consumers to drink responsibly so not to cause harm to ones self or others.2 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsContentsIntroduction2 Ch 7: Treetop Tavern.100 Ch 13: The Dungeon of Darkness..204Ch 1: The Wizards Watering Hole4 Introduction. 101 Introduction. 205Introduction.. 5 Areas of the Tavern. 101 Areas of the Tavern. 205Areas of the Tavern.. 5 The Taverns Guests. 109 The Taverns Operators.. 207The Taverns Operators 7 The Taverns Operators.. 110 The Taverns Guests. 215The Taverns Guests 11 Menu 112 Menu 216Menu.. 14 The Quest Board 114 The Quest Board 218The Quest Board.. 16 Events.. 116 Tavern History 219Tavern History.. 17 Tavern History 116 Stat Blocks 219Stat Blocks.. 18 Stat Blocks 117 Ch 14: Teapot Temple220 Introduction. 221Ch 2: Rail-Away.20 Ch 8: Spring of Peace118 Areas of the Tavern. 221Introduction 21 Introduction. 119 The Taverns Operators.. 223Areas of the Tavern 21 Areas of the Tavern. 119 The Taverns Spirits. 229The Taverns Operators. 26 The Taverns Operators.. 124 The Taverns Guests. 229The Taverns Guests 28 Menu 126 Menu 230Menu.. 30 The Taverns Guests. 128 Events.. 232The Quest Board.. 32 The Quest Board 130 Tavern History 233Events. 34 Events.. 132 Stat Blocks 233Tavern History.. 36 Tavern History 133Stat Blocks.. 37 Stat Blocks 134 Ch 15: By the Frost234 Introduction. 235Ch 3: Wildaback Tavern.38 Ch 9: The Grand Shanty.136 Areas of the Tavern. 235Introduction 39 Introduction. 137 The Taverns Operators.. 237Areas of the Tavern 39 Areas of the Tavern. 137 The Taverns Guests. 241The Taverns Operators. 42 The Taverns Operators.. 140 Menu 244The Taverns Guests 48 Menu 146 The Quest Board 246Menu.. 50 The Taverns Guests. 148 Tavern History 248The Quest Board.. 52 The Quest Board 149 Stat Blocks 249Tavern History.. 54 Events.. 150 Ch 16: The Tavern at Deaths Door..250Stat Blocks.. 55 Tavern History 151 Introduction. 251 Stat Blocks 152 Areas of the Tavern. 251Ch 4: The Bloated Bounty.56 The Taverns Operators.. 253Introduction 57 Ch 10: The Drunken Treasure.154 The Taverns Guests. 256Areas of the Tavern 57 Introduction. 155 Menu 258The Taverns Operators. 60 Areas of the Tavern. 155 The Quest Board 260The Taverns Guests 65 The Taverns Operators.. 157 Events.. 260Menu.. 66 The Taverns Guests. 163 Stat Blocks 261The Quest Board.. 68 Menu 164 Ch 17: The Daydream..262Tavern History.. 70 The Quest Board 166 Introduction. 263Stat Blocks.. 71 Tavern History 169 Areas of the Tavern. 264 Stat Blocks 170 Menu 274Ch 5: The Dancing Horse..72 Tavern History 276Introduction 73 Ch 11: Fungal Grotto172 Stat Blocks 277Areas of the Tavern 73 Introduction. 173 Ch 18: ExtrasThe Taverns Operators. 75 Areas of the Tavern. 173 World Travelers.. 278Menu.. 80 The Taverns Operators.. 175 The Critic. 278The Taverns Guests 82 The Taverns Guests. 178 The Gambler 279The Quest Board.. 83 Menu 182 The Old Lady.. 280Tavern History.. 84 The Quest Board 184 The Seeker 281Stat Blocks.. 85 Tavern History 186 Emit William Saps, the Tinkerer.. 282 Stat Blocks 186 The Three Hexbound Sisters.. 282Ch 6: Poor Larrys.86 Trail Seeker (Card Game)284Introduction 87 Ch 12: Ironstein Mine..188 Map Index..286Areas of the Tavern 87 Introduction. 189 OGL Licence.320The Taverns Operators. 89 Areas of the Tavern. 190The Taverns Guests 93 The Taverns Operators.. 191Menu.. 94 The Taverns Guests. 197The Quest Board.. 96 Menu 198Events. 97 The Quest Board 200Tavern History.. 98 Tavern History 201Stat Blocks.. 99 Stat Blocks 202The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering Hole4 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsThe Wizards Watering HoleStanding three stories tall and surrounded by dancing lights and illusory spectacles, The Wizards Watering Hole beckons any and all outsiders to visit. er exchanging hugs and tears. What is The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns?. Sticking out of one of these vats is an oversized passive perception of 14, and a CR of 1/2. The most prevalent effect of this curse is Rai- on a special belt she had made for the purpose. THE CROWNThe slight rocking motion of The Wildabacks stride givesguests the impression that they are riding the waves, and The Crown sits atop the head of the Wildaback andthis is most present in the Saddlebags. Detect magic will only reveal urchin who was kidnapped by Lord Almanor over fifteen years agoan aura of Divination. Search. One-Two Punch. He wears very simple clothing and will only speak if spoken to, neverRimak is a male high elf bard currently posing as a wealthy volunteering to start a conversation. Quest Giver: ??? A painted wooden screen separates a large with spinel (750 gp), and an ebony idol (of a goddess ofplush bed from the rest of the room. He keeps hissold Lord Gammon the forged patents of nobility. travel vessel for a team of scholars to visit other chapters ofSee if you can win some drinks! Bees constantly buzz from flower to flower. well-made meals, and has an incredibly keen sense of taste. If Gammon wasnt ple and has many enemies, there are a number of theories interested in a partnership, Almanor was not above the players can lay out in order to save themselves from ar- blackmailing him. Comfortable leather barbell that can be rung for service. While Somen is average height forRaivo is a handsome young half-elf with outstanding features, a halfling, it makes cooking in a standard kitchen a bit ofand is the Rail-Aways bartender. His to and to catalogue the creature itself (or the things foundclothing is of the highest quality and the latest styles. The following two events dramatically affect any characters who spend the night on the Grand Shanty. As the players look in that direction, they experience a sudden surge of unfamiliar memories (they each gain proficiency in a skill they did not have proficiency in before), but when they turn back the clearing is empty.Note: The cottage and Emit W. Saps will only appear once. The contents of this book are meant to beand items contained therein are referenced throughout creatively inspiring, and are built with the intent ofthis book.There are also several mentions of creatures letting players and creators mix their own ideas withfound in the first of Eldermancys books, Stibbles Codex of the stories.Companions. Lord Gammon seemsto an abrupt halt, accompanied by the ear-numbing very bossy, while his wife seems quiet. Verity Warberry, and crumples the note and throws Ryman Thorn; it away. She wears comfortable but sturdy leathers and often tries to make something described by the patrons whoquite often has vines or leaves stuck in her hair. If the flying emperor monkeys detect the party first, they will immediately attack.44 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsWildaback Tavern6 You find yourself in a large, roughly circular clearing with a burrow of some kind. Additional newsound of the brake being applied with full force. The main storage room is piled grants them +1 to their Natural AC, and lasts for 1 hour. They use fermented fluids. very world to shake with each of its steps, the mysterious nature of this beast leaves little evidence of its passage The crown, the saddlebags, and the rooftop terrace with aside from its ability to nearly block out the sun.the Cosmotarius are all well maintained.
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