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family dysfunction schizophrenia tutor2u

Their get up and go has got up and gone! Delusions: The most common delusion that people diagnosed with schizophrenia report is that others are trying to harm or kill them delusions of persecution. This suggests that there is wider academic credibility for the idea of contradictory messages causing schizophrenia. Yellowless et al. Kazdin et al. One of the most important cognitive theories of schizophrenia is attention deficit theory. That said, please be assured that question paper development involves a rigorous and robust process during which experienced colleagues determine whether or not, for any specific content, within a . a) Explain why a Mann-Whitney test is an appropriate choice of statistical test in this situation and a Spearman's test is not. Social behavior depends, in part, on using other peoples actions as clues for understanding what they might be thinking. Older antipsychotics like haloperidol or chlorpromazine may produce side effects The focus of a token economy is on shaping and positively reinforcing desired behaviors and NOT on punishing undesirable behaviors. blended family a family unit composed of a married couple and their offspring including some from previous marriages. Genetic Explanations of Offending Behaviour | Psychology | tutor2u Pederson and Mortensen (Denmark 2001) found Scandanavian villages have very LOW levels of psychosis, but 15 years of living in a city increased risk. Effectively means that it needs to be clearly linked and explained in the context of the answer. Last chance to attend a Grade Booster cinema workshop before the exams. There is no such thing as a normal schizophrenic exhibiting the usual symptoms. [2 marks], - Characteristics of dysfunction eg difficulties in communication, high levels of interpersonal conflict, Evaluate psychological explanations of schizophrenia [16 marks], Briefly discuss two limitations of the family dysfunction explanation for schizophrenia. West Yorkshire, Interactionist approaches attempt to explain schizophrenia as a combination of nature (biological) and nurture (environmental) factors. amphetamines) can produce-schizophrenia like symptoms in non-sufferers. 2. But they tended to block ALL types of dopamine activity, (in other parts of the brain as well) and this caused side effects and may have been harmful. Essentially due to . Example Answers for Section C Schizophrenia Topic Paper 3 - tutor2u Schizophrenogenic Mother | SpringerLink The stress-trigger could be environmental __or biological (for example, smoking cannabis is linked with schizophrenia). Education and rapport training: therapist and client work together to improve the effectiveness of the clients own coping strategies and develop new ones. Predictive validity. Response. The entire evaluation of Schizophrenia (AQA A-level Psychology) 33.39 5.49 3x sold 11 items 1. This causes the neurons that use dopamine to fire too often and transmit too many messages. People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. Some people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic appear to have difficulties with this skill. Zubin and Spring suggest that a person may be born with a predisposition towards schizophrenia which is then triggered by stress in everyday life. Explanations of Attachment: Learning Theory, Research Methods: Scientific Method & Techniques, The Ethological Explanation of Aggression, Psychological Explanations of Offending Behaviour, Dealing with Offending Behaviour: Custodial Sentencing. Pharoah et al (2010) suggest that the following techniques, in which all of the family are involved, are used: This is a behavioural treatment for schizophrenia, based on operant conditioning (learning through reinforcement). Melzer (2012) concluded that Clozapine is effective in 30-50% of cases where other drugs have failed, supporting its use in schizophrenia treatment. 3x sold. Visual - Evaluation of neural correlates for schizophrenia 4. (2003) meta analysis found family interventions help the patient to understand their illness and to live with it, developing emotional strength and coping skills, thus reducing rates of relapse. Family therapy for families of adolescents or young adults who have developed schizophrenia tends currently to emphasize psychoeducation (guidance about schizophrenia and its treatment) and aims at enhancing recovery rather than the discovery of pathogenic patterns of child-rearing (McFarlane 2016 ). Even after stopping the use of the drug, this condition can persist. Neural correlates are patterns of structure or activity in the brain that occur in conjunction with schizophrenia. Refer to evidence in youranswer. 2. a taxonomic category below an order and above a genus. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Explain how family dysfunction might be involved in schizophrenia. A second weakness of the neuroanatomical explanations is that it is biologically deterministic. In a token economy, tokens are given to reward people in psychiatric institutions for performing socially desirable behaviours, the aim being to encourage self-care. Getting dressed, tokens (in the form of coloured discs) are given immediately as secondary reinforcers which can be exchanged for rewards eg. LS23 6AD The fact that the concordance rates are not 100% means that schizophrenia cannot wholly be explained by genes and it could be that the individual has a pre-disposition to schizophrenia and simply makes the individual more at risk of developing the disorder. CBT is rarely used without drug therapy, suggesting it is not enough on its own to treat schizophrenia. There have also been ethical concerns as such a process is seen to be dehumanising, subjecting the patient to a regime which takes away their right to make choices. with reference to co-morbidity, This suggests that understanding the effects of cognitive deficits allows psychologists to create new initiatives for schizophrenics and improve the quality of their lives. A second strength of the research into expressed emotion (EE) is that it has practical applications. This suggests that gaining an insight into family relationships allows psychiatric professionals to help improve the quality of patients lives. Mischler & Waxler (1968) found significant differences in the way mothers spoke to their schizophrenic daughters compared to their normal daughters, which suggests that dysfunctional communication may be a result of living with the schizophrenic rather than the cause of the disorder. Berger (1965), however this evidence may be unreliable because the patients recall may be effected by the dis-order e.g. Adoption studies have helped clarify both of these problems. Work out ways to recognise negative thoughts and test faulty beliefs when they arise, and then challenge and re-think them. Psychomotor Disturbances: Stereotypyical Rocking backwards and forwards, twitches, & repetitive behaviors. It is one of the chemicals in the brain which causes neurons to fire. However, Thornley et al carried out a meta-analysis comparing the effects of Chlorpromazine to placebo conditions and found Chlorpromazine to be associated with better overall functioning Drug therapy is an effective treatment for SZ. This raises practical and ethical issues when selecting different types of tretment. Psychologists use the DSM and ICD to diagnose a patient with schizophrenia. If diagnosis leads to successful treatment, the diagnosis can be seen as valid. But if they have a supportive environment and/or good coping skills the illness may not develop. For example, an excess of dopamine receptors in Brocas area might be responsible for poverty of speech and auditory hallucinations. Is it the cognitive deficits which causes the schizophrenic behavior or is the schizophrenia that causes the cognitive deficits? Comorbidities were also found with epilepsy being the . Schizophrenia is a severe type of mental illness that affects a person's thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors. Fox (1990): It is more likely that factors associated with living in poorer conditions (e.g. Reliability is the level of agreement on the diagnosis by different psychiatrists across time and cultures; stability of diagnosis over time given no change in symptoms. Where two conditions are frequently diagnosed together it calls into question the . Economic Benefits: Family therapy is highly cost effective because it reduces relapse rates, so the patients are less likely to take up hospital beds and resources. Boston Spa, People with schizophrenia have abnormally large ventricles in the brain . Individual differences EE is associated with relapse but not all patients who live in high EE families relapse and not all patients in low EE families avoid relapse Family dysfunction is an incomplete explanation for schizophrenia. She has been taking a typical antipsychotic drug and there have been improvements in her positive symptoms. So in this context it is the occurrence of two illnesses or conditions together; for example, a person has both schizophrenia and a personality disorder. MZ twins may have the same genetic vulnerability but can be triggered by different stressors. PDF (Total 16 marks) - Psych205 In more extreme cases the patient might be unable to cope with the pressures of having to discuss their ideas and feelings and could become stressed by the therapy, or over-fixated with the details of their illness. They assumed the bogus patients were schizophrenic with no real evidence. More recent versions have included hypodopaminergia, where low levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex are believed to be responsible for some of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Faris and Dunham (1939) found clear pattern of correlation between inner city environments and levels of psychosis. Symptom targeting: a specific symptom is selected for which a particular coping strategy can be devised Visual - Evaluation of the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia. It is also important to note that two-thirds of people with schizophrenia have no relative with a similar diagnosis and therefore have no one to inherit it from. This suggests that there may be problems of demand characteristics. Evidence suggests that the closer the biological relationship, the greater the risk of developing schizophrenia. The differences were so large the schizophrenic twins could be easily identified from the brain images in 12 out of 15 pairs. [4 marks], - Atypical and typical antipsychotics are equally effective against positive symptoms with more than half of patients responding well, Apart from effectiveness, briefly explain one limitation of drug therapy for schizophrenia. However, those children from families schizophrenia were less likely to develop the illness if placed in a good family with kind relationships, empathy, security, etc. (2006) CBT is highly effective and should be used as a mainstream treatment for schizophrenia wherever possible. If the distress caused to the child is severe and long-lasting, he/she may . Since their are problems with the validity of diagnois classification, unsuitable treatment may be administered, sometimes on an involuntary Tarrier (2005) reviewed trials of CBT, finding evidence of reduced symptoms, especially positive ones, and lower relapse rates. Further support comes from the fact that dopamine agonists (e.g. Culture One of the biggest controversies in relation to classification and diagnosis is to do with cultural relativism and variations in diagnosis. Research evidence from autopsies has shown that schizophrenia sufferers have more dopamine receptors, which may lead to more neural firing and therefore an over production of messages. The Family of Schizophrenia | Psychology Today We are committed to engaging with you and taking action based on your suggestions, complaints, and other feedback.

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