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military pageant platforms

The category of health and disease related platforms is probably the largest and most diverse of all of the platform categories. Youve certainly noticed issues in your town and wondered, Who is going to get rid of this? Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Best Buddies and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America are always on the lookout for people to come hang out with their clients. When you dig down deep and think about all the different skills, abilities and talents that you have, you are a treasure trove of money making ideas just waiting to happen! In fact, she was even a recipient of the Gold Level Presidential Volunteer Service Award (the highest you can achieve) because she donated over 250 hours of unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others, within a 12 month period! But, the great news is that there are thousands of organizations and foundations around the world that exist to educate, support and lift up those who are affected by them. Choosing the right pageant platform is integral to how you can market yourself and begin to make a true difference in your community throughout your time as a contender for the title that you are pursuing. Most people experiencing homelessness are individuals (67 percent). Since the partnership began, countless contestants have chosen to champion the cause, which has resulted in unprecedented growth and support of the charity, as well as hope for families, that the loss of their loved one was not in vain. Your platform could supplement an existing charity, like the American Heart Association or Shatterproof, or you could start the path to create your own organization. It has to be something that you want to invest in, work tirelessly for and put energy into for the long haul. We are here to walk you through the process, and when were done you should be feeling a lot clearer about the direction that you want to go in. Depending on what your platform is and what your goals are with regard to it, you can communicate about it in other ways too. Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. Why not create your own brand of healthy dog or cat treats in your kitchen? Despite Kendras intense involvement with a variety of charities and causes, the personal project that she is most passionate about is the one that she herself created. They approach the world as if there are no strangers, only friends they havent met yet! Photo: Lily Lloyd Instagram. You should also speak about what you will be doing with your platform in the future and how you hope your platform will impact those in the next generations. Or, check out organizations like The Salvation Army, Goodwill, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, StandUp for Kids and local shelters in your area. A platform is simply about solving a problem of some kind. WebThe Mr. & Ms. Military Pageant was created to showcase, celebrate and to appreciate the accomplishments of military veterans all over the world. You can have t-shirts made, along with stickers, custom made pens, buttons, bumper stickers and wrist bands. One point that we must clear up before we go any further is something that so many people get confused about, and if you dont get this part right, you will end up looking like an amateur. Spence-Carroll hopes she can utilize her platform to inspire change. One of the most well known non-profit organizations in the world is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. Lily has dedicated over 400 volunteer hours serving her community through the non-profit that she created. As most of us know, Cheslie is an attorney specializing in complex civil litigation, which gives her a unique ability to inspire, mentor and empower the women that she is helping. At first, pageant hopefuls were called "bathing beauties." Photo: Smile Train. This is a very useful exercise that wont take long at all, and it will generate a plan of action that is tailored specifically to you and your brand. The women who win the national titles always have the kind of platforms that have the ability to go global. Photo: Creative Sparks Imagery. A pageant platform is a cause that a contestant chooses to volunteer her time to either bring awareness to, raise money, or implement a program she has created that WebThe MMMO is committed to partnering with like-minded organizations who strive to empower our military veterans. It's no secret that pageant girls love to give back. As a professional therapist she works with children and teenagers from age 5-19, and does individual counseling for those who suffer from a diagnosed mental health disorder (major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder etc). Zinger Key Points. Are you good at public speaking, photography, baking, playing chess, doing research, dancing, teaching children, applying makeup, speaking another language, reading out loud, cleaning and organizing? Cheslies desire to help other women with their wardrobe stems from years of internships and full-time experience in corporate America. Creating a platform gives you a voice to advocate for the change you want to see for others who have faced the same ailments you have seen take hold of someones life. If youre having a hard time getting started then go talk to your parents, friends, relatives, teachers and anyone who knows you well and that you trust. In addition, she is passionate about womens empowerment and creating spaces where women can support each other and inspire the next generation to continue this path. Children are so deserving of our help and attention because they are often victims of situations and circumstances that they cannot control. Then ASK for help! Public and private events and ideas that can help you raise money for your platform. As an advocate of a platform, you have the Instead of thinking about promoting your platform, think more about communicating about it, because that is, in essence, what you are really doing. She was Miss India Worldwide 2018, Miss India USA 2017 and prior to that countless titles in the Miss America system. Every contestant out there needs to be doing mock interviews, yet so many girls dont do it because either they dont know what to do, they dont have anyone to ask them questions or they dont feel comfortable filming themselves. Because that is what it really boils down to. You can start a Facebook Fan page, an Instagram account that is dedicated to your platform, or a blog or website. (Sleeping does not count!). For example, if you have a family member that has suffered with autism, you may want to create a platform about autism awareness in their honor. You need not roll your eyes at this category, because yes, World Peace is a much joked about pageant platform clich, however, it is a very real and valid cause, worthy of any pageant contestants efforts. You would be surprised at how willing most people are to help you achieve your goals. Navy veteran with rare medical condition to compete in pageant Many pageant systems have dedicated their organization and the work of their titleholders to enriching the lives of people affected by various diseases. There is nothing wrong with getting help. Cleft repair surgery is simple, and the transformation is immediate. She saw an opportunity to create an environment for women to share their stories and learn how to protect themselves. We do recommend that you work on those skills, though, especially learning to talk to strangers or to a group of people. The best way to think about and brand your platform, by the way, is to identify your platform by a sentence or statement. Mrs. International 2013 Amy Gregorio found her passion and platform as a CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate. Nia is the only Miss USA ever featured on the cover of the magazine, Tae Kwon Do Times, and was named a Goodwill Ambassador for the World Tae Kwon Do Federation. A pageant platform is an integral part of becoming a contestant and a reigning queen once you win the title that you are after! Bullies can be found everywhere, including the pageant world. You can go so many places with that skill because most people dont even know how to thread a needle these days! Add to that, that frequently, pageants require their contestants to perform a talent during competition, and oftentimes, that talent score is a substantial amount of the total. Here are some public and private ideas that you can use to generate funds that can be very enjoyable not only for you, but for others to participate in. When you can show the judges that youve been able to do this on your own with the pageants charity or your own platform, it demonstrates that you have the skill set and the capabilities to do that as a queen. You want to be able to set yourself apart, and show that you are an individual.That way you can really personalize it in a way that makes it unique and attention getting. Her platform is built upon the idea that "every individual should feel comfortable in their own skin. Having a platform through pageantry is much like being a politician already, but when you choose to advocate for your community, your voice is amplified just as much. Passion is contagious, and when you are passionate about a cause or charity, you can get other people fired up too. Her worldwide campaign was designed to empower women with the information they need to be mentally and physically prepared in the event of a violent attack. If you bring out your inner creativity and try to market your platform in a way you have never seen others do it before, then you are well on your way to a great platform. Once it comes time for your pageant, youll be able to speak about your platform and incorporate yourself into the conversation with ease! But, now, thankfully, the secrecy surrounding these issues has been lifted, and victims of assault are taking back their power and inviting other survivors to do the same. WebWe know you bring invaluable experiences, leadership and discipline to teams everywhere. Mrs. International 2013 Amy Gregorio collecting toys for foster children in L.A. Photo Facebook. In addition to those ideas, there are lots of other possibilities related to you skills at doing hair and makeup. Do you now see how this works? Choosing a platform that means something to you, a family member, or someone in your community, is the best place to start, as you are more likely to have a strong connection with it. We wont rule it out, but lets see if we can find some better ideas from your list, ok? If you just want to help kids, you can get involved in all kinds of service organizations or missions that are making a difference in the lives of children worldwide. This number represents 17 out of every 10,000 people in the United States. So, first off, playing volleyball may or may not be a good money making idea, although, depending on your skill level, your experience and your desire, you may just make a pretty good volleyball coach. Samuel Stebbins. What you must understand is that a platform is not an organization. What classes have you really enjoyed when you were in school? I need to raise money for my pageant platform. Having a pageant platform is also the perfect way to increase your marketability to the judges to ensure that you stand out amongst the dozens of contestants. WebBeauty Pageant Questions. You could even make money reading to sick or elderly people who only understand Spanish. We want to nail down the things where you excel, that you also happen to like doing. Pageant Platforms 102: Connections are Key In pageantry, it isn't enough to just have a platform. Another titleholder whose platform came from her own medical experience is Miss Washington World America 2019, Shree Saini. In this paragraph, you should talk about how you have pursued your platform and how you have begun to tackle the issue your championing. Youre going to be spending a lot of time with your platform, years perhaps. A platform that revolves around serving children in some way is such a special and sweet way to help the innocent, little beings in our world. She has gotten involved in a variety of levels and capacities with charities such as the Open Book Project, Butterfly Hugs, Knit a Square, Relay for Life, Give Kids the World, and Ronald McDonald House. Miss Teen USA Kaliegh Garris AND Miss USA Cheslie Kryst at the Annual Best Buddies Leadership Conference. Platforms are a particular cause or program you choose to promote as part of your volunteer work through the pageant. Were also not talking about going door-to-door, hanging outside of supermarkets or patrolling the mall, with a clipboard in your hand and handing out flyers to total strangers. But, if you are pretty skilled, you could probably make some money taking photos of families, children or even pets. It has been a complete turnaround with my balance, mobility, double vision, swollen feet, speech and difficulty swallowing this is the best that I've felt in years. Becoming a contestant or a titleholder for a pageant gives you a stage to stand on to bring a certain cause or issue to light. The Pageant Press created your ultimate pageant packing lists for each pageant category, so And its a skill that you can become very accomplished at, even if it is a bit out of your comfort zone initially. By choosing adoption over buying from a breeder you can help save lives. I want to encourage them to be aware of their mental health and to realize there is no shame in going to talk to someone. This can be very useful if your platform is related to anything in their realm of interests. Make sense? Lets say that on your list, the top things that you are good at and enjoy most are the fact that you love journalism, photography and video recording, doing hair and makeup, playing volleyball and you love talking to people, especially new people and strangers. Size does not define beauty. Kelsi believes social media is a culprit in the pressure young women apply to themselves. WebInternational Junior Miss is pageantry with a global reach. Shrees platform is all about heart health and emotional wellbeing, and she is an incredible volunteer, logging an astounding amount of volunteer hours, and earning numerous awards for giving her time to many organizations including the American Heart Association and The Hope Heart Institute. Just 23, August 2013. By championing a cause, having a platform provides you with the opportunity to make a difference, and even though you may feel that your impact is small, once you become a titleholder, it is very much so amplified on a local, state, national, and international level! She is an active advocate for people with disabilities and her platform The Ability Beyond Disability is concentrated on autism and other disabilities. Most likely you do not. The essay is your moment to talk about every single intricacy that is apart of your platform. Kendra explains the personal feelings and beliefs that drive what she does; I live beside several counties that have high poverty rates. Photo: White Collar Glam. If writing an essay is required, it will also force you to think about the specific ways that you plan to bring your cause to a resolution. It does not have to be complicated. She earned a Masters degree in Music Composition; she is a classically trained opera singer and she endeavors to use her voice and the power of music to transform lives through art. From skilling to hiring to giving back, we're proud to partner with you every step of the way Won the 1848 election. She stressed that the central taekwondo tenet of perseverance equipped her with the determination to overcome defeat throughout her life. The Military and Miss America - Newsweek After all, it is a cause, mission or charity that you have a deeply personal stake in or a deep affinity for. Or they choose bullying because they were bullied as a child, and its a popular platform, so it seems like a good idea. Send a press release to your local newspapers, news stations, online news sites or any organization that is in any way related to your platform and tell them about your projects and plans and any upcoming appearances. Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Pageant Platforms 101: Where Do You Begin? | Pageant Planet For instance, they decide that they should select a disease because they have a family member that suffers from that disease. But, you never know. And the Utah National Guard is It would not take much to set up the interview space, ask a whole bunch of random interview questions and film it all for each contestant. Pageant Powerhouse These types of ideas requires a financial investment, but they can be relatively inexpensive to make or purchase online at sites like For example, you may want to help children who are growing up in poverty, like our current Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray does. Your platform is the foundation of your service work (whatever that looks like) and its the cornerstone of your strategic marketing campaign, so what you choose is of the utmost importance. Many girls who are titleholders only use their titles to achieve personal fame and establish a modeling career from having their titles. WebPageant Interview Questions For Kids. Don't fret, we've got all the answers for you right here. Alaska Air Guardsman advocates for military, STEM careers for The vast media coverage and candid admissions of harassment and assault by countless celebrities has created an open environment to discuss issues that were off limits previously. Pageant Planet In your immediate family, those who stay with you in your home, is someone facing an extremely tough medical situation? The company says its Artificial Intelligence Platform will integrate AI into military decision making in a legal and ethical way. In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. Teresa did extensive research about eating disorders for her friend and discovered just how rampant it was across the nation. You can spread awareness of your cause through social media, but taking your cause to the streets not only gets the general public more engaged, but it can also give you more inspiration to keep going. She shows up. The Miss Universe Organization partners with several different charities related to medical issues as well. Mr. & Ms. Military - Pageant Planet Appearances and volunteering are not the same things. Then go through your top 10 activities and ask yourself if someone would pay you to do some of those things for them. pageant Or, you could put an ad in a local college newspaper that you are available to practice conversational Spanish with others. Public speaking is a skill that you can absolutely learn! Lauren serves as the official Massachusetts advocate for both the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (Meda). Alexis inspired the Autism community and demonstrated that there is hope for people on the spectrum to be able to attain whatever their dreams are. If you grew up in foster care, are a parent to an adopted child or just feel inspired to help in that area, then check out an organization that is tied to foster care, adoption or some other form of. You may never have thought of this before, with regard to yourself, but most anything that someone can do well is something that they can make money at. But, maybe there is an added motivation. There are never enough volunteers or advocates for these types of organizations, and there are countless children who are desperately in need of a loving home. WebMilitary and Intelligence Platforms, including those used throughout the defense community and intelligence agencies, are the specific vehicles or facilities which host and use Miss USA 2014 and 1st Runner up to Miss Universe, Nia Sanchez says that she is probably the only Miss USA in history to spend more time out of her heels than in them, because she was always kicking off her shoes to give demonstrations in self-defense. Lilys title is CEO. For her senior thesis in undergrad, she conducted research on body image and clothing design. A friend urged Ng to get the help she needed and it was through the transformative power of therapy that she found a new sense of purpose. From severe diseases like cancer and Aids to mental health related issues like depression or eating disorders, and even subjects like organ donation, if you have a sincere desire to serve those who are suffering, then this category may be a good match for you. But, just because your Grandfather grumbles about his gout, or some mean girls harassed you during junior high or on social media, does not mean that those are ideal platform ideas for you. The subject of bullying has grown so big over recent years, that you cant watch a pageant these days without seeing at least one contestant that has adopted bullying in one form or another as her personal platform. In fact, she wants to make it even bigger and turn Unbreakable into a foundation where she could work with safe havens to bring the empowerment workshops to the women they serve. However, it needs to be customized so that it looks like it was made for you as well. (1849-1850), Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). She was named ambassador for the Unicorn Childrens Foundation and works with this international organization to help people with neurodiversity. Get out some paper and a pen and find a nice, quiet place where you can reflect without interruption. Because, that would indicate that book was about the organization itself. Now that youve figured out what your platform is, and why youve created it, you must figure out how you will enact it. Most of the candidates who participate in the organization also enjoy getting involved with the annual fund raisers associated with the CMN, such as Dairy Queens Miracle Treat Day campaign and Free Pancake Day at IHOP. But, its nothing to get worked up about. As mentioned before, having a platform is integral to making your year of service, whether as a contestant or as a titleholder, worth the effort. If you decide not to embark upon having a pageant platform, youre limiting your reach as a contestant and are at risk for not having much to do as a titleholder. Copyright 2023, Pageant Planet. In fact, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to think of the big picture, and that includes your contacts and social network. That support system kept her from falling victim to some of the issues young women succumb to who dont have such a strong family unit. The pageant organizers voted to shut it down, but agreed to return to the boardwalk in the future, once the Boardwalk Convention Center was built. Photo: Melissa Pocza. Whats that? They provide prevention and care services to men, women and families that are living with, or affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City. How do you get ideas for a pageant platform? GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to leading the fight against AIDS on a national platform. You must be absolutely excited, passionate and sold out regarding your platform and your purpose as you understand it, otherwise raising money will feel like a grind. Its plain to see that one decision can have a tremendous impact on the world. Covering your bases like this will not only help you to seal the deal with your judges, but it will help to make an impact with others should you decide to post your speech online. It does not have to be a huge undertaking, like sponsoring a 5 course fancy dinner in a ballroom somewhere. Two titleholders who have had intimate knowledge of depression and the resulting feelings of pain and isolation are Miss Black USA 2018 Kelsi Horn and Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Creating a platform with actual activities that you would like to accomplish can be the most difficult part of planning. After spending years covering the fallout of abuse and neglect as an Emmy nominated TV journalist for CBS, CNN, and Fox, she took a step back from broadcasting and researched ways to use her skills on behalf of abused and neglected children. Hakamaki is competing in this years Miss Michigan USA pageant, representing Ithaca. You could still talk about dyslexia if you wanted to, and this type of a platform would give you so many volunteering and community service options. If during the competition you never have a chance to speak about your platform, the essay needs to cover every single thing about your platform so that the judges have a semblance of what you have stood for thus far in your pageant journey. WebZachary Taylor. Even if you are not the greatest writer, when you begin to write speeches about your work, the passion towards solving your platform goal will have the ink flowing out of your pen faster than you can say butt glue! The Miss America organization is no longer considered a pageant, but they still offer contestants the opportunity to earn scholarship awards to fund their education. Community activity night: bowling, ice skating, roller skating, paint ball, Community Bingo or other game that lots of people can play, Some kind of athletic event or tournament: An obstacle course, weight lifting, softball.

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