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north devon journal deaths

A Coroner's Inquest was held the same evening, and a verdict returned of Accidentally Drowned.PLYMOUTH - Melancholy Occurrence. By A. Collis said he observed it was dangerous stuff, and Quaintance ought to be cautious how he used it, lest he should destroy his master's pigs, or something else instead of the rats; the prisoner said he knew what it was, as he had used it before. He fell with force on the other side, and was taken up senseless; - immediate medical assistance was procured from Crediton, and a messenger sent express for Mr Barnes of this city. I told him to soap the cogs of the mill that was still; that mill had not been at work for the morning. He asked her when they died, and she replied at four o'clock. WebSingular Death .On Saturday, child three years of age, the son of weaver, named Heath, living at Moreton-in-Marsh, met with his death under the following circumstances. Upwards of twenty witnesses were examined, and at six o'clock on Monday evening, no further evidence being adduced, the Coroner solemnly and impartially charged the Jury in an address of nearly two hours. Families and friends can share via various social channels, one single share can go further than you think. Coroner, on the body of MICHAEL THORN, a child five years of age, who lived with his Uncle, Farmer Shapland, at Walmscott, in the parish of Northmolton, and who on the preceding Sunday fell into a bucket of boiling water, which had just been put on the floor, and was so much scalded as to cause his death the day following.Thursday 7 February 1828 EXETER - On Monday last an Inquest was held at the Star Inn, in this city, before S. Walkey, Esq. Verdict accordingly.Thursday 25 February 1830 On Monday evening a poor man named PHILIP MADGE, labourer, of Westleigh, was drowned in a small lake that runs through Southcott Marsh; a little bridge or plank crosses the stream, and owing to the darkness of the night he slipt off. The Coroner's Jury returned a verdict of Found Drowned.Friday 12 January 1827 PLYMOUTH - Inquests:- An Inquest was held on Saturday last at the workhouse of the parish of Stoke Damerel, by A. A Coroner's Inquest is sitting on the body this day.Thursday 17 November 1831 An Inquest was held yesterday before Thomas Copner, Esq., in the parish of Swymbridge, on the body of ANNE MAUNDER, aged 74, who, when in the act of blowing the fire, fell down and immediately expired. "Thursday 25 July 1833 EXETER - Inquest. Means were accordingly resorted to and presently the body of a young man, evidently not long there, was drawn from it. before S. Walkey, Esq. a Magistrate, he ordered the body to be disinterred, and an examination to be taken before some medical men, by whom a quantity of arsenic was found in her stomach. - On Monday last, two men, the one called WILLIAM JOCELYN, and the other John Slocombe, who were brothers-in-law by marriage, and partners in contracting for the repairs of the turnpike roads, were at work in Piewell Quarry near Hummacott Barn, in the parish of Fremington, when unhappily, the ground above being undermined, fell in upon them and buried them. Since writing the above, we have been favoured with the following communication from C. H. Woodley, Esq. An Inquest sat on the body, the following day, when the Coroner very justly censured the practice of pursuing those pleasurable excursions on the sabbath day, and particularly in the hours of divine service, and directed their reflections to the awful consideration of an immortal soul launched into eternity under such circumstances. They were both committed to High Gaol for trial at the next Assizes. They are frequently detained at obscure houses and way laid. The secret mine that hid the Nazis' stolen treasure. The landlady of the house proceeded up stairs and found JOSEPH HODGE lying on the floor, and on attempting to raise him she cried out "why the man's dead," and called his wife who was sitting on a box with her infant child in her lap. He has left a widow and three children to lament their loss.Thursday 22 January 1829 An Inquest was taken on Tuesday, before S. Walkey, Esq. He had never entertained any suspicion of any improper connection having subsisted between them. Alarm being given, search was immediately made, but without effect; it was resumed at day break, and continued till 10 o'clock on Monday forenoon, when the body was found. Coroner, at the vestry-room, St. Leonard's on the body of SAMUEL DARBY, 22 years of age, who, early on Monday forenoon was drowned while bathing in the river Exe, just below the cotton factory. Pecuniary embarrassment is supposed to have led to this fatal result. - On Wednesday last an Inquest was held before J. Gribble, Esq., Coroner, Newton, on the body of WM. When he left the room to go home, MRS FOWELL desired her children to bid him "good night," or "good bye" - a circumstance which to his recollection never occurred before. Mr S. C. Walkey said he was of opinion that deceased had died from compression of the brain, arising from the rupture of a blood vessel within the head, which was caused by the blow on the head. His name was THOMAS PARSLEY, he had been in Mr Dene's employ but a few months, and has left a wife who is out in service. Verdict - Temporary Insanity.On Monday last, at Morthoe, on the body of ELIZABETH PRICE, who was on a visit at Farmer Dunicombe's, a relative, at Morthoe, and whilst in the act of carving the dinner, fell backward and died instantly. "Thursday 18 July 1833 BARNSTAPLE - Awfully Sudden Death. An Inquest has been held at the Globe, Woodbury, by S. Cox, Esq. obituary Verdict - "Accidental Death. Coroner, whose verdict was accordingly.Thursday 29 July 1830 On Friday last, a woman called MARY WOOD, an inhabitant of Loxbeer, who had been on a visit to her niece at Rackenford Turnpike Gate, took leave of her relative to return home; nothing more was heard of her till the Monday evening following, when ---Sillifant, Esq., who was fishing in the brook that runs through his plantations at Cruwyshay, attended by his footman, discovered the body in the water; it was instantly removed in the Bell Inn, at Rackenford, to be submitted to a Coroner's Inquest; but no evidence can be found whether her death was the effect of accident or premeditation.Thursday 12 August 1830 EXETER - Inquest at the Cavalry Barracks. He was a tailor and worked at Mr Brunskill's shop, but she believed not very lately. "Thursday 19 May 1831 BARNSTAPLE - An Inquest was held at the Guildhall in this town, on Thursday last, before N. Glass, Esq. The deceased, who was about 49 years of age, has long struggled under pecuniary difficulties, and last week an execution being put in, the sale under which was announced for Monday afternoon; unable to bear up under such accumulated bills, he, in a fit of despair, repaired to the flat roof of his house, and nearly severed his windpipe, - Verdict on the Inquest - Insanity.An accident, fatal in its termination, lately occurred at Hookfast Flour Mills, near Ashburton; MR HANNAM, while in the act of setting the Runting, with the Mill in work, was dragged among the machinery; two persons were present, but such was the power of the water wheel, that it was with considerable difficulty he was extricated; his thighs were broken, and his body and legs were dreadfully lacerated; in this state he lived two days, when death terminated his sufferings. Coroner, in the parish of Filleigh, on the body of MARY CURTIS, aged 52, who, while in the act of milking a cow, rose up, fell back, and never spoke afterwards. The Jury returned a verdict of "Insanity. The bodies were found at the place where MRS GLASS' horse started, and there, no doubt the murder had been previously committed. Chas. In one part of the room there appeared a heap of rags, of a quantity it is computed to have half filled a cart, under which the deceased was laid, quite dead, and had been so for several hours. On Wednesday night before the family retired to rest, he took the deceased some tea, when he found the deceased was gone from his bed, and discovered that he was on the floor weltering in his blood, he thought it might have proceeded from his arm, and immediately called for assistance. Did this woman die because her genitals were cut? Verdict "Accidental Death, from falling on his head to the ground." Witness then got deceased to the Swan, where he used to lodge, and went to get a doctor. Elections in a Devon council ward have been suspended after the death of a candidate. On Sunday morning, about half-past Ten o'[clock, inquired of the servant for him, who, after visiting his room instantly returned in great agitation, and told him the discovery she had made; he immediately went to his room, where he was on the bed, and saw him move, and instantly ran to summon medical assistance. 15th inst., suddenly, at Tavistock, Mr. William Heath, mine agent, aged 56. An Inquest has been held, and a verdict of "Found Drowned" returned.Thursday 27 June 1833 SOUTHMOLTON - A Coroner's Inquest was held on Monday the 17th instant, before William Flexman, Esq., on the body of WILLIAM SHORT, who, while engaged in mowing on Cockram estate, in this parish, fell backward, and instantly expired. I was present when he was examined, and assisted in the examination: his right arm was very much torn, and the arm bone and elbow joint were fractured. B. - An Inquest was held on Tuesday by J. Gribble, Esq. Coroner, and a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned" was returned.Accident - On Monday last, ANN CALE, a girl about twelve years of age, whilst riding through a stream of water, about 20 yards from the mill, in the parish of Brendon, was, by the violence of the wind, blown off the horse, and drowned in the sight of several persons, who had no means of rendering her assistance. the Jury occupied all the day in the investigation when the foreman returned a verdict of Natural Death. - On Monday last an Inquest was taken at the Devon and Exeter Hospital, before John Gidley, Esq., one of the Coroners for Exeter, on the body of RICHARD SANDERS, who had been brought to that institution on the proceeding Saturday, from Powderham, with severe injury of the right arm, and died the same evening. Though the most diligent search was instituted, the body was not discovered till the Sunday following. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death. The remains of the unfortunate man were interred on Saturday last, in St. Sidwell's burial ground; and were followed to the grave by the whole of the theatrical company, with every possible mark of respect. Verdict - "Divine Visitation. Suddenly, on the inst, Windsor, his refnrn frem Devonshire, where he had been on a i*ii his daughter. From the evidence of several witnesses it appeared, that the deceased had received his pay the evening before, and had indulged himself in drinking ardent spirits to a great excess; he quitted a public house at about a quarter past nine o'clock, and it is conjectured endeavoured to get on board the vessel to which he belonged by a chain cable which reached from the stern to the quay, but from the state of intoxication he was in, he missed his hold and fell into the water, at that time about seven feet and half deep. Coroner, when a verdict of insanity was returned. On his entrance he was cautioned by the Coroner not to say any thing which might criminate himself but he replied that he had only a plain tale of truth to tell, which must be borne out by all the witnesses to be examined. The body of the woman was conveyed to her mother's, where a Jury sat upon it in the afternoon; which, after a prolonged sitting, was adjourned to the following day. WebBrowse or search for Algar obituaries in the The North Devon Journal (Barnstaple, England) on Ancestry. Obituaries | - Jacksonville Daily News B. For some time past her appearance had excited suspicions that she was in a state of pregnancy, but she constantly denied the charge. Verdict, Accidental Death.Thursday 28 May 1829 PLYMOUTH - Fatal Accident. Soon after this the deceased was seen sitting at a door vomiting violently. About seven o'clock on Sunday morning last, she went to ANN SMITH'S bedroom, and finding her unwell she asked her to take tea, which she refused, stating that she was going to get up. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 22 January 1835 APPLEDORE - A serious and fatal accident occurred at Appledore on Thursday last. Coroner, on Monday last, in the Parish of Burrington, on the body of SAMUEL ISAAC, who the preceding day, while bathing in the river Taw, got into deep water and was drowned. WebSearch North Devon Journal Death Notices Covering: South West, Devon North Devon Journal FirstnameSurname AllABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQ RSTUVW XY Z Ian Michael A Coroner's Inquest sat on the body the same evening, who brought in a Verdict of Insanity.EXETER - Melancholy Event. Two teenage drug dealers have been sentenced following the death of a 15-year-old girl from an ecstasy overdose. It is possible that the death might have been caused by the poison. to shorten the enquiry, the Coroner asked whether any poison was discovered, to which witness answered no, but still that he felt confident poison must have been taken into the stomach, in consequence of which she must have died in a short time, perhaps in an hour or two. The Gun, which was a very bad one, was forfeited as a deodand.Thursday 15 October 1829 On Wednesday last, a labouring man called JOHN ROTTENBURY, whilst sitting in a public-house at Martinhoe, was suddenly taken ill, and very soon after expired. death The coronation of King Charles III will be marked by a special service at St Peter and Mary Magdalene Church, Paternoster Row. WebYour search results for obituary: 913 newspaper articles contained information about obituary filtered by: Newspaper title: North Devon Journal Region: south west, england Place: barnstaple, devon, england He had apparently been run over by a waggon or cart: his occupation was to look after sheep, and it is supposed owing to the intense heat of the weather, must have lain down to sleep. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 25 December 1834 An Inquest was held by T. Copner, Esq., Coroner, on Monday last at Highbray, on the body of ELIZABETH THORNE, aged six years, who whilst standing by the fire on the previous Saturday evening, in the absence of her mother, who was gone to Southmolton market, set her clothes on fire, and she was so dreadfully burnt as to cause her death the following morning. There was no appearance of any bed, except an old mattress, and no kind of bedding save the rags, already spoken of. The bodies of poor OATWAY and the female are not yet found; the other three have been picked up, and carried to Appledore, where a Coroner's Inquest has been taken. Girl found after missing person report sparks Exeter search On the 5th inst. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 25 September 1834 Coroner's Inquest. Phelps is a humane and well intentioned man, not at all given to bursts of passion, and held in high esteem by his master and all who know him; and it cannot be too much regretted that he should in this instance have suffered his usual complacency and habits of forbearance to be overcome by any conduct, however irritating. This proved to be the gig itself, which was approached by a boat with two men, belonging to the Breakwater light vessel; they found a man in her, with his feet and knees in the hollow of the boat, and his head hanging over the middle into the water. WebAntoinettte Dolly Costandino Lucas, 94 of Vineland, New Jersey passed away peacefully at home on April 15, 2023. Burial will be held at Brinsmade Lutheran Cemetery at a later time. A Coroner's Inquest was held on the body, and a verdict of manslaughter returned against the lad Allen, who has been taken into custody. His assistant saw him, and reported to him that he was better; about half-past eight witness again saw him and thought him much better. Search North Devon Journal Death Notices - Funeral The indescribable consternation caused by this awful catastrophe, paralysed for a moment the energies of those who were near, but the utmost exertions were immediately made to empty the well of the stone and earth which had filled it, and give the bodies a fitting sepulchre - for the most sanguine never imagined that either of the unfortunate men could possibly escape with life. - On the 3rd instant, at Honiton, on the body of an infant, son of JOHN CARRIDGE, mason, aged 7 months. Mr Derry, surgeon, on being made acquainted with the incident, instantly went to the house, when he found the child in a dying state, and quite insensible; and about a quarter of an hour after his arrival it died. Mr Khan tweeted: "Neil Jameson was tireless in campaigning for social justice and his commitment and passion improved the lives of thousands of Londoners across our city. The deceased had been to Hartland fair, and it is supposed he fell from his horse on his return home, as he had drank very freely at Hartland.Thursday 21 May 1835 BARNSTAPLE - Sudden Death. Next morning, at the request of the mother, witness questioned him particularly about it, and he then denied having any connection with deceased; but after the body was found, from what witness had heard from Margaret Swan, he spoke in strong language to Hannaford, and charged him with being the author of her pregnancy. Deceased had for a number of years been afflicted with the gout, previous to his death: he incautiously went into his garden on Wednesday, where he sat three or four hours, for the purpose of superintending some workmen employed on his premises, and in the night he complained of pain in his stomach. It appeared on Enquiry that the deceased had been subject to fits, and the probability being that in one of them he had fallen in, a verdict was returned accordingly.Thursday 24 December 1829 On Friday last, an Inquest was held by Thomas Copner, Esq. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 31 December 1835 BARNSTAPLE - Lamentable and Fatal Effects of Intoxication. Mrs S. frequently visited him during the morning, and about eleven o'clock he considered himself better, which induced him to take a short walk, but being accustomed to giddiness in the head he again returned to his house, and shortly after went to the privy, in the garden. "Thursday 30 July 1835 Forgery and Suicide at Newton. - On Monday last, a young man, called WILLIAM GOULD, an apprentice to Mr Hamblen, basket-maker, in this town, terminated his existence by hanging himself in his master's workshop. - On Friday last, as the Plymouth coach was on its route between Barnstaple and Plymouth, and had nearly reached Hatherleigh, the guard, named JOHN ACKLAND, whilst alighting to undrag the wheel, unfortunately slipped his foot, and fell under the near hinder wheel, which passed over his chest, and caused almost instantaneous death. Deceased said he would go across the fields, and wanted witness to go with him, but witness would not. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 18 October 1832 An Inquest was held on Thursday last, by Thomas Copner, Esq. Verdict - Found Drowned, but how or by what means no evidence does appear to the Jurors.At Ottery St. Mary, on the 22nd inst. He proceeded towards his home, by crossing the Shilhay-road, and over the Bridge: he must have turned into the Haven Banks, near the brewery; inside the first gate some rubbish has been thrown up, over which it appears probable he must have scrambled, and that from the darkness of the night, and the state he was in, being unable to see the river he there fell in; some marks of a sort of a struggle being visible in the gravel of which the rubbish is composed. The evidence produced was such as to satisfy the Jury that deceased died from suppressed gout in the stomach, and they returned a verdict - Died by the Visitation of God. He had scarcely been seated there when he suddenly heard a splash of oars which excited his surprise and running upon deck, he saw a boat coming as if from the trench at the Gunwharf, near the moorstones: he hailed her, and was answered by a man, who said in a surly tone No! but he merely came in and went out again. Verdict, Died by the Visitation of God.Thursday 11 October 1827 Suicide - Another of those awful instances of self-destruction took place on Friday last, at Webbery, the seat of Anthony W. Dene, Esq. By the evidence it appeared that the deceased was in the employ of Mr Brown, a miller of Branscombe. On my return down the river again, we found CAPT. Bone, County Coroner, on view of the body of a male infant which shortly after birth was destroyed under the following circumstances: MARY ANN WELLEN lived as a servant girl in the employ of Mr John Luscombe, of Vinton, in Buckland Monachorum. Coroner. He instantly dived and brought the poor boy out, he had however, been 37 minutes in the water, and was to all appearance dead; still, not deterred he continued to lend the most active assistance in conveying the body to Tarrant's Red Cow Inn, where every attention was given to it, while Howard, the brother officer of poor Taylor's father, ran into the city for medical aid. Coroner, on the body of THOMAS BURTON, who died in the Hospital on Saturday night last. The name of the man committed the rash deeds was CHURLEY. He had been educated at an Institution for persons of this description in London, and having at length returned to his parents, had been brought to his father's business.

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