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percy and annabeth make out in bed fanfiction

#percabethfluff And I couldn't call for help, because my phone is right, She lifted up the naked, silver phone, laying on the bed. 2. "I love you too. Of his incessant fidgeting, and the uneven tapping of his foot, and the fact that he probably needed deodorant or a shot of vodka, or something to calm down his nerves. This was later seen as a huge mistake when Travis Stoll emerged from the grey building with the spider in his fist and decided to throw it at one of the girls from the Athena cabin. He complained, which only made her laugh more. Replied Aphrodite. She thought for a few moments. Interrupt #awkward Just try not to think about it. "Grab the duvet off Tyson's bed then." She's right, but I've never been able to resist Percy. "But just one more kiss. All by my lonesome. I really am sorry. Just a bunch of random Percabeth! He felt her kiss the side of his temple, and cheeks as she his naked chest. The expression on his face looked like wanted to dig a whole, lay down in it, and die. Her enter body was drenched from the rain, her hair plastered across her wet face. So I want to make a YouTube video, but in order to have shit to talk about, how about YOU ALL send me asks that I can answer through there? Probably just because they were alone. So" Percy pulled Annabeth back on the bed . Come to the kitchen.". Percabeth is the most shipped couples in the whole series. They stumbled back onto the bed and now Annabeth pulled back just a tiny bit and laughed against his lips. And-uh' He sat there, groping around , as if looking for something. Eventually Aphrodite over heard them. "You know I'm terrified of spiders." I just think Annabeth would be really cool about it, besides the fact that she flipped (literally) in Mark of Athena. Like a trail temporarily tattooed onto her body. "What the-". She has started thismonstrosity and she MUST end it'. .Okay so I was laying there in bed when Annabeth knocks on my door. I new you guys would make a beautiful couple!" Set between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero. Annabeth still huffed. He tasted of cookies and the sea, like he always did. I drag my hand through my curly hair, staring at the screen. She spoke nervously and looked at him. She turned pink. 'Perseus Jackson, what are you doing? Annabeth bit her lip. "Uh, I mean, it's fine! Whoever it was seemed to be frantic, the knocking was loud and erratic. I screamed, and something wrapped around my waist. Just tell me why. She said it calmly. "Make a wish then." Even she was having a hard time keeping the blush down. Percabeth!!!!! She'd taken a sword for him, and by doing so, she had saved Percy's life, that was just one of the many times she had done that. Annabeth? Percy said softly, simply to get her attention. We ran to my cabin, me carrying her in my arms. "I'll be right back, you two!" Percy was under the impression they were going out to dinner for their anniversary, but if things went according to Annabeth's plan, they wouldn't be leaving the apartment at all. I Percy burst into tears. His eyes darted down, before looking at her as she spoke.He felt as if the oxygen had suddenly become scarce in the room. Not that he needs to, it's not like I'm complaining. Percy pressed one more firm kiss against Annabeth's lips and then buried his nose in her throat. I tried to get this done at the apartment but there were too many people there, too much distraction. And that is why we don't let Piper drink(M). I don't wanna talk about it. Annabeth said immediately. She held her head high, and said: "I am a daughter of Athena. Percy wanted to die when he sat down across from his mother. Percy asked softly, his eyes focused on hers as his hands pulled down the zipper gently, letting the black fabric fall to the ground and reveal her newly exposed body. Though the sheets covered her, Sally could tell she wasn't wearing a shirt. Thalia sucked on Percy's dick and rubbed her vagina in his face. Annabeth flung herself at him, locking her arms round his waist and burying her face in his uncovered chest, the door being slammed shut behind her. She called out from the bathroom, looking up at him. 81 guests Percy lay in his bed, his English paper forgotten as he snuggled against his girlfriend. I was thinking more along the lines of a good old fashioned make out, like back when we were in high school." ButI don't know who I am these days!". I'm sure!" He asked sheepishly. This was it, a quiet agreement passed between them as he followed her lead, a tingling sensation settling itself on his fingertips. But, before the couple went out to plan the wedding, a tall, gray eyed woman appeared. "Awwww" Aphrodite crooned, "That's just to sweet! A Phone Call and A Little Black Dress. Piper squeaks as she rounds the corner to find us. Annabeth's breath hitched as he awkwardly tossed away the dark piece of fabric. We repeated this process for several weeks. I fake-grumbled. Like what your father had done a day ago. "Shhh, come with me." Can't you read it says R RATED?! I have this little scenario kind of sad sweet. His hair was damp, and he was only wearing jeans. Percy stifled another yawn. Annabeth was on his bed as well, pressed up against the wall in the corner and clutching the sheets to her body. He says and I lean forward to kiss him again. Annabeth turned warily. "Gods, Percy, yes! He says, holding a finger up to his lips and grabbing my hand with his other. She stood before him and Percy's eyes wandered elsewhere. Not that I minded, being her husband and the son of the sea god. "Idiot." "Hmm?" Annabeth opened the box and gasped. 'Oh, sorry. Percy could barely remember how they ended up like this. "I'm think this might be more serious than I thought," she said quietly, making sure Percy and Annabeth wouldn't hear. "God, you've already been caught in the library? "Yeah, I'm sorry. Her breathing was short and constricted. AHHHHHHH!!!!!! I made it myself!" Annabeth frowned. And he heard something, and he thought it was nothing cause he was busy, but it was something, because then he heard a gasp and saw that the door was flung open. 'Percy!' Percy's followed her faint outline as she headed into the bathroom. It'll get better. He muttered sleepily. Percy and Annabeth belong to Rick Riordan, I take no ownership over them. In a very short amount of time, the both discarded, whatever undergarments were left on their bodies and proceeded down, perhaps the single most carnal sin. What did Percy and Annabeth use as a disguise? She scolds him once she recovers from seeing us. And seeing a rarity pass by him with a large box of decorations, muttering about Aphrodites kids and their excessive decor, he accepted that. He breathed, a soft groan escaping his throat as he settled his hands on her hips.She stopped to look at him, her eyes barely open. ", She ran her hand over the slight bump. She guided his hand, across the small of her back, up her frail body. They put their hands out in front of them and held them. He bit down, into his lower lip and settled himself over her again, taking in the sight before him. aqualad is a bastard. Aphrodite said, "why don't you two just take your places?" ", "Because it's getting a little eerie down here!". Looks like we'll be finishing this up later. Broad shoulders. Then he grew a huge smile on his face "Aphrodite, I need help, I want to marry Annabeth, but this stupid rivalry between Athena and my dad has gotten in my way, I can't live without her, I need your help!" That's about when the storm started. His ego was the one taking charge of the situation now. We were newlyweds. ', Athena strode forward and planted her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. Way to go, Jackson, "Ugh, no I can't even think about this right now, you're giving me a complex!" Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. No one wanted to mess with an angry daughter of Athena. Percy and annabeth didnt start dating till the 5th book and thalia was already the hunter. Guys Im six followers away from having 100 followers and that makes me happy ^.^. It was alarming to hear her in such a state. I say, leaning back to look at him. They walk there together, a tense silence between them. But the other part doesnt want to let go. Really though, they're making out. She remembered how warm he had felt against her, how he smelt of the sea when she breathed in his scent. I close my eyes for a second and he takes the opportunity to start kissing my neck. I would never even think of doing that! Aphrodite and Percy snuck up on to Mount Olympus, broke into Athena's master temple and finally found Annabeth's room. Smutty and nasty. He had marveled at how half an hour went by so fast, he smiled inwardly. clusterclump, connorrules1098, chanterelles, hereliesblue, ijustwannasleep24_7, flippyfingw, Insomniac_Wolf, Ijustwanttor4ad, Mitochondryias, phoesct, kt892a, Darth_Gayder, iiaxsu, confuzzled_desi, Wilczyca, samanthasinfandoms, LizaVet, Amora_Cerruti, Smiliey, Aullise, usoppnomiko, 18Riley_yeliR18, bluedrugrug, person_16, scarlett31284, Woffie, Darkmatterwhirpool, minimonitt, PentagramNecklace, softjkkl, baby_gronckle, ryry_bread, ateneahunchan, Mafrvs, Yoita11, etadlunamretro, frappe_f0rlife, ge0rg33eeee, theendbae, Lexineedsfanfics, wolfstartolespipeline, mrslupin07, CrypticCole, Unanocheoscura, Turtleking37, peridot05, howtobealoser, I_am_a_demon_child, 2000s_gal, WintMint, and 259 more users "With eachother," Leo concluded in a mumble. But she also knew why Percy felt the way he did. IM 10 YEARS OLD. Please. I love Annabeth and I know you love her too. She started. Percy draped his arm round her shoulders and they sat together, watching the flames flickering as the campers sang. "Well, what did you wish for?" 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. Is he okay?, Hes fine. I've already written more than enough but I feel like it's missing something. WTF!!!!!!!! A roughness met her touch, a stubble, she noticed. Its all over now. But eventually, she finally finished and used massive amounts of charmspeak trying to convince Zeus and Artemis to put constellations of Percy and Annabeth into the sky, "They saved Olympus countless times!" "Okay," said Annabeth slowly, "how do we do it?" Below, Athena seemed to realise she could not stop this. She wasnt angry or hateful. RANK. Percy and I follow, sneaking looks at each other. She grinned. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. XD. I leave my stuff at the table because everyone knows not to touch another students stuff here and walk over to him. Invisible, Annabeth snuck into his cabin. "What?" But how about some asks??? Id like to interact more with everyone, so please please please, feel free to ask me anything anon, or not, and Ill make a video answering all questions! Okay? Percy stood up. Aphrodite put as much magic into her voice as she could "Oh that?" "Do you, Percy Jackson, take Annabeth Chase as your wife?" Anything at all!! It was just for one night. Youre my best friend, weve been side by side since we were twelve, weve saved each other from so much and theres so much we planned! Percy put his fists to his eyes. She wasn't angry or hateful. She could hear his heart beating steadily under his orange camp shirt. She repeated, planting a small peck on his lips. Annabeth's eyes were wide open, and her lips were slightly parted as her chest rose up and down with her heavy, shaky breaths. "Okay," she says, and Percy looks confused as she leans in for a kiss, but she suddenly diverts her lips to his cheek, grinning as she kisses him chastely . He squirmed in his seat. The voice was slightly muffled through the wooden door but Percy could still make out the panicked voice of his girlfriend on the other side. "and do you, Annabeth Chase, take Percy Jackson as your husband?" Someone needs a hug.. Athena's shock turned to rage, shaking her fist at the sky and yelling. She looked like a supermodel in her swimsuit and, with her bag full of designs and notes, a smart girl/ supermodel/ amazingly hot architect. "Nightmares?" he asked. Annabeth and Percy turned, and saw that they were in a starry church, except there weren't any seats. Not a Poseidon cabin, nor an Athena one, but a Poseidon and Athena cabin we shared. I joked. That means if this happened befor, they would have been having sex at 13. Why cant I just be happy with you?, They felt like poison daggers in her heart. Percy's hartbeat was slamming in his ears, but he held Annabeth firmly, moving his mouth against hers in synch from lots of practice. #annabethchase And what do u mean made as a little gift?!?!!? Percy x Annabeth Wedgie by Corrix472 on DeviantArt Tonight Annabeth Chase was determined to lose her virginity once and for all. She asked trying to get a better look at the expression on his face. Percy gulped back his laughter. Plus, it only makes sense! It was almost two in the morning. He spoke, and silently bit his lip to keep from cursing at his clumsiness as he looked around embarrassedly. #heroesofolympus Don't like, don't read. That had got a few whistles from some of her half-brothers inside the cabin but a sharp glare in their direction shut them up. He, on the other hand, was like the sea. I am not home right now and its been a very stressful sad day. "Your mom." "Well that's odd," Zeus said, after they put the swirling masses up into the sky. "Who's there?" "It's okay. A: Give me another hour and then I'll be home. #pjofandom He fumbled to unlock the door. The next morning we awoke entwined in each other, about as close as you could get. Annabeth asked what they were doing there, and Percy and Aphrodite explained the plan, Annabeth listened, wide-eyed, while holding hands with Percy. She glanced away and chanted to herself, I have a boyfriend. When Annabeth finally pulled away, she was sitting on Percy's lap and he was holding her tightly in his arms. But. She takes his hand. She held his face in her hands and pulled him as close as possible, their mouths couldn't get enough. 'Annabeth,' he thought 'we'll get through this. He says, even though he can see me looking at him.'re not thinking of an abortion, are you?" I asked hesitantly. I will make it more .. hmmm action packed. Upon walking up to cabin three, he knocked on the door. "That's nothing though. I I want to have sex with you Percy, if you want to that is" She murmured, her gaze falling to the floor as she spoke the last words.There was a nervous tone in her voice that matched his own, and he felt her fingers fidget in his own hands. "Annabeth, are you back here? Annabeth, I dont want to lose you. I love holding her, so I continued to do so while rising to the surface. Aphrodite looked at Annabeth with a You're so lucky you have him expression. 'Hi, Annabeth! He could almost taste her, feeling her skin become hot at his touch. Percy smiled at her. Tap. Tap. He glanced at her and saw a quiet understanding in her eyes, an encouraging gleam passing over them. "Percy!" she screamed as a huge wave ripped us apart and carried her further out to sea. "Okay then. At first I was afraid. Think of the stuff we've been doing at night, Percy! We were twenty, and we now shared a cabin. My eyes!" Annabeth and Percy walked down the aisle, holding hands, and took their places, after a few minutes, they heard Aphrodite giggling behind them, "look at them, down there!" She peeked out from under the duvet to squint at him in the dark. He'd never had much experience when it came to girls. Hey, Nico, let me help you with that, he said smiling truly for the first time in weeks. Even random shit like What is your beds color or idk Just so bored. Just me by myself. Poseidon sighed, 'Please, Perseus. As she lay on her back in the bed, her eyes came to rest on a dark shape in the corner. In that moment, she looked older, more like a woman than his childhood friend, and by the way she was looking at him, he suspected he did too. He tried to lower her down the best way he could without breaking the kiss, however, his lips were no longer on hers, but instead began making their way down her neck and chest, as he felt her settle on top of the ruffled, silky sheets. Poseidon just sighed and left. An arm wrapped round her waist while the other hand was ran through her waves of blonde hair. Groans and pants, and quivers and trembles engulfed them both, as a sheer layer of sweat nestled itself smoothly on their bodies. Enjoy :) This may or may not sprout into a series of Percabeth imagines but we'll see Annabeth lay in her bed in the Athena cabin, staring at the wooden ceiling. Then Percy started backing up, pulling Annabeth with him and never letting their lips part. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. "Gods Annabeth, you have no idea how in love I am with you, or how beautiful you are" He whispered into her ear, and pressed his forehead against hers.She didn't speak, but her breaths became softer and less jagged. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. #pjo. So I run out to my car with my book bag over my head, and there's no gas. Her fingers closed on it, she then shone it up into the small crevice. I can hear the student at the next table tapping his pencil and the girl across from me has her music up so loud I can hear it through the headphones. O. Just please dont say it. Malcolm's lips curled into a smile. At mid conversation, a bright light shinned behind Annabeth and from that light a voice said,' Annabeth! How can it be before the fact?? she didnt feel accustomed. She still felt like they were meant to be. They get together at the end of The Last Olympian, and it's hinted (and hoped) that they will have a long and happy relationship together. Her pace sped up until she was almost running towards to the door. "Wow!" Youre not happy with me anymore. Percy she said just above a whisper. #percabeth Annabeth rested with her head on his chest, her ear pressed over where his heart rested. For the word puzzle clue of what did percy and annabeth use as a disguise, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results. :D Percico PJO HoO imagines, food, himym, divergent, HG, Infernal devices, movies! Rick Riordan's going to sue u for this LOL! His voice was thick with sleep as he awaited a reply from the person outside. He tossed the coin in and said, 'O Iris' accept my offering' The mist shimmered. Something to say? Finally, he pulled out a box from the sand and gave it to her. I came to the library for the peace but now it's too quiet. At the beach? Percy nods again. "Why?" Annabeth asks. "Can't tell you. "I mean, I want this with you. The instant he left, Percy collapsed on the bed laid out for him. He wanted to tear off her dress, and inhale her. He shifted like the tides, constantly switching between giving and taking. "But I thought the whole point of this was to have the gods not interfere," Percy said, Aphrodite smiled at him, " I'm not going to have the gods interfere, I'm just going to have them notice. She thought back to the time when Percy was little, and when he first met Annabeth. But I can see it. Books Percy Jackson and the Olympians Follow/Fav In The Bedroom By: ChaosSerpent A very descriptive lemon with Percabeth. I should have had this done days ago. MultiFandomBi46, prettymaine, Sam11368, Minkinns, EJCreed, seaweediangelo, koazykazi, mrrrrew, softxiz, honey_gnomes, Ellie04056, ZaneDumbass, planty_the_potted_plant, Stickybluemarshmallows, xMoodyNuggetx, junipersgreenskin, Account_Created, aredtricycle, simpforfictionalguys, novictorieswithoutlove, Elizabeth_010203, Pharthrax, au98, Lesliie, r_queen, Lady_Fox, ogteamarrow, dinosaurfangirl, TheWotters, omcitsdestiel, thirdcabinboy, thangam, windycookie, Bookish_Ketchup_Bottle, and demigosh That is my baby in there, too, you know!" About six weeks after our honeymoon, Annabeth whispered something in my ear. she squealed. She must've had the same idea, because Percy felt her hands undo his belt and jeans in one swift motion. MY 13 YEAR OLD EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gods, he wanted her. 1:37am. Kissing Annabeth was the best feeling in the world. It was curfew. I am not wrong. His lips trail down to my color bone, and I run my hands under his shirt, feeling his toned torso. Annabeth began to undo the buttons on his shirt, exposing his bare chest, as Percy toyed with the small zipper in the back of her dress, starting to undo it, ever so slightly. He reaches the crook of my knee and suddenly hikes my leg up around his waist. Images and memories crept in the shadows. What do u mean "ill fix it" how r u gonna fix it??? But she was still a girl, and he was still a boy, and in the eyes of the entire universe, they were still the same kids who had been running from the world's atrocity, for years now. Percy and Annabeth started out as two demigods who are forced to work . Annabeth was still awake long after all the chatter in cabin six had dwindled out as each demi-god began to fall asleep one by one. They had their arms around each other, and he pressed up against her so that every part of their bodies were touching. When I was in fourth grade my friends and I would pretend to be people from PJO a(of course I couldn't be Nico because I 'was a GIRL and only GUYS could be Nico and of course I couldn't just PRETEND even though we were pretending to command oceans Yeah) and I would always be Thalia because she's awesome. So. But the sharks are kind of creeping me out. Malcolm appointed himself to this task. Rated: Fiction M - English - Annabeth C., Percy J. "Perce?" Im sort of suffering writers block for my percico fic, fantasy au, and pirate au. "Sally, I'm really sorry-" started Annabeth, but then she had to struggle to keep the sheets pressed against her chest. Came her shaky reply. Ethan had meant to strike him, but she had gotten in the way. Percy Percy sat very close to Annabeth on their bed once she sat up. "Where?" "I'm not stupid, Seaweed Brain. Explore more crossword clues and answers by clicking on the results or quizzes. Percy lay in his bed, his English paper forgotten as he snuggled against his girlfriend. The expression on his face looked like wanted to dig a whole, lay down in it, and die. Here., Aw, Percy cooed. I hiss at him and he looks amused. "Hey, what's wrong?" You're a total babe." Wow you're so hot.' He's clingy in an adorable way, and I can never seem to find his endless 'I miss you's' annoying. My high school boyfriend and I got caught in the science lab by an entire class of freshman." 'Annabeth,' he thought 'we'll get through this. They chatted about old times and other important matters. Percy had his back turned when the door opened. So, Percy set up a mat of blankets and pillows, and he laid it next to Annabeths bed. The Heroes of Olympus Thalia Blackmails Percy and Annabeth (Rated R) Take off his jeans? He tried to casually lean against the cool wall while he waited for Annabeth, but instead, stumbled awkwardly, producing a loud stump as his shoulder hit the wall. "I" Percy burst into tears. He imagined her, with her dress hiked up, and her legs wrapped around his waist, rasping out his name. this isn't canon. I dont want to hate you. BEHOLD THE MIGHTY AWKWARDNESS!!! He chuckled then, seemingly to himself, and raised his head again to meet her eyes. im gonna like slowly lower the content because of the little kids on here. They didn't remember how they had gotten to where they had, or how many things they had stumbled upon or pushed to the ground in their manic frenzy, but the truth was, it didn't really matter. He shifted uneasily on his feet, a million thoughts swirling around his head. I am 12 and my childhood is gone!!! What weve had has been a base rock for you. Its just, Hazels mind went blank, Annabeth wants to see you, She spit out. Tapping away at the keyboard, I concentrate on the paper I'm writing. "Annabeth?" He lay for a moment, wait to hear Annabeth lie down. Because Percy is (usually) a gentleman, he eats her out before her face can get anywhere near his dick. I DONT NEED TO READ ABOUT THALIA RAPNG THEM. Just tell me why." She said it calmly. They found Annabeth weeping on her bed, and talking to herself "Can't musthave to be together" She was crying so hard, she didn't seem to notice her door creak open. Shut it, she warned. He lets out a low moan at my touch and I revel in the fact that I affect him so much. She was a wild fire, free and light on her feet. You'll get a cold, he pointed out. I now feel like a filthy mutt. Then Percy grinned so wide, he looked like his face would explode. His green eyes are shining playfully. Annabeth slipped her feet out from under the covers and quietly made her way to one of the windows, opening the blinds a crack. asked Annabeth "Why, to attract some godly attention, of course!" He wanted to be tangled up in her, until neither one of them remembered where one ended and the other began. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Written for my amazing friend TheNameIsHonor to prove that I CAN in fact write a fanfiction without killing off any of the characters. "No, Annabeth! Eventually, the Stoll brothers offered to get rid of the spider. Two First Times for Percy and Annabeth. . . And Then Their Actual First She's my entire life! "Percy, I want to talk to you you. That's what happened to Percy and Annabeth. Sweet Nightmares, a percy jackson and the olympians fanfic | FanFiction Annabeth returned the kiss, her hands tracing the toned but lean shirtless torso. "Oh, yes you are!" She said quietly against him, almost in a whisper. "Percy, could youwould you mindno, I'm being a pig." We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. I was planning on going back to sleep, said Percy in a drowsy tone. Why? Annabeth asks. That's horrible! - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,327 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 60 - Published: 9/22/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12661708 Pat. Maybe just because they were alone. Percy got a good job and became successful.for a half-blood. He shot up out of his seat. "So this is why you didn't answer your phone? Overcome by each other's own selfish desires and yearning. Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. Aphrodite cursed under her breath, They finally noticed what she has been doing! We're having a baby." "Percy, you know I love Annabeth, right? HE smiled at her weakly. He tossed the coin in and said, 'O Iris' accept my offering' The mist . "Where are you going?" Ba-dum. Her legs shaking, Annabeth began to make her way across the cabin.

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