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v20 merits and flaws

(PGS). You are now safe from pain. However, if the Kindred using Presence is far more powerful than yourself, the Storyteller might require you to spend a point of Willpower to resist. The character will be able to touch and see him if in the Underworld, but in the Skinlands only the wraith will be able to contact the character unless the character has rituals or powers that allows her to see and interact with the Shadowlands from the Skinlands. Maybe you're a tough bastard. (PGS), Patience You have learned the wisdom of patience in all things. You cannot frenzy from sensing blood if your blood pool is full; conversely, you lose your normal difficulty reduction if your blood pool is less than a quarter full (rounded down). Whenever you are in a non-Society setting, you have a 1-die penalty to all social skills. (INQ), Recently Arisen You have been lying in a state of torpor until very recently. Unlike Precognition, the visions are always steeped in symbolism, and they apply only to your own unlife. (CB:S), Secret FriendshipYou have a secret friendship with a denizen of the World of Darkness: a vampire, mage, werewolf or other supernatural entity. You also receive a +1 to the difficulty level of any checks made when attempting to influence such Kindred. (CB:AS1). You like to lie around and, by vampiric standards, you are certainly a coffin potato. reload. For whatever reason, animals are jittery around you, including any hounds used to guard your Cenaculum. When you seduce, they swoon. A 5 point Merit means that you often sense your others emotions, even at a distance, and can feel the others physical pain or peril. Other reasons why you might be Beholden include: someone has dirt on you; you borrowed money from them; they did you a favor; they saved the life of someone important to you; they kept you (or a loved one) from suffering some horrible fate. Your work is never good enough to suit you. In all cases, your skill is not as impressive as your delivery. The servants, if he has any, are provided for if you choose this Merit. The most famous example is that of Childe Roland, who refused to allow his men to retreat as the Moors slaughtered them, his pride goading him to remain so that he would not appear as a coward. Disciplined Eye With a point each of blood and Willpower and a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6), you may force your third eye closed for a full scene. The substance can be alcohol or any form of drug. (DSBH). InnocentYou are always thought of in the most positive light, unless evidence exists to prove otherwise. She can be of any Tradition, Craft, or Convention but most likely is a member of the Euthanatos or Verbena. (ELY), Paranoia, Extreme You are certain that the world is full of creatures and people who wish to see you destroyed. It isnt so much that youre fair or quick of wit (though you may be) you simply possess a certain animal charm that few can resist. (CB: NOS1), Gifted The difficulties of all Craft and Expression rolls are reduced by three. The difficulty of all Etiquette rolls involving high society are reduced by three. (GFA), Eerie Presence Other people get a strange feeling when they are around you. Acute VisionYou have exceptionally keen eyesight. (NOS), Offensive to AnimalsFor some reason, animals cringe from your touch and are uneasy in your presence. You will never rise in Clan Prestige, and you are the equivalent of an anarch. Thus, your character might have the Strength of Hercules or the Intelligence of Occam. The Inbred Flaw cover all manner of physical, mental, and emotional defects. Fountain of LifeThe healing power of God runs through you. During the waxing and waning phases, the Attributes are normal. (CB:R1), Addiction (Vampire) You are addicted to some substance in addition to the blood. Example: the character may achieve a minor variation on a form. This prestige might aid you greatly in dealings with your elders or other neonates, or it might engender jealousy or contempt. This merit should provide dramatic moments, and players should not come to rely upon them for plot resolution. Your friend must have some influence or ability that make him valuable to the sect or you would have been ordered to destroy him long ago. Superstitious The character has misconceptions about what he is. Efficient Digestion You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood. Even other Nosferatu are repulsed by your stink, and your Stealth Dice Pools are reduced by two against any creature that can smell, unless you are upwind. (GFA), Capable Assistant The character has another vampire who acts as her right hand in everything. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. You receive a +3 difficulty modifier on any Social roll involving elder Kindred who know your secret. (CB:R1), Childe, Loyal Your childe's loyalty goes beyond any Blood Bond, being born of true affection and admiration. Any time your character heads out on the town, the Storyteller can make a Perception test on your characters behalf (difficulty 6). You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. He should be very careful, lest the wrong mortals see them. The only exception are the specific Mage: the Ascension merits and flaws at the bottom. The Vinculum scores between you and your enemy are automatically zero, and will never increase no matter how many time you partake of the Vaulderie together. If that roll fails another can be made, and so on, until the roll succeeds or the Merit is used up. Merits and Flaws are divided into four categories: physical, mental, social and supernatural. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Revenants with this Flaw want nothing more than to serve the glorious ideals of the Sabbat, and leap to indulge many Sabbat vampire's whim. They seek either to remove you entirely from your diet and/or domitor's influence, or to kill you as a favor to your corrupted soul. (INQ), Holdings ( 1 - 5 Merit) You own a number of properties that have been in your possession for years. (DSBH). When you do fail, you quickly find someone or something else to blame. The premonitions come to you when you least expect them. This link allows you to always know when she is in trouble, when she is in pain, when she is lying, and when she needs you. As a result, you are less likely to be attacked unawares (-1 difficulty to spotting ambushes and the like). Everyone wants to know you and be your friend, even as those in power groom you for positions of higher responsibility. During the entire cycle of the moon, you vary your emotional level to suit the stage of the moon. You may not command the vermin in any fashion; they are too intoxicated on your vitae to be of any use (though they do love you, for what it's worth). In most circumstances, you find that your curiosity easily overrides your common sense. (GFA), Patagia You have grown large flaps of skin under your arms, like those of a pterodactyl or flying squirrel. You must have at least 2 dots in Drive to take this merit. These modifications are permanent unless shaped away by further Vicissitude. You turned traitor on the Camarilla, Followers of Set, or some other vampire group. This individual would like to see you out of the pack and possibly destroyed; perhaps just because he doesn't like you or perhaps for a good reason. As such, you may hide your blood in a chalice or feed ghouls without betraying the true nature of their draught. If this is the case, then the Storyteller may well want to increase the cost of this merit. This forces you to hunt more often. You may make yourself more sensitive to them through ascetic practice, but you can never consciously induce a vision. Though this does draw unwanted attention sometimes, you always manage to extricate yourself from unwanted situations. Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. (PGS), Stench Few Nosferatu smell good, but you reach a new nadir of odiferousness. Even magical means of tracking you are inhibited. Jadasc. Crack DriverYou have a natural affinity with driving motorized wheeled vehicles, such as cars, 18-wheelers and even tractors. Your bite does one additional die of damage, and you may add one to your Intimidation Dice Pool. When feeding, you gain an additional point to your blood pool for every two points of blood you consume. You are slow to heal normal wounds as well, requiring two Blood Points per Health Level recovered. randomize. This is a very useful Merit to give to beginning players unfamiliar with the game. For instance, a player may determine the actual breed of wolf which her character may become. (PGS), Wuzho Enemy You have drawn the attention of one of the Wuzho. (PGS), Aging (Mortal)You are not as spry as you used to be; you must lower any one Physical Attribute score (your choice) by one point. Unless otherwise stated, those without a dot rating usually vary between 1-5 dots. Worse, your willpower is considered to be one point lower whenever potential hook-ups try to seduce you or bend your will with supernatural powers. Only warrior Salubri can take this flaw. However, unlike the Flaw: Thin Blood, you can use your blood just as all other vampires can. You are irresistible. (CB:G1), Inconnu Associate The character is friends with another Kindred who belongs to the Inconnu. This is a pre-editing draft, so take that for what you will. People find it hard to avoid them. When directly opposing someone who has insulted, shamed or harmed you, you gain an additional die to all combat Dice Pools. This title was added to our catalog on January 05, 2022. (CB:Tz! Unblooded You never received any ritual of blooding from your sire or other warriors, and so your training is at a standstill. (ELY). (DSBH), Silence You have an unusual ability to move quietly that goes far beyond the norm. They find her totally repulsive either for a past deed or nothing at all. Many will believe you to possess great power (regardless of the truth), and will be appropriately respectful of you. Whatever the cause, you are sex incarnate. Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. A 3-point Merit indicates that you occasionally can sense the others strong emotions (fear, joy, pain) if your twin is in the vicinity. (CB:Gio1), Irretractable Fangs The character is unable to retract his fangs. This not a facility for blessing or cursing, or an ability that can be ruled by any conscious control. The strength and pervasiveness of the curse depend upon how many points you wish to incur. Your soak Dice Pool is reduced by one, and if you are jarred or hit violently (more than three successes after soak) you must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 6). Somehow, everything you say or perform rings with power and conviction. The exact nature of the duty can be anything. You rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming you know all there is to know of them once you have determined what part they play on the world stage (+1 difficulty to Perception rolls involving people you know). You gain one extra die on your soak Dice Pool (though not to soak fire and sunlight). Additional DisciplineYou can take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a clan Discipline. FLAWS MERITS Acute Hearing: (1 pt) (VPG) You have exceptionally sharp hearing, even for a vampire. Gangrel: Merits and Flaws. You move at only half normal speed. They will not easily give up the chance to continue using you as a vitae source. Samadji may be activated in any of a number of ways. The reason relates to some great heroic action that possibly saved many of their unlives. (CB:L1), Supernatural Companion (Ghoul) You are allied with a supernatural being, but not a vampire. The modifier is determined by the rating of this flaw. It could be that you are simply lucky. Other Kindred may even attempt to destroy the mummy or turn him against you rather than allow you access to his great stores of information and abilities. She may be Blood Bound to the character but would serve anyway. Your Willpower is considered to be two points lower when the object of your romanticism attempts to use Dominate or Presence on you. The ability has an estimated power level similar to a Level Three Discipline. You may also home in on your haven by making an unmodified Perception roll (difficulty variable; 6 if across town, 8 if in another state or country, 9 if across the Globe). Of course, he still expects you to give your life for his if need be, but until that night, the two of you are something akin to friends. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. You make sure your victims have ingested the substance before you drink from them so you can enjoy the effects. This is a list of Merits and Flaws in the Storyteller System used by the Classic World of Darkness and other game lines. This is a list of Merits and Flaws in the Storyteller System used by the Classic World of Darkness and other game lines. (CB:Gio1), Inherited Frailty [Kinain] As part of your fae nature, you have inherited the Frailties of your heritage. (INQ), Kinfolk (Ghouls/Independent) Whether you know it or not, you are kin to a werewolf tribe. (CB:G1), Haven Affinity Your territoriality rivals that of a Lupine. Without Cainite allies, she finds herself relying on her human and ghoul associates to get by. This creature may be a mage, a werewolf, a changeling, a wraith, or something even more unusual. As a rule, the Tzimiscse make sufficient cosmetic alterations to ruin the looks of all their battle-ghouls, even those whose modiciations ar enot in and of themselves hidesous. (CB:Tor1), Artificially Aged (Ghoul / Revenant) You have been fleshcrafted to look like an adult, although true maturity is still some time in your future. (TE), Image Obsession [LaSombra] (1 - 5 Flaw) You find yourself hypnotized by the vagaries of your own appearance. Due to your arrogance and love of sycophants, you receive an increase of one to three points on the difficulty level of resisting any attempts at Manipulation using flattery (the modifier is doubled if the flatterer has a flattery specialty). Both characters have to buy this Merit. (INQ, PGS), Oversized Fangs When you grow your fangs, you really grow 'em. This document is pretty straight-forward. All difficulties on Craft and Expression rolls are increased by two to a maximum of nine. You are able to understand many magical portents that are revealed to people every day, but are seen by few and interpreted by less. Still, be wary of how far you press this advantage. . Instead of being handsome and charming, you are bland, unappealing, and annoying. (CB: NOS1), Drug Resistance You are unusually resistant to drugs. Vampire: The Masquerade v20: Random Merits & Flaws. Pure Blood The Curse of Caine runs strongly in your veins. Nine Lives Fate has granted you the opportunity to come as close to Final Death as anyone can get and still survive. (CB:Tor1), Scales (1 - 3 Flaw) During your Embrace, a portion of your skin became scales. (INQ). You are crude, rude, and socially unacceptable, forever a Philistine. Generally speaking, you're a szlachta, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flow: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p.19). (CB:G1). This individual would like to see you out of the pack and possibly destroyed; perhaps just because he doesn't like you or perhaps for a good reason. (INQ), Light SleeperYou need less sleep than other mortals; you can function quite well on four hours a night. How much you know about the magic depends upon the number of successes you roll using your Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). What happens is that if a roll is made that would kill the character, the roll is made a second time. You reduce the difficulty of any frenzy roll involving the sight, scent or taste of blood by one. Revenants may not purchase this Merit under any circumstances. The Storyteller may lower the difficulty level for anyone attempting to surprise the character from 1 - 3 points depending on the specific nature of the situation. Should the wind blow while you are moving, there is no way to hear you. (DSBH). Independents may not take this Flaw unless the Storyteller approves a common sort of vampire whom the ghoul idolizes, and with whom the ghoul puts herself at a disadvantage in dealings, due to her romanticized ideas. It also makes you stand out in a crowd; long after youre gone, people will still talk about those marvelous eyes. Sexy You are one sexy mutha. The difficulties of all dice rolls that relate to vision (e.g., a Perception roll to spot a clue, or Perception + Alertness to see the shadow of an approaching attacker) are reduced by one. Though they do not work against you, they avoid contact, as you might contaminate them (difficulties of all Social rolls involving other Gypsies increase by two). Any diabolist who tastes it will lust after it. You may add two dice to all rolls directly involving the use of your voice, such as Leadership, Seduction, Singing, etc. InnocentYou convey an aura of childlike innocence. He still attempts to play on your sympathies for old times sake while working against you. Gift of Proteus This merit allows the vampire to "fine-tune" the shapes achieved by the Protean Discipline. Work with your Storyteller to create a good reason for this effect, and how it developed. All soak rolls are made at -1 diff. Such bonds can be same sex or opposite sex, and there is no way to predict who your twin will be. If you are not wounded, then those who are under your medical care will heal at your enhanced rate as well. Parasitic Infestation In many ways this Flaw is the negative counterpart of Swarm Attractor. Precognition You have the ability to perceive events before they happen. It is highly improbable that your allegiance is looked on favorably by her kind, and any Kindred who discovered your relationship would almost certainly disapprove. You may consider this two points that can be added to Pack Recognition. Many will question your Sire and possibly ridicule him for choosing you. You are more likely to frenzy if you do not get your fix for the night; the difficulty of all frenzy rolls increases by two. (CD:Tor1), Vainglorious (1 - 3 Flaw) You are boastful and know that you deserve any praise you receive. (DSBH), Entrepreneur Making money comes easy to the character. However, unless he is made into a ghoul, he will continue to age normally. (ELY), Vitae Sink (Ghoul) For whatever reason, you metabolize vitae more quickly than other ghouls do. This includes all supernatural Disciplines as well. The number of points spent determines the scope of the variation, which must be specific, approved by the Storyteller, and defined when the merit is chosen. Among the forms traditionally ascribed to Vampires were those of cats, crows, black dogs, wolves, toads, and bats. For him, your rivalry has become a matter of death or dishonor. The exceptions are ghouls who themselves possess Vicissitude, though a lowly Zantosa may well find herself helpless to repair the mutilation inflicted by a seventh-generation Tzimisce (to repair Vicissitude alterations, a ghoul must have a level of Vicissitude superior to that of the vampire who inflicted the mutilation). (ELY). (CB:Tor1), Clear SightedYou can see through all levels of Kindred Obfuscate, Chimerstry, and other related Disciplines or Gifts with a Perception + Alerness roll (difficulty of the opposing power's level + 3). (DSBH), Family Enmity By an act of betrayal, or perhaps a simple "misunderstanding," you have gained the scorn of one of the families. Not all Caitiff sired by Nosferatu have this flaw; nobody knows why some do and some don't. This may not be taken with the flaw Infamous Sire. That said, "thin-blooded" is a term that . Slimy Your skin secretes slime like that of a worm or mollusk. (GFA), Charmed Samadji (Ravnos; 1 - 4 Merit) Your family or sire has gifted you with an item of power. Your relationship is one of relative equality, with neither of you able to dominate the other, and you find this most refreshing. The limbs may be regrown normally. You might not necessarily be that good looking, but theres something about the way you move and act that exudes sexuality. Your relatives may or may not approve, depending on the whys and wherefores of your ghouling. Under Kindred law, both you and your childer may be subject to a Blood Hunt should other vampires discover your secret. (Cb:L1). You can heal aggravated wounds only at a rate of one Health Level per five days, as opposed to one Health Level per day. You may have gifted them with favors or material items sometime in the distant past, or just last week, but they now owe you a debt. You may declare your love for one another openly, although you risk becoming an outcast - or worse. This group provides him with assistance, and possibly even agents to handle his dirty work. In any roll based on Seduction or Subterfuge, subtract two from the difficulty and get ready to suffer the displeasure of your rivals! The focus of the premonitions is not under your control either. She would do almost anything to aid you, and you trust her as you do no other among the Kindred. You still have much to prove before you will be an accepted member. Your enemy has been blackening your name, and as a result you find that all dealings with the Unconquered are at +1 difficulty. The professors and libraries are useful in providing him with research information. Your rival occasionally gets the best of you, but you do the same to him. Vindictive Your personal honor is your life, and you will go to the ends of the earth to settle a score or avenge a slight. In fact, if you had the choice, you would choose the trash. Recommended: Ghouls, EcstaticThis is a Merit of dubious benefit. Legendary AttributeYour character has a superhuman Attribute, something in which he has the potential to be greater than human. A character with legendary Stamina might have the ability to roll a soak against any form of damage, for instance, while a character with legendary Wits might be able to shift his initiative category by one place in any given turn automatically. (V20, p.268) This merit is rare among any line other than Viziers, in whom it is nearly always tied to the Curse of Obsession. The cost of this Merit depends upon the power and position of the childe. The difficulty to use any level of this Discipline is reduced by 1, although this Merit can never reduce the difficulty of any roll below 4. As such, she has gained some Status over you, and you are at a slight disadvantage in any dealings you have with her. Vicissitude 3 (Bonecraft) can be used to forcibly cause them to shrink, but the process is painful and the fangs will return the next night. Its potency varies with the characters actual Attribute rating, so a character with a legendary Stamina of 1 has a weak legendary power that might grow with time and experience. The Merit can be of great use if you wish to impersonate a vampire, but can also cause some very dangerous misunderstandings. NOTE: You may not take a Family Enmity with the Tsurara or Ravnos families. You may add 2 dice to all rolls that directly include use of your voice: singing, preaching, leadership, etc. (PGS), Sanctuary Another vampire has promised the character protection from all harm should he come to her for sanctuary. Few ghouls with this Flaw last beyond their natural life spans; at this rate, missed feedings do happen (GFA), Weak Willed(Mortal)This version of Weak Willed is the same as the one in Vampire but is worth one extra point for a mortal Inquisitor. This manifests as a repeated questioning of others as to your looks. This can be dangerous for aggravated wounds. Perhaps it is because you have been tainted by your dealings with the Infernal, or perhaps they just dislike your smell. (TE), Romantic Notions (Ghoul) You believe your entire existence as a ghoul to be head and shoulders above your previous life. During periods of the new moon, your Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina are cut in half (round down). Finally, all Expression difficulties involving color are reduced by one. You may gain Glamour normally as any kinain would, but you will not have any initial Glamour to use for cantrips or Fae Gifts, making it unlikely you would have learned much about either (unless you have a gift that does not require Glamour to use). (CB:AS1), Enmity of Shadows (LaSombra) The Shadows summoned may turn on the Vampire and attack him. You would lay down your unlives for each other, and you feel empty without the other nearby. You basically have nine lives. Whenever the character is about to act in a way contrary to common sense, the Storyteller can make suggestions or warnings about the implications of said action. (PGS). (INQ) Disallowed: Ghouls (Modern Ghouls, but possible for over 100 years of age. The character gains respect as the Keeper of Elysium which she controls. You family member is close by. This Merit is often coupled with the Prey Exclusion Flaw. Merits/Flaws (oWoD) Edit Contents 1 Psychological 1.1 Merits 1.2 Flaws 2 Mental 2.1 Merits 2.2 Flaws 3 Perception 3.1 Merits 3.2 Flaws 4 Aptitudes 4.1 Merits 4.2 Flaws 5 Supernatural 5.1 Merits 5.2 Flaws 6 Mortal Society 6.1 Merits 6.2 Flaws 7 Physical 7.1 Merits 7.2 Flaws 8 Specific, or Restricted Merits & Flaws 8.1 Vampire: The Masquerade (CB:S), Dual Nature You have two distinct Natures, both of which have an influence on your personality and behavior. There is a chance he will know of a vampire from another city when he hear his name. (CB:S), Slow Healing You are slow to heal all wounds. However, the ghoul might also get jealous of any relationship you have with others. The down side to this Merit is that you must do everything in your power to avenge such deeds or insults. If you fail, one of your facial features or fingers falls off; if you botch, one of the levels of damage is aggravated and one of your limbs falls off. "Decrepitude" and "Hemetic" didn't make it into V20. (CB:AS1), Vulgar You will never fit into High Society. A one-point Flaw is fairly noticeable, like a slight blue cast to your skin, bright red hair, pointed ears or eyes of a very unusual color. Most treat you respectfully as a result, while some have only contempt for you, believing you to be nothing compared to them. This Merit supersedes those of Werewolf Companion and Spirit Mentor in The Vampire Players Guide.) This Flaw is made truly effective with good and accurate roleplaying, though the Storyteller can enforce it through frenzies. (PGS), Pack Rival You have an intense rivalry with a member of your pack. This volume contains 100+ Merits and Flaws, including those described in V20 - Classical Age Corebook, V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage, and V20 Classical Age - Kindred Mythology; A complete review of every Merit and Flaw such as Physical, Mental, Social and Supernatural; All effects have been revised to work on any V20 system, although some rules will have to be found in V20 - Classic Era, Corebook; This book adds over +50 new unique Merits and Flaws to the Kindred and other creatures, not available in other Classical Age books. Combined with Heightened Senses (Level One Auspex), this Merit can provide superhuman olfactory acuity. Scales (1 - 3 Flaw) During your Embrace, a portion of your skin became scales. Note: Ghouls may never heal Vicissitude modifications , not even with vampire blood. This Merit doesnt confer such a rating automatically; it must still be purchased with Attribute points, Freebie Points, or Experience. It may not affect all of them all the time, but it does so regularly. Prodigies of Koldunic Sorcery or other forms of blood sorcery reduce the difficulty of all paths and rituals. (NOS). Dark Ages describe the ability differently, but the cost and effect are the same. (V20) What are your favorite Flaws and Merits? People are bound to talk about such a distinctive individual, and such talk may not always be in a characters best interests. If a situation arises in which you should be killed, you actually survive, though you may be worse for wear. Enchanting Voice, even if its benefits dont work for . Combined with Heightened Senses, this Merit can provide superhuman visual acuity. (DSBH). Giovanni with this Merit are afforded wide berth, as this Trait is reminiscent of the Cappadocian clan weakness and the Giovanni tend to be quite superstitious about it. If you are Bruised, you will heal in a matter of hours. You are unable to use Glamour while in contact with cold iron, and you cannot gain Glamour (through enchantment or a Rapture) while in contact with it. Face the FlamesThe weakness of your Beast renders you less susceptible to blind panic when faced with fire. Enemy (1 - 5 Flaw)You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies. While your packmates may still be groggy, you tend to be awake and aware. (PGS), Childe, Vengeful You have sired a childe who has grown to loathe you. You may purchase Blood Affinities, or other Gypsy-only abilities from World Of Darkness: Gypsies. Power levels of samadji vary greatly; a three to four merit samadji might provide the user with effects equivalent to low-level Disciplines, such as Unseen Presence. rifle shooting merit badge powerpoint,

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