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venus sextile jupiter transit

Transit Venus in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology We have now survived the major huge lessons of the big boys. Jupiter Trine Venus Transit. This is one of the most non-threatening planetary aspects. Would you have any hint? I remember I met the mother of my kids with transiting Saturn on my Vertex. If you include the South Node of the Moon you have a yod aspect pattern focused on Venus. People with the Venus sextile Jupiter in their birth chart are passionate, determined and diligent individuals that wont stop until theyve reached the goals theyve set in mind. During this time, you will feel motivated to express your values in the wider community through some creative form. All rights reserved. During the retrograde time transiting Jupiter could make 3 contacts with the natal planet. Finishing the project for the season, so that no more soil is uprooted, finding alternative water sources for drinking, and installing a filtration system. Thank goodness this transit feels like a good thing for me,heavy but releasing, finally! So far (and the transit is still building up), a friend of 40 years has unexpectedly, and without any known reason, discarded our friendship. The transit of Venus sextile your natal Jupiter is one of the most favorable transits, although its effects last a maximum of a couple of days. You could find it difficult to get motivated and prefer to be content with the blessing that your good karma brings this life. Your inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness are so attractive. It is very favorable for you to relax and take vacations, as well as to soften all the conflicts you have with others and with your partner or spouse. I have been making beauty products with essential oils. This transit might bring a new relationship or an improvement to an existing relationship. My oils are better than what I can buy! As such, these people would do well to indulge in careers oriented towards this domain. The native will have very pleasant dealings with kindred or relatives, and with those who will . It would be good if we won money every time we got fruitful transits like this! Everything will be under the cover of very positive energy that will refresh us in this next period. They are well respected and loved by society. Solar Eclipse April 20, 2023 Crisis of Confidence,, Saturn Sextile Midheaven Natal and Transit, Mercury Retrograde April 21, 2023 Psychic Talent, Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit. Hi Jamie, Once again this conjunction makes an aspect with my natal Saturn at 27.02. It was an intereating question. Trapped and imprisoned is how I feel, just like you. You want to surround yourself with beauty and pleasant situations. Here we can see a person who has the energy with a certain note of eroticism that can be seen in his walk, speech, and mannerisms due to Venus impact. Transit Jupiter Sextile Venus, Personalized Astrology reports and readings Like a rescue vehicle or ambulances on their way to the hospital.You hear them from your house, the whistle pervades the boundaries of knowing and not knowing. Astrology enthusiast from an early age, there is a lot more to Joy Carter than meets the eye. Friends will often take the edge off and be there for you when the time comes. I feel like this was written for me. Most often it is like a parallel universe of me and the kids at home doing normal stuff. A natal sextile between Venus and Jupiter means that you are naturally supportive within relationships. You feel happy, and this positively influences all your personal or professional relationships. You hit the jack pot! No is about the best answer. The candidates coming under this . I have been so busy that I had no time to comment on your excellent posts although I am particularly thinking about this particular one. Venus conjunct Jupiter maximum orb 700. September 2015 solar eclipse conjunct my Jupiter, March 2016 solar eclipse opposite my Jupiter, and now my Jupiter return. Try getting out of the house and hanging out with those you care a bit more often since this is a time of communication and the strengthening of bonds. Hi again Meli. antiscion, of the two hybrid signs: Sagittarius half man, half horse, and Capricorn, the sea goat. Remember, they are friends first place, and then everything else. You can do favors for others, which will then be returned or rewarded. NewEnergy needs to shows up but it wont get deployed until the Military runs its tests and calibrations. Jupiter Trine Venus Aspects Natal and Transit | Something else this person seriously takes into consideration is a long-lasting commitment, however, their partner would do well to remember that they ought to offer the same kind of faithfulness and compassion if they want a fruitful relationship. Is a Venus at 16 Aquarius conjunct Jupiter at 24 too wide? When Jupiter conjuncts, sextiles, or trines your natal Venus, your love nature is stimulated. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Venus Jupiter Conjunction Astrology | - Times of India Jupiter Trine or Sextile Venus - Beware of eating excessively rich meals or drinking too much. You should really focus on the bright side of life during the Venus sextile Jupiter transit. Have you wrote something about jupiter/ venus sqaure saturn? I agree you have Moon opposite Saturn but it is not a very strong influence in chart at over 5 degrees orb. People with Venus sextile Jupiter in the natal birth chart are individuals that brim with joy and originality. Would be interested to know. On the same note, they also present great talent for music and might be able to make it big in this industry if they so desire. Venus sextile Jupiter transit is excellent for partying and making love. Travel becomes much more pleasant. On top of that Saturn has been squaring Mars at 19 Libra all year, and I can honestly say Im not sure how the heck Im alive. This usually coincides with romantic crushes, although for these to be really fruitful and lasting, the transit must also be accompanied by Saturn transits to the Sun, Moon, or the Ascendant. Venus sextile Saturn natal is a good omen for stable income in your life. Minor Transits are the Inner and quicker moving Planet/Luminaries; the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Moderation and appropriate concessions are important things that you should take into consideration. Could you tell me a software that I could use that will tell me how long a transit will last? Even introverted people will have a more open attitude during these days. But even after that, the September 1 solar eclipse on your Moon is not too bad. Id rather burn through my savings and die with dignity if my body wont let me work or even do simple things to look after myself when I am alone (I am disabled and lead a very restricted home bound life), than stay a day longer and be abused. Venus Square Moon Aspects Natal and Transit | Yes, check Nessus. It is not that you are particularly proactive about resolving disputes, as that would involve unpleasant arguments and bargaining. Relationships of all kinds are a major focus of this conjunction. Lets hope so Ofelia. I have a natal Stellium and a Yod that wreak so much havoc that even the Venus-Jupiter conjunction gift is often dimmed. Their charismatic persona makes them more than attractive to the public, subjecting them to the attention of others on more than a few occasions. Right now with the August 18 lunar eclipse sextile your Venus. If you cant be kind or helpful, I am not interested. What would I be looking at with an ex partner? through 5th house, 7th, no. Its almost exact now. Then we know that this position has its full effect, and there is a huge range of different emotions in this person, and everything is constantly reduced to emotions, not on a parched practical level but higher. With transit Jupiter sextile or trine your natal Moon, you can usually be optimistic without being delusional about it. If happiness is to be achieved, balance and responsibility should come first. Thinking about it Jupiter will be trine my MC in September. You will also be in a generous mood and not greedy at all. Making friends come easy, and new friends made now will be genuine and mutually beneficial. You are more capable of surrendering, and feel better being in the company of other people and sharing. Your Karmic work done & realisation of your own self-worth and what you deserve & value in a friendship (any likely any other relationship) with the passing opposition of Saturn. Could that eclipse activate all these conjunction? Feeling overflowing with love, I AM BLESSED. Venus quincunx Neptune and Venus square Pluto are both under one degree orb. Transiting Jupiter trine or sextile your natal Venus. This transit is the perfect period for investing, extending loans, repaying any debts you may have, etc. From what you described, you are getting ready to take a running leap off a cliff, and soar towards your North Node destiny. Many things are possible at this time, but unlike some other aspects, this one is more dynamic than usual, and therefore many unusual things are very likely to occur when this transit is active. All the arts and creative fields would offer a promising career, and many singers have this aspect. It makes you seem more attractive and allows you to relax and express your personality's more affectionate and welcoming side. Once again balance and finding the middle ground is crucial. They often here me talking when I am zoning out. Although, it could be that you spend excessively, or that you have problems because of lack of moderation with eating or drinking. April 13, 2026 2019-2020 HoroscopeJoy Joy Carter All Rights Reserved. You may enjoy flirting but can also be secretive about your love life. Venus Conjunct Jupiter Natal and Transit - Astrology King This is a time to enjoy the benefits of the good karma accrued from your previous good deeds and hard work. The work has exposed more metals in the soil, and since we drink this water, higher concentrations of manganese and copper are entering my body. You radiate happiness and can attract someone who wants to share this feeling with you. You must stay balanced with yourself and others. Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. One lover here, the Jupiter lover, is the one that observes the world and the people around him very differently. But when Pluto squared my Mars I started standing upto a lifetime of abuse by her, realising love is NOT abuse. A new love relationship may begin at this time if you are not already involved. Uranus is really complicating my life as its also making an oposition to natal mars (ruler of MC) today! Good question Colibrie. 08 July 2016 when crabs career . Its been fascinating. We don't collect your IP address. Ive just briefly looked at your chart Jupiters going to be conjunct your MC in a couple of months! The final Saturn conjunct Sun transit is September 30. However, this can go out of hand and they end up not taking things as seriously as they should, which can, in turn, cause quite a few problems in the romance department. Sometimes and indication of the start of an office romance. People who have this position in their natal charts are very likely to have very high education or are considered experts in their field of work. Then you realise that you allowed it. is not : ). It is very likely that the world will change, or that will very quickly change will come, as well as some social and political events which can lead us into some new, for many of us, unknown situations. If you make purchases, you may buy items that you do not really need, or that are too expensive. This is one of the best aspects because it brings popularity, good fortune, and true love. The transit of Venus square your natal Jupiter can normally be quite pleasant, but there is a lack of discipline that can cause problems, as well as a lack of moderation with food or drink. This Appulse/Conjunction is occurring within one degree of my IC (28VIR) I have been feeling the first stirrings of this energy over the last couple of days (Hearing beautiful music during meditation, having visions of a gently and harmoniously moving sacred geometry configuration over my head.) In one-to-one situations, you should notice more interest, especially from your partner or potential partners. Transiting Venus trine or sextile your natal Jupiter. You may notice less of an attachment to things you had previously found to be valuable. I have a feeling it could be but I have not researched it. Bonus! Tie this with their general leniency and humanitarianism mind set and they can easily engage in charitable endeavors. You certainly do not have Venus sextile Saturn with an orb of over 8 degrees. Your love of beauty and harmony gets a big boost during this period. And Jupiter should make a grand trine to my AC and MC, shouldnt it. Keep on taking the steps that terrify you most. Venus sextile Sun Easy interactions. Last week of November will be an interesting time. I am amazed to see the abuse has also lessened in the last week. If lord of the 5th, it is common to form new love relationships during this period as the result of meeting someone new. This is to be an experience, a lesson to be remembered so that you can see and appreciate the world for its vastness and its beauty. Few of us have that gift in its purest, most potent form. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, good luck, and optimism. You feel relaxed, and everything is pleasant in your environment, be it people or circumstances. It is one of those days when you can learn a lot about the effect you have on others, if you accept them as they are, and at the same time, you surrender yourself. Perhaps this is the right time to discuss legal matters, or to set the date of a wedding. I feel better, like I need to move on and forward. So lately Ive been contemplating my self worth and how it has always been difficult for me to connect to it. I love not having to live pay check to pay check but I now have to learn that eating anything I want has fattening side effects. You may have new ideas about redecorating your home at this time. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astromajesty_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_26',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-narrow-sky-2-0');Because, if, by some chance, there is a bad aspect ( for example, a square or an opposition with either Venus or Jupiter), then things will not go as smoothly as you may think. Saturn square Neptune have finished hurting your Moon now. Hi Jamie this Jupiter/ venus conjunction is conjunct my natal Uranus ,which is at 28 .3 degrees and things are very quiet. So I can find out how long Jupiter will be trine my ascendent and the exact date it will start. Venus-Jupiter Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary One day I had to own the things I allowed and accept the fact that I cant expect other people to always behave honorably and if thats what I want I have to make new friends. One of those relations is the sextile position, an angle between the planets that is around 60. You're going to have sweet revenge on life for denying you the delights that should've been your due. Do not let pluto and saturn impress you. The transiting Venus conjunct Jupiter is a popularly sought after kind of minor transit in astrology. It is well past by Jupiter sextile Sun transit on October 30 which lasts a few weeks to cover the start of the new job. Faye I have Venus 4* in Leo as well. I was just offered a new job with new company on Monday 22 august with significant increase.. Great so far.. Contract will be sent next Monday in mercury retrograde.. Generally, however, your life should be balanced and happy, just like your personality. You can even make peace with someone with whom . These are the people who are sociable and nice. Jupiter Square Neptune Aspects Natal and Transit - Mercury makes it a triple conjunction. I really think its luck that we need on our side in life, especially when weve had so many setbacks and that of a Saturian nature like Saturn return and chaotic transits in general that seem to place havoc in our lives! Ella, sounds like you have some astrological energy undermining the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. The Venus Jupiter trine in the natal chart means you are an extrovert and kind like no other but should prioritize yourself more often. Im really hoping this Venus Jupiter conjunction brings good fortune for me. On the contrary, all efforts are immediately rewarded. Jennifer Jason Leigh 001, Sbastien Grosjean 003, Halsey 005, Tom Waits 006, Julie Newmar 007, Kenneth Williams 010, Henry Winkler 013, Erin Sullivan 014, Michael Hutchence 017, Trent Reznor 037, Jane Birkin 047, Agnetha Fltskog 048, Eric Burdon 048, Patty Duke 049, Philip II of Spain 049, Jerry Lewis 050, John Belushi 053, Matthew McConaughey 055, Roman Polanski 058, Bernard Boursicot 059, Barry Gibb 059, Rita Wilson 101, RuPaul 101, Steven Spielberg 101, Uri Geller 131, Lee Majors 137, Ritchie Valens 138, Jeff Bridges 140, Liz Greene 145, Stephen Fry 146, Garth Brooks 159. Transit Jupiter in Aspects to Natal Venus - Astrology Im going to make a note of that. These are also times that attract pleasure and money, but sometimes it means that you have many expenses while also daring to be generous or self-indulgent. If lord of the 12th, this is a good time to catch up on some rest and relaxation as you are not likely to be interrupted during this period. If lord of the 10th, you have the opportunity to advance through your career or obtain a promotion now. Investments should turn a profit, especially in works of art, jewelry, and other luxury items. When the two best-looking planets come together, they are the most attractive and popular sights. August 17, 2026 The text below is the interpretation of Venus transit when Trine Jupiter Venus Trine Jupiter You attract people who appreciate and support you. This Venus Jupiter Galactic Centre conjunction on Nov 24,2019 is almost exactly conjunct my natal Neptune at Sag 27 degrees. Get report personalized to your birth now. You have an uplifting quality of being optimistic and generous, as well as socially astute with a knack for finding common ground and creating harmonious interactions. alone, pain. The text below is the interpretation of Jupiter transits sextile Venus. Their life path looks just like thisit is interesting and unusual, it is fortunate and sad at times because there are a lot of emotions. You are fun to be around and should enjoy popularity. Many things are possible at this time, but unlike some other aspects, this one is more dynamic than usual, and therefore many unusual things are very likely to occur when this transit is active. Venus square or opposite Moon. Right now is the perfect moment for the relationship to blossom into something else, bigger and more romantic. The transit of Venus opposite your natal Jupiter gives an excess of self-indulgence and a great desire for pleasure. This transit is likely to bring someone new into your life! You may be feeling more sentimental than usual. Jupiter transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with significant others and with friends. there are no planets in 10th house. These two are transiting conjunct, they move over the Galactic Centre, move over your Ascendant, and finally, transit the 0 degree winter solstice. and would this aspect activate my natal aspects ( moon, Venus..)? Not only will you be receptive to learning in a social environment, but it will also place you in a situation where you can form new, mutually supportive relationships. These are not very favorable transits for work or tasks that require effort. Now, what happens when bad things are around this aspect? Jupiter Sextile Venus Aspects Natal and Transit | This transit indicates good luck, and you may receive gifts, money or compliments. Its one of the best possible manifestations of a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. The only planet which will be transiting my vertex is Neptune but that wouldnt be for a while. When this transit is active, you should be very happy since this is, as we have said, very harmonious. The freedom-loving nature present in this transit will also make people prone to chasing adventure and traveling. But I cannot take much more. My Vx is 14 Pisces 45. It is also fortuitous for people who are looking for a partner as many relationships begin during this period. This is a good time to say "yes" to new opportunities. And then Saturn. Transit Chiron to Natal Venus Transit Chiron sextile or trine natal Venus can be helpful for feeling more at ease with your baggage and wounds, and you can get help from other people or through your relationships. Both the Ascendant and Vertex axis represent relationships. excellent advisors or life coaching lecturers. The way I feel it looks that conjunction and the trine overthrowing a square. My feeling is that something will happen for you with a moon phase of transiting planet hitting your Vertex. Very straight forward astrology! This is not to say that a relationship will not start under other conditions such as transit to DC, Moon or Venus. Avoid excessive pleasures, drinks, meals and unnecessary financial expenses. Solar Eclipse April 20, 2023 Crisis of Confidence, Saturn Sextile Midheaven Natal and Transit, Mercury Retrograde April 21, 2023 Psychic Talent, Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit. Venus Sextile Jupiter Natal and Transit: Focus on the Bright Side Beautiful things are attracted to you. I think I deserve a bit of good luck to be honest! This is the aspect that spontaneously awakens emotions, and has that in mind-but these two lovers must learn how to express which emotion and to whom. They are favorable for almost everything, for having fun or sharing with friends, and for any business or financial issues. I just left on a plane to hang out with my best friend while legal proceedings of outstanding divorce settlement will be negotiated. The natal chart is just like the moment you were born, an unchangeable fact. Sorry, Ive still got a lot to learn about astrology, so some pieces are still missing for me. I wont ever take him back. Sign me up. But that is different than meeting them in which case the Vertex seems to come into play. This makes it an ideal time to be active in any form of art, music, or performance. Use it as a tuning fork for your art and, your internal vibration. Boris, it could mean a Comet shows up, and alarms sound! Thanks, Gabrielle. Any comments? I would not even go to an 8 degree orb for the conjunction. Yes, to be honest, I do tend to cut exs off. Best one because it includes moon phases is: The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000-2050 at Midnight. This transit will happen at 1 of my ascendant (2821) tightly conjunct to natal pluto (2753), and opposite by 1 to my vertex (26pis). Most important is to gain understanding of why you are here, in these circumstances, why your Soul chose this journey, and where it is that you need to go next. I am proud of myself for just being alive at all. Gives me some hope!

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