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what is a group of bandits called

had marks left on them. [30] Other than escaping to difficult terrains, powerful bandits used their connections with high-standing figures in the capital to negotiate safety. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Torino, Italy, 1983. Meet the original thugs. 2d ed. Local elites, not the peasant masses, generally provided the support, material assistance (food, arms, clothing), hiding places, and intelligence needed by bandit gangs. As a category of social behavior, banditry employs specific displays of violence to generate terror for personal ends. Banditry, Chivalry, and Terror in German Fiction, 17901830. On both sides, the struggle was waged with both conventional navies and state-sanctioned sea bandits called corsairs. In modern Italian, the equivalent word "bandito" literally means banned or a banned person. Louis A. Prez, Jr., sees banditry in western rural Cuba as motivated by peasant resentment of their marginalization by expanding sugar plantations. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Pages 129149. Banditry - Wikipedia [22] This was especially troubling when soldiers lived physically far from their superiors: when soldiers committed robbery, civil officials had no jurisdiction nor power to apprehend them. Danker, Uwe. Social bandits were considered by their people as heroes, champions, and fighters for justice in a world that often denied them justice. In the latter, banditry appears to have been more resilient, especially where a combination of external factors militated against turning pastoralists into peasants. 27 Apr. And "La Carambada," a female bandit who dressed in male clothing, robbed travelers in Quertaro, Mexico, during the mid-nineteenth century. ." [2], Pope Sixtus V had about 5,000 bandits executed in the five years before his death in 1590, but there were reputedly 27,000 more at liberty throughout Central Italy. According to Hobsbawm, the characteristic feature of social bandits is that "they are peasant outlaws who the lord and state regard as criminals, but who remain within peasant society, and are considered by the people as heroes, as champions, avengers, fighters for justice, perhaps even leaders of liberation, and in any case as men to be admired, helped and supported" (p. 17). Some common criminals simply brutalized and abused their fellow men. Hwalbindang meaning "save-the-poor band" These raids, in turn, endeared them to Spains colonial rivals England and France, which offered various forms of support. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. the so-called haiduks were men of the people who stood against the hegemony of foreign rulers and the exploitation of the poor by the nobility. Granite Island: A Portrait of Corsica. The use of privateers allowed states to project maritime power beyond the capabilities of their regular navies, but there were trade-offs. If you cover your face with a bandanna, jump on your horse, and rob the passengers on a train, you're a bandit. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. The Redbrands mostly consisted of humans, male and female, although a handful of halflings and bugbears were also in the bandit group. The four bandits were Yeung Hok-ling, Sun Yat-sen, Chan Siu-bak and Yau Lit. ArCaLu/ One of the most widely used names for a group of rabbits is a colony. German authorities suppressed partisan opposition with maximum force[4] They used their prepotency and violence to protect their kins' interests and thus ensure the support of family against betrayal to the state. . The U.S. press and government officials of the 1920s termed Augusto Sandino's Nicaraguan forces "bandits" to discredit them. On page 245 of A History of Crime in England, there is a record of the exploits of a gang leader called "Adam the Leper.". Eg, SStartingCell=Valthume00. Brigandage moved from being a question of individual barbarism that the state had to extirpate by aggressive actions such as massive repression to one of collective measurement, documentation, education, and economic development. While there isnt an official committee that says its a murder of crows or a crash of rhinos, its still worth knowing these different animal group names for your writing and personal knowledge. Corsairs were essentially privateers, although the term corsair carried an added religious connotation because the conflict was between Muslim and Christian powers. A nineteenth-century observer noted that for the Corsicans the vendetta was a kind of religion. This was the case in Corsica, southern Italy (Calabria), and Sicily in the early nineteenth century, when the British supported their "chivalrous brigand-allies" against the French. The Sicarii (Assassins), so-called because of the daggers (sica) they carried, arose about 54 ce, according to Josephus, as a group of bandits who kidnapped or murdered those who had found a modus vivendi with the Romans. Enter a Crossword Clue. [13] Xiangmazei (whistling arrow bandits) was a category of mounted bandits named after their practice of firing whistling arrows to alert their victims. There were basic differences between banditry in predominantly agricultural areas and in mountainous pastoral areas. 96 Words and Phrases for Group Of Bandits - Power Thesaurus "A Word at War: The Italian Army and Brigandage, 18601870." Female gang leaders were out of the question in early modern times, although some of the women associated with organized robbery, such as the famous German archthief named Alte Lisel, could well have commanded a band themselves. Bandits are seen as beyond the pale of "civilized society," a symptom of the low level of development of the countryside, a problem impeding progress and thus meriting swift, equally brutal, suppression by the army or police, without much regard to the constitutional human rights the modern state claims to protect. The unduly positive images of historical bandits generated in folklore were offset by the negative images from politically motivated government sources. Also known as the Bandit Queen, Phoolan Devi was born in 1963 in the north of India into a poor low-caste family. 27 Apr. Sustained banditry required concealable, transportable wealth (cash, cash crops, animals, alcohol, narcotics) that left few traces. List of Names for Groups of Animals: A Complete Glossary Bandidos somos y en el camino andamos: Bandidaje, caminos y administracin de justicia en el siglo XIX, 18211855: El caso de Michoacn. Ortalli, Gherardo, ed. The Region was agriculturally disadvantaged due to constant flood, and thus the peasants often lived in poverty. One 1485 official report revealed that local people, some probably working as fences (see Fences in Ming China), purchased stolen animals and goods from highway bandits at lower prices. Property, as a stand-in for its owner, was subjected to an excess of violence, such as the disembowelment of livestock, but not killed. [24] Another important skill was horsemanship, especially in the Northern Capital Region, where mounted banditry concentrated. Likewise, in the mid- to late nineteenth century, Klephts also figured prominently in Greek historiography, representing an often entirely fictional traditional opposition to Ottoman rule. What is a group of bandits called? - Answers Violent retribution was "justice," a private affair not to be reported to the state. In banditry, as in feuding, from which it in part derives, personalized violence is crucial and finely graded; the intensity of violence, however distasteful to a modern sensibility, suggests a form of control. Translated by Alan Sheridan. Zugasti, de, J. El Bandolerismo Andaluz. Each Redbrand wore a simple, dirty scarlet cloak. A Spanish attempt to drive away the buccaneers by exterminating the game animals on the islands backfired, leaving the buccaneers more dependent than ever on their raids of Spanish shipping. Prodded by my daughter Nadia who had taken . If officials labeled revolutionaries as bandits, bandits sometimes professed to have political aims, to cover their crimes with a veneer of legitimacy. Banditry in Islam: Case Studies from Morocco, Algeria, and the PakistanNorth West Frontier. Blok formulated the "principle" that the more successful a bandit, the greater the protection he enjoyed. Furthermore, a group of young hares is often called leverets. They might move from the outside to the inside or vice versa. Indeed, when used by state authorities, the pejorative "bandits" labels forms of violent resistance they cannot control except by equally brutal repression. But betrayal to agents of the state was always a grave danger, unless the individual was protected by powerful interests. [28], The career of banditry often led leaders to assemble more bandits and army deserters and organize predatory gangs into active rebel groups. Economic self-interest also motivated many nineteenth-century bandits, as in Cuba's La Habana Province, where they consciously pursued their own personal gain in an opportunistic fashion. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Bandit - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | It is a specific form of arbitrary personal prepotency and agency with its own "aesthetic" and accompanying discourses, thriving on, and constituting itself through, a complex array of symbols. A beauteous gypsy by the name of Venus (Claudia Cardinale) sacrifices her own life to save Cartouche from harm. Because they were embedded in local communities, bandits benefited from a grassroots solidarity against outsiders and state authority. Who are the 'bandits' terrorising Nigeria's 'Wild Wild West'? Alternatively, the offenders are betrayed by other families, also resulting in their deaths. Rosalie Schwartz, Lawless Liberators: Political Banditry and Cuban Independence (1989). Bandit leaders cooperated more often with the powerful, not the humble, elements of society. In the early seventeenth century the most famous Spanish bandit was Perot Rocaguinarda. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Because privateering was generally a more lucrative occupation than military service, it tended to divert manpower and resources away from regular navies. -. DROVER: Term commonly used in the 1870s and 80s for a working cowboy engaged in trailing longhorns to market or a new range. Modern research has tried to debunk this myth, but largely to no avail. The modern state stereotypes regions within it as inhabiting a bygone era, thus rationalizing repression of legitimate regionalist, autonomist, and cultural aspirations by labeling them as banditry. Why did bandits steal? (April 27, 2023). War increased dislocation and unrest in the countryside, further encouraging banditry. Bandits and Bureaucrats: The Ottoman Route to State Centralization. Exploring food, architecture in Costa Rica. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Basingstoke, U.K., 1988. A person who engages in banditry is known as a bandit and primarily commits crimes such as extortion, robbery, and murder, either as an individual or in groups. That peasants were often misguided and ultimately shifted their loyalties only serves to demonstrate that they are incapable by nature of taking legitimate mass political actionunless, as Rousseau intimated, they are under the leadership of the more enlightened urban elites. Like Robin Hood's Band of Merry Men, Kil-tong's group of bandits. Few romanticized bandits actually lived the heroic, idealized lives attributed to them in popular culture or in Hobsbawm's social bandit model. In Sicily and Greece violent entrepreneurs from pastoral backgrounds managed to create new niches for themselves in the nation-state, especially when the new regime attempted to penetrate the countryside. Banditry employed a set of moral codes drawn and indistinguishable from kinship-based ideas of justice and retribution; hence a reaction against banditry was often impossible because it conflicted with the moral codes that regulated traditional society. "Banditry Other famous bandits of the eighteenth century were Nickel List, who was active around 1700 in North Germany, and Lips Tullian, who committed most of his crimes in the Saxon region of Germany. The mythology and rhetoric that surround banditry must be interpreted carefully. Once saved and closed, head to the folder Skyrim is located in. What does the name Bandit mean? Spanish bandits of this period operated in many parts of the country, especially in Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia, and Castile. [26] Robinson further points out that "[a] widespread network to dispose of the stolen livestock linked" towns in the Capital Region to nearby provinces. Recommended for you Parish Mass on the Fourth Sunday after Easter. (30th April 2023 In both cases, conflict and banditry broke down along partisan or regional, not class, lines. What about female bandits? Other Italian bandits never reached his fame as they lacked popular support. Many bandit chiefs published pamphlets in their own defense claiming that, like all good Greeks, they were fighting the Turks, the Muslim outsiders who were the true brigands attempting to discredit the country. [7] In his 1991 book Disorder under Heaven: Collective Violence in the Ming Dynasty, James W. Tong uses data from provincial and prefectural gazetteers of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties to analyze patterns of violence during the Ming Dynasty. There were so many cimarrn (wild, feral) bandits on the rural roads between central Peru and Salta in Argentina that they became a favorite topic in fiction, such as the short novels of Juana Manuela Gorriti, Gubi Abaya and El ngel cado. They are much like traditional knights, only they're a whole group, they've never been knighted and aren't members of nobility. [38], Similarly, small groups of local bandits could also end up joining larger groups of rebels. But Latin American bandits have appeared in varied and complex guises. Zilberg, Elana. Another skill was the ability to deploy road blocks to stop and prey on travelers. One example was Gao Yingxiang, who started as a mounted bandit in Shaanxi and later became an important rebel leader in late Ming. New York, 1937. A more recent phenomenon has come to light regarding Salvadoran gang members., J "Banditry Conflict and Control: Law and Order in Nineteenth-Century Italy. Is there a way to play as another faction (i.e. Bandit) on - Arqade The more protected an individual was, especially by powerful patrons, as in Sicily, the less he needed to use violence for the meanings it could convey and the more opportunities he had to employ ambiguity and courtesya point noted by many outside observers, although such courtesy must surely have been ironic. The age-old conflict between pastoralists and agriculturalists obliged the former to intimidate peasants, especially in the new Greek state, which radically reduced the amount of land available for pasturage and tried to encourage the expansion of the small peasant cultivator class. Over time, the buccaneers attracted a multinational mix of adventurers and scoundrels, and they migrated to Tortuga, an island off the coast of Hispaniola, in 1630. William M. "Bill" Dalton, born in 1866, was an outlaw as well and mainly rode . If they existed in modern day times I'd refer to them as soldiers. In their typical form, most stories about bandits can be reduced to the following pattern: The triggering incident is a slight to personal or family honor by another family or individual of equal or superior status. Instead of blithely accepting bandit images from folk legends and literature as fact, scholars must use them as lenses for viewing peasant cultures. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. In the Balkans, the recorded history of haiduks goes back to the fifteenth century, but popular ballads about their lives and deeds did not flourish before the middle of the eighteenth century. A full understanding takes into account not just the various ways in which strongmen were co-opted by the powerful but also how such men were portrayed by various strata of society. Traditional banditry has often been accompanied by extreme violence in both its expression and its repression. According to Hobsbawm, bandits were symptoms of major transformations in society, but they did not themselves transform it; they were activists, not ideologues, and after World War II they disappeared. Another way to say Group Of Bandits? kangaroos, lemurs, lions and whales illustrations with animal group names, Guzaliia Filimonova / iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty created by YourDictionary, geese, owls, parrots and swans illustrations with animal group names, ants, bees, flies and spiders illustration with animal group names, SENRYU / iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty created by YourDictionary. But although they have been victimized by the elite, the rural poor have not remained passive victims. Banditry can be seen as a continuum from the camel raiding Bedouin, through the "noble bandits" of the nineteenth-century Greek Klephts, to contemporary armed autonomist groups (such as Chiapas in Mexico or Kurds in Turkey or Chechen fighters against Russian intervention in Chechnya) labeled as "bandits" by the state. Any time people have used the sea for military and commercial purposes, there presumably has been some form of piracy. Create a text document there and call it bandit (not bandit.ini not Bandit, it has to be bandit ). In his Contrat social (social contract; 1762) the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau singled out the Corsicans in Europe as the one people fit to produce just laws. The romanticization of banditry is a phenomenon that started with the popular ballads about prominent ringleaders such as Louis Dominique Cartouche in the eighteenth century. For animals with multiple potential group names, weve bolded the most common that you might encounter. The persistence or decline of banditry depends upon a complex interplay of variables, including the social structure and political ecology of a particular region; the nature and distribution of property and capital accumulation (whether landed or movable and precarious, such as livestock) and the means available to legitimate it; the presence or absence of trust and its relationship to the development of civil society; underdeveloped electoral processes, which may encourage strong-arm tactics; and the predominance of permanent insecurity rather than permanent misery at the grass roots, the former being more conducive to banditry.

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