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which of the following is true regarding political socialization?

A nurse is carrying out the plan of care developed for a client diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID). Thomas Jefferson observed significant differences in the political worldviews of younger and older people in the early days of the republic. When children participate in a relay race or a math contest, they learn there are winners and losers in society. In public-opinion polling, what is a random sample? As academic understanding of history evolves, textbooks in the United States have been scrutinized and revised to update attitudes toward other cultures as well as perspectives on historical events; thus, children are socialized to a different national or world history than earlier textbooks may have done. Which of the following statements are true regarding - Chegg Which of the following are results of the low levels of political knowledge among many Americans? They tend to be arranged by the mother of the bride. Government policy _____ to public opinion; public opinion ____ to government policy. The result is that fewer women than men seek careers in public office beyond the local level (Sapiro, 2002). They spend much of their time watching television, using a computer or cell phone, playing video games, or listening to music alone. Padilla, F., The Gang as American Enterprise (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1992). Each time we embark on one of these new categoriessenior, adult, taxpayerwe must be socialized into our new role. By the end of this section, you should be able to: Socialization helps people learn to function successfully in their social worlds. 7The importance of adult socialization is never explicitly denied but it is largely ignored when it comes to assembling quantifiable evidence. The beliefs people acquire early in life are unlikely to change dramatically as they grow older. Family. How will Swedish children raised this way be socialized to parental gender norms? A visual representation which presents a range of views relating to beliefs about equality of society and control of society. 4. 1.1 Communication, Information, and the Media, 2.2 Creating and Ratifying the Constitution, 2.3 Constitutional Principles and Provisions, 2.4 The Constitution in the Information Age, 4.2 Religion, Speech, the Press, Assembly, and Petition, 4.3 Arms, Search and Seizure, Accusation, Punishment, Property, and Privacy, 4.4 Civil Liberties in the Information Age, 5.1 Civil War Amendments and African Americans, 5.2 Other Minorities, Women, Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Disabled, 6.3 Political Culture and Socialization in the Information Age, 7.4 Public Opinion in the Information Age, 8.5 Participation, Voting, and Social Movements in the Information Age, 9.3 Interest Groups and the Political System, 9.4 Interest Groups in the Information Age, 10.1 History of American Political Parties, 10.7 Political Parties in the Information Age, 11.7 Campaigns and Elections in the Information Age, 13.3 The Presidency in the Information Age, 14.2 Policymaking, Power, and Accountability in the Bureaucracy, 14.3 The Federal Bureaucracy in the Information Age, 16.4 Policymaking and Domestic Policies in the Information Age, 17.1 The Executive Branch Makes Foreign and Military Policies, 17.2 Influence from Congress and Outside Government, 17.3 The Major Foreign and National Security Policies, 17.5 Foreign and National Security Policies in the Information Age. American political culture tends to be more liberal than other Western democracies. Because Supreme Court Justices are not elected but hold apolitical positions, people give them lower approval ratings than presidents and Congress. Public policy is always driven by public opinion. A group whose demographic distribution is similar to the overall population of the United States. Presidents are likely to act quickly and try to accomplish personal policy goals ________. The delivered price of Leah St. Clair's new car is $22,450\$ 22,450$22,450. The sense of discomfort or distress that occurs when a person's behavior does not correspond to that person's attitudes. Creative Commons Attribution License For example, parents who take an active role in politics and vote in every election often influence their children to do the same. It is the change made by the supreme legislative body in Constitution. Inquizative Chapter 6: Public Opinion Flashcards | Quizlet (1 point) Select one: a. The political socialization process in the United States is mostly haphazard, informal, and random. - Political opinion can be manipulated by political elites. Women at Bennington College in the 1930s became active in community affairs as a result of their political socialization in college. Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and public policy? A source of political information that is intended to help citizens understand how to act and make decisions on political matters. If survey respondents are hiding their true preferences about race from the interviewer, what is the survey suffering from? The country did not experience violent protests after the decision was announced, but instead moved on with politics as usual (Conover, 1991). Some remind concerned parents that children have an array of media and activities around them, and the children may be happy wearing their princess outfit while digging for worms or going to hockey practice, which run counter to feminine stereotypes (Wagner 2019). Political Socialization: the Implicit Assumptions Questioned According to the Korean government (and other East Asian nations), the textbooks glossed over negative events in Japans history at the expense of other Asian countries. Which of the following is the first agent of political socialization for most people? What is the primary source of political socialization? Want to cite, share, or modify this book? Many of these women remained active in politics their entire lives. Reserved powers are those that are exclusive to the states, such as ratifying amendments. Young people who participate in community service projects can develop a long-term commitment to volunteering and political participation. Such interactions reinforce sex-role distinctions, including those with political relevance, such as the perception that males are more suited to hold positions of authority. However, the political views of some of the most strident activists changed after they entered the job market and started families. A mid-2017 survey showed that 13 percent more men than women believed Donald Trump was doing a good job as president. In Sweden, for instance, stay-at-home fathers are an accepted part of the social landscape. Most families are not like the Kennedys. These men took drastic measures to protest eight middle school textbooks approved by Tokyo for use in Japanese middle schools. In general, which political or ideological group is most likely to oppose the expansion of government activity? A tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain person, object, idea, or situation. People are the most politically impressionable during the period from their midteens through their midtwenties, when their views are not set and they are open to new experiences. O Socializing, such as interacting with family, friends and coworkers, is the same process as socialization. Merelman, R. M., The Family and Political Socialization: Toward a Theory of Exchange, Journal of Politics, 42:46186. That experience is the culmination of interactions with a variety of agents. A political generation is a group of individuals, similar in age, who share a general set of political socialization experiences leading to the development of shared political orientations that distinguish them from other age groups in society. Young people who observe their parents reading the newspaper and following political news on television may adopt the habit of keeping informed. political socialization will be reviewed for a better understanding of the field of study and what is already known. The silent generation, born between 1922 and 1945, experienced World War II and the 1950s during their impressionable years. Riccards, M. P., The Making of American Citizenry (New York: Chandler Press, 1973). The social institutions of our culture also inform our socialization. Agents of socialization, which include parents, teachers, and the mass media, convey orientations to subjects, who are mostly passive. They may change their positions to match the public mood. Lyons, P., Class of 66 (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994). How do members of your political generation feel about the government? They believe that fluctuation shows ambiguity, so they stand firm on their issues regardless of opinion. Younger government leaders were more willing to adapt to changing conditions and to experiment with new ideas than older officials (Elazar, 1976). Group of answer choices The political system of a country is independent of its economic and legal systems. While schools have great potential as agents of political socialization, they are not always successful in teaching even basic facts about government to students. Older people can become active because they see a need to influence public policy that will affect their lives. The political development of the millennials, those born between 1981 and 2000, is influenced by the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and its aftermath, as well as by the rise of digital technologies. (Multiple Choice) Question 15 . When they have high levels of public approval. Do you believe you have the power to make an impact on the political process? People who have a strong sense of political efficacy feel that they have the skills and resources to participate effectively in politics and that the government will be responsive to their efforts. The process of political socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout one's lifetime. A sample in which each person has an equal chance of being chosen to participate in the poll. stereotype vulnerability c. Changing one's behavior at the command of an authority figure. If political leaders engage in questionable behavior, there are mechanisms to hold them accountable. College students can form opinions based on their experiences working for a cause. Some factors work against the media as agents of political socialization. Who influenced how you thought about it? This means children are effectively socialized and raised to take the types of jobs their parents already have, thus reproducing the class system (Kohn 1977). 19. Children tend to idealize political figures, although young people today have a less positive view of political actors than in the past. Others acknowledge these issues, but find princess movies and "princess culture" less alarming. Media also establish linkages between leaders, institutions, and citizens. Importantly, the obligation of such socialization is not simply on the worker: Organizational behavior and other business experts place responsibility on companies; organizations must have strong onboarding and socialization programs in order to build satisfaction, productivity, and workplace retention (Cebollero 2019). 2. 4. Political socialization tells people which political values to hold as they get older and are able to vote. When a pollster attempts to influence the respondents' opinions, this is known as _________. Peer groups provide adolescents first major socialization experience outside the realm of their families. 16. No single agent is responsible for an individuals entire political learning experience. Since the advent of television, mass media have become prominent socialization agents. Mothers and fathers, siblings and grandparents, plus members of an extended family, all teach a child what he or she needs to know. There are reasons why each of these agents is considered influential for political socialization; there are also factors that limit their effectiveness. 16. Computers have ways of selecting random numbers to call, but sometimes those numbers are contacted more than once. The faculty consisted of political progressives who supported the New Deal and other social programs. Which of the following statements about political socialization is the most accurate? Liberal ideologies are traditionally put on the right side of the spectrum. This type of transition is illustrated by 1960s student protestors against the Vietnam War. Political learning begins early in childhood and continues over a persons lifetime. Schools also socialize children by teaching them about citizenship and national pride. The media have had ______ independent impact on public opinion. democrat and republican voters strongly disagree on almost all issues. They may change their positions to match the public mood. Schools are not allowed to participate in political socialization because parents blame them for their childrens ideals. Peer group socialization begins in the earliest years, such as when kids on a playground teach younger children the norms about taking turns, the rules of a game, or how to shoot a basket. Citizens who were frustrated about the poor state of the economy and who felt they could influence the political process identified with the Tea Party in the 2010 election and worked to elect candidates who promised to deal with their concerns. From ceremonial rites of passage that reinforce the family unit to power dynamics that reinforce gender roles, organized religion fosters a shared set of socialized values that are passed on through society. The family is the primary influence in the formation of individual values. Live interviewers may have a higher margin of error. Quiz 10: Political Socialization: The Making of a Citizen| Quiz+ 1. The lower the margin of error, the more predictive the poll is. And many people acknowledge that girls and women are often currently portrayed differently than they were in years past. In contrast to typing and mailing a letter, it is easier than ever for people to contact leaders directly using e-mail and Facebook. are not significant conservatism This E-mail is already registered with us. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. In many of those cases, if the character is not a princess to begin with, she typically ends the movie by marrying a prince or, in the case of Mulan, a military general. competing forces try to persuade as many people as possible, and few people resist modification of their beliefs. The respondents must not remain anonymous to allow for follow-up questioning. Which of the following is the definition of political socialization? bystander effect d. Involves attending to the content of the message instead of noncontent behaviors. Lesson 3 Quiz | Political Culture | AssignGuru The press provides insights into the workings of government by showcasing political leaders in action, such as gavel-to-gavel coverage of Congress on C-SPAN. Still, individuals often gravitate toward groups that hold beliefs and values similar to their own in order to minimize conflict and reinforce their personal views (Dey, 1997). This is starting to change as women such as Madeleine Albright and now Hillary Clinton attract media attention in their roles as secretary of state or as Nancy Pelosi did as Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Bennington women came predominantly from wealthy families with conservative values. To be defined as an adult usually means being eighteen years old, the age at which a person becomes legally responsible for him- or herself. When U.S. males turn eighteen, they must register with the Selective Service System within thirty days to be entered into a database for possible military service. Solved SOCIALIZATION Question 1 of 10 Which of the following - Chegg Which describes a major trend in public opinion? 1. to shape the respondent's perception of the candidate or issue in question. The public is always interested in who will win. It is the most accurate way to determine an election winner. (Credit:, These kindergarteners arent just learning to read and write; they are being socialized to norms like keeping their hands to themselves, standing in line, and playing together. D) All of the above political socialization Which of the following is NOT one of the four universal American values? Wealthier people may have more resources for participating in politics, such as money and connections, than poorer people. Family is the first agent of socialization. People are inducted into the political culture of their nation through the political socialization process (Greenstein, 1969). Stephen C. Craig and Stephen Earl Bennet (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997), 4362. And sixty-five years old is the start of old age since most people become eligible for senior benefits at that point. A theory that assumes the politician is in office to be the voice of the people. Respondents might not want to talk to the person conducting the interview. A peer group is made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests. James Farr and Raymond Seidelman (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993), 32743. What Is Political Socialization? - ThoughtCo Tactics that candidates use to try to persuade voters from both parties to vote for them. 1. What does a decline in GDP of one-tenth of one percent translate to in dollars of lost output? What Is Socialization All About? - ThoughtCo -The more education one has, the more tolerant of racial minorities one is. There is no standard set of practices for parents or teachers to follow when passing on the rites of politics to future generations. Students who master these fundamentals feel competent to participate politically. Young peoples exposure to mass media has increased markedly since the 1960s. This citizen-produced video shows peaceful protestors outside of the Supreme Court as the case of Bush v. Gore was being considered to decide the outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Public opinion is something that is formed early in life, around the same time that political socialization is instituted. Protestors held views different from their peers; they were less trusting of government officials but more efficacious in that they believed they could change the political system. (Points : 1) They give daughters substantial influence over spousal choice. The presidential impeachment process and congressional ethics hearings are two such mechanisms. This may occur because working-class parents have less education and more repetitive-task jobs for which it is helpful to be able to follow rules and conform. Likewise, children are socialized to abide by gender norms, perceptions of race, and class-related behaviors. Public opinion on same-sex marriage is the one issue that has not fluctuated over the years. Solved Which of the following statements is true about - Chegg It can take numerous forms, including the process of updating something through legislative or constitutional processes. The first, the persistence model . Schools devote far less time to civics and history than to other subjects that are considered to be basic skills, such as reading and math. How is public opinion about American institutions measured? In the early 1900s, Japan was one of Asias more aggressive nations. People may give the socially acceptable answer to the person asking the question. Children learn how to deal with bureaucracy, rules, expectations, waiting their turn, and sitting still for hours during the day. It is the distance from about one-half feet to four feet. Which of the following describes the U.S. political spectrum? 4. American political scientist Lucian Pye defined political culture as the composite of basic values, feelings, and knowledge that underlie the political process. All of the following are true regarding how university education influences political socialization EXCEPT: . The mass media _____ neutral messengers for others' ideas. Hahn, C. L., Becoming Political (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998). peer groups virtually never succeed in mobilizing collective action in response to any issues O peer groups probably just reinforce the attitudes of family peer groups exercise substantial African Americans are more likely to vote for a Democrat. Historically, men have occupied a more central position in American political culture than women. The seminal events they relate to are the explosion of the Challenger spacecraft and the Iran-Contra hearings. gender The capacity of mass media to socialize people to politics has grown massively as the number of media outlets has increased and as new technologies allow for more interactive media experiences. Agents, including parents, teachers, friends, coworkers, church associates, club members, sports teams, mass media, and popular culture, pass on political orientations. 2. Hyman, H., Political Socialization (Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1959), 69. Reserved powers are those that are exclusive to national government, like printing money. C. repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act The first political objects recognized by children are the president of the United States and the police officer. Traits associated with political leadership, such as being powerful and showing authority, are more often associated with males than females. B. a ban on the expansi If someone is a young poor woman, she is more likely to identify as a _______. A) Religious institutions are important agents of socialization for some, but not for others. Which of the following is most likely to be influenced by public opinion during the legislative process? 4 (August 2000): 103348. How do we come to adopt the beliefs, values, and norms that represent its nonmaterial culture? Merelman, R. M., Making Something of Ourselves (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986). Young people tend to vote for liberal candidates as a way of rebelling against their parents. Saphir, M. N. and Steven H. Chaffee, Adolescents Contribution to Family Communication Patterns, Human Communication Research 28, no. They can influence the development of political values and ideas, such as respect for political symbols or belief in a particular cause. American Government and Politics in the Information Age by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo

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